Attack on the Myriad God Emperor of the Underworld

All Myriad God Emperors were in control of the Primary Grade 2 Plane, where they were sole gods, though some of them allowed some Gods to exist there, but mostly not.

Mainly because they monopolized the faith of the entire Primary Grade 2 Plane and secondary, but the most important reason was that they wanted to fuse more God Slots.

Something which I did, though unfortunately for them, it was not working in the way they intended to. Right now, I was standing with Weismann in the emptiness of space as we both observed the Primary Grade 2 Plane in the Divine Star Region.

This particular one was the one where one of the Myriad God Emperors ascended and it was also the one where we lured several Tier 11 Void Insects into this plane and kill them in one go, possibly together with the Myriad God Emperor Ijun, who was the Myriad God Emperor of the Underworld.

Meaning this one was very problematic to deal with due to the literally inexhaustible armies he commanded through his Divinity. So for this one, the Void Insects, who were equally troublesome to deal with, would do the dirty job for us.

Not to mention, Weismann and I had a strong conjecture that the Hivemind that was attacking the Astral Boundary Universe was only a Tier 12 one because if not, we would see much more Tier 11 Bugs wreaking havoc, together with at least Tier 12 Swarm Tyrants which were created by such Hiveminds.

"Not to mention, we can greatly weaken the remaining Myriad God Emperors with this dog move... also, how are the plans with the Ancient Eternal Star Region?"

I asked Weissmann, who was standing next to me while performing some spells onto the Primary Grade 2 Plane.

"Excellent... with the addition of the Void Insects wreaking havoc in that place, the factions in the Ancient Eternal Star Region are getting much weaker, and conquering them would be much safer and could be used for the final phase of the plan."

He stated. Right now, after I managed to get Void Insect Swarm to invade the Ancient Eternal Star Region, they were wreaking havoc there, destroying everything in their path while killing countless Tier 10 and even several Tier 11 powerhouses.

Of course, this was not without a price because, apparently, the Void Insect Tribe was suffering enormous losses in the Ancient Eternal Star Region, and evidently, even the Hivemind would soon be forced to make an appearance.

Weissmann was one, if not the sole person, who was aware of the trap of the Tarot Cards, aside from Okhwang. Though he knew about that, he didn't really care because, by his own words, it didn't really matter, not to mention that he didn't have any method to get rid of it, even if he wished.

Though he indeed didn't have a method to get rid of it, I may have one in the near future, not to mention that I already had a way to bypass Mercurius's restrictions on the Tarot Cards.

"Hmm... it is starting already."

I muttered quietly as hundreds of enormous bioships warped all around the Primary Grade 2 Planes and billions of Void Insects started descending onto the Primary Grade 2 Plane called Underworld Garden, or what it was called in Ijun's religion.

A rather silly name if you ask me.

But whatever.

Even the weakest of these Bugs was a Tier 4 Insect, which was a frightening spectacle itself, and showed the might of the Void Insects Species as one of the strongest races living in the Endless Void. With this sort of power, no wonder almost none can resist their power.

Not to mention, if one invasion fails, it is just a signal that a bigger and more powerful Swarm was needed to conquer the Universe.

The Secondary Grade 2 Plane was the size of an average galaxy. In contrast, the Primary Grade 2 Plane was approximately x150 size of the Secondary Grade 2 Plane, so its size was enormous.

But, even something as big as this plane was soon enough enveloped by the Void Insects like a Kraken pulling down a ship in a stormy sea.

I sense several hundreds of Tier 10 bugs; mostly, they were Bug Kings, Multi-Eyed Worms, Superbrain Worms, and other types of Void Insects. Not to mention, there were around 8 or 10 Tier 11 Void Insects leading this Swarm.

"Hmm... Rather powerful... currently, we have seen around 30 Tier 11 Void Insects."

Weissmann stated as I nodded in agreement, because indeed, even if this Void Insect Swarm Hivemind was just a Tier 12 one, it was still very powerful, especially in terms of numbers. Having documented for over 30 Tier 11 Void Insects was unusual for Swarm headed by Tier 12 Hivemind.

"Begone from the domain of this almighty God!"

Boomed a deep ghostly voice from the depths of the Underworld Garden Plane. Insnttlay an equal if not a larger number of Ghost, Wraiths, Evil Spirits, and Undeads started marching in orderly formation to combat out the incoming hordes of the Void Insects.

And then the battle started.

All Undeads took formation as they stood in their fortifications, awaiting the attacks of the ferocious and brutal Void Insects, which were charging at them with horrifying speed. At the same time, the stronger bugs just stayed behind the lines and observed the situation.

I watched how the bugs with a height of several tens of meters tore through the orderly formation of Undead, like a hot knife cutting through the butter, and wreaked havoc behind the lines of the Undead. Indeed in this regard, they were at a disadvantage.

But soon, something happened, which bugs probably didn't anticipate as all destroyed Undeads started rising once more as the Avatar of the Myriad God Emperor Ijun revealed a grin.

Ijun was basically resurrecting everything which has been destroyed, and from what I could see, the cost of the resurrection was minimal in truth. He was also using his Divine Kingdom as a support in the process.

This was or would be really a war of attrition.