Void Insects vs. Undeads and Gods

The Divine Avatar of the Myriad God Emperor of Light Fedarr unleashed a huge ray of Divine Light directly at the tens of Bioships that were surrounding the Underworld Garden Plane, obliterating them from existence before they had a chance to escape.

One needed to be said about the Divine Avatars and that they were all extremely powerful.

Now only they were more powerful than the average Tier 11 entity because they were the crystallization of the whole power of the Myriad God Emperor; on top of all, they were constantly being powered by the Divine Kingdoms of their true bodies.

"Hmm... clearly, the Gods already learned how to fight with a Void Insect Swarm a bit."

I commented on the unpredicted development this time.

I personally was awaiting that the Divine Avatars of the Myriad God Emperors would be focusing on the Bug Kings and other Tier 11 Insects exclusively to the point of ignoring their own surroundings.

I didn't expect from them to decisively strike at the Bioships as the first move because this was a very clever move.

That was because the Bioships were housing all of the bugs the Swarm sent here, and not only that, but they were also weapons on their own, capable of obliterating Tier 10 from existence, and the biggest ones could even injure or kill Tier 11 beings.

And on top of all that, each Bioship was also a factory for new bugs at the same time. They were all collecting the biomass all around, and cultivating new bugs from it, so they were supplying deceased bugs in real-time.

In the distance, I could see Thonion, the Myriad God Emperor of Dusk, repeating the actions of Fedarr, and even the Myriad God Empress of Destiny, Easis, was repeating this, as all three of them were ignoring the attacks from the Tier 11 bugs, in favor of absolutely decimating the Bioship Fleet of the Swarm.

They were using some kind of treasures to block the attacks from the Tier 11 Insects, which worked well enough until they destroyed approximately 80% of the Bioship Fleet, which was a tremendous number and would hit the Void Insect Swarm even more than the death of a few Tier 11 bugs.

"So they came here with some sort of plan... interesting... who could think that these arrogant things would for once use their heads for something."

I muttered, as evidently, the Gods were implementing some sort of strategy when they were fighting this battle. Something unheard of for the Gods because most of them were arrogant to the point of not bothering with something so mundane such as employing strategies and tactics, believing themselves to be strongest.

Such was the Power of Faith's effect, which was corrupting or corrupted them.

"Still, it won't change the final outcome; Divine Avatars are outnumbered 3:1, so they will be killed sooner or later, no matter how much damage they will cause to the Swarm during this short time."

Weissmann said next to me, as I subconsciously nodded in agreement, as the initial success of the Gods was soon enough extinguished, as they were surrounded by the Tier 11 Gods, who managed to divide them successfully.

After they entrapped them, ferocious Bug Kings were brutally attacking the Divine Avatars of the Myriad God Emperors.

Soon enough, I saw that Easis was having a very hard time against the three Tier 11 Void Insects, as she was not really a fighter and combatant, she was more of support, if I should use this terminology.

Abruptly, one Tier 11 Bug King appeared behind her, biting her to her neck, ripping out her spine from the Divine Avatar's body in one go. Then after technically her Divine Avatar was destroyed, the rest of the Tier 11 Bug Kings started devouring her Divine Avatar.

"And that is one down."

I muttered as the three Tier 11 Bug Kings were feasting on the Divine Avatar of Myriad God Empress of Destiny, Easis.

Compared to the Easis, Fedarr and Thonion were much better, as they were fighting with their enemies almost on an equal level, though that was soon changed as the remaining Tier 11 Bug Kings joined against them and soon enough started pushing them back.

Reaming two Myriad God Emperors were more combative, but even they were soon enough losing, as the Divine Avatars were extinguished and devoured by the Tier 11 Bug Kings. This cemented the end of the Underworld Garden because the moment the Divine Avatars of the Myriad God Emperors were destroyed.

Instantly after that, the Tier 11 Bugs joined in the siege of the Underworld Garden Plane, and together with the billions of bugs, they slowly but steadily started overwhelming the Undeads, tearing through the defenses, and soon enough, they managed to breach into the Underworld Garden Plane, as they started devouring the plane itself.

"So, the Hivemind didn't appear, and God basically failed in their endeavor of saving Ijun and were overwhelmed by the bugs... something that was expected to be honest."

I muttered as Weissmann shrugged his shoulders hearing that.

The only reason why they were hiding here and waiting was in case the Hivemind arrived, but now that it was pretty much clear that the Hivemind wouldn't be arriving, not to mention, I got this confirmed from the Empire.

Appearntrely, the Hivemind was right now in the Ancient Eternal Star Region by all hints.

So, now that the reason for hiding has disappeared, they could go in and dispose of all Tier 11 Bugs and other unsavory elements.

"Do you want to go, or should I go?"

I asked as Weissmann took out his parasol, which was by all signs his Mystic Code, as he disappeared in a flash, and appeared high above the Primary Grade 2 Plane Underworld Garden, aiming at all Void Insects that were entering the plane.

Out of nowhere, a burst of silverish energy burst out of Weissmann, and in a split second, all Void Insects were crushed into a bunch of bloody mess of flesh and blood.