Attack on the Taesci (3)

Unknown Primary Grade 2 Plane, formerly belonging to the Taesci Species.

"Indeed, the best decision they could make in their current situation."

Sirzechs just sighed; seeing those two Elder of the Taesci Species flee so decisively together with the rest powerhouses who were in the Plane, leaving the rest of the population to their fate, was certainly admirable?

Indeed, from the logical point of view, this fight was lost even before it started, as the armies of the Chthonian Empire hit the hardest and fastest here, so it was predicted that they couldn't defend against their advance here, so in the end, the retreat was the best solution.

Without the support from the high-end experts, the armies of the Taesci Species, which were defending this Plane, were soon enough overwhelmed by the armies of the Chthonian Empire.

Khaos Brigade broke through the last line of defenses, and soon their cities and fortresses started falling one after one.

In the face of such a highly coordinated attack on the all-important places across the Plane at the same time, and without any leadership, it took only three days entirely, for the Plane to fall into the hands of the Empire.

Surprisingly, during these three days, the Taecsci was very quiet and very silent, not making any move, which was anticipated, but instead, only the silence came.



In truth, I knew that the Taesci wouldn't attack us even if we took a few of their planes, something which was agreed on only by a few in the expedition, but it proved to be the truth. Under normal circumstances, we would be met with fierce defense and with even more brutal retaliation, but here nothing came.

They were too weakened and suffered too high losses under the Void Insect Swarm and the Hivemind, so having us take a few Planes and hope that we would be satisfied while seemed foolish was the best possible outcome for them.

When I came to the Plane, the first thing I did was to meet with Sirzechs so he could fill me in on the situation.

Fortunately, from what I could see, there were not any major problems during our attack on this Plane, and our losses were kept to a minimum, only numbering a few tens of thousands, mainly from the standard Armies of the Imperialis Militarum.

We were currently in the Blackstone Fortress, as I found the enviroment of the Taesci Plane not to my tastes, and the Blackstone Fortress was something akin to my other child.

"I heard that you fought with two Tier 11 Elders of the Taesci Race..."

I stated casually as we sat down together with us; also, Hela was present as she arrived around the same time as I.

In the end, she decided to participate in the invasion, just for fun or probably because she couldn't resist the temptation of the slaughter and carnage that would happen soon.

Now that she was not the Lord Marshall Militant of the Imperialis Militarum, she had too much free time on her hands. Contrary to me, she lacked some "hobby" so she was often bored. For that reason, she often barged to me when I was conducting my research and...

"Indeed, they were pretty powerful, especially when they fought together; their teamwork was polished by millennia of experiences."

He answered as I summoned three cups of tea; Hela would probably appreciate a good cup of tea.

"How are things going on here?"

I asked as I took a sip of my tea.

"The Blackstone Fortress has been successfully positioned over the orbit of the Plane, and we have successfully established this Plane as a foothold into the Ancient Eternal Star Region. On top of that, we are preparing to invade the surrounding planes in the upcoming days."

Sirzechs summarized the situation as I was satisfied with the current development, not that my insight was needed for this; I was not as good in military strategies as Hela or the current Lord Marshall Militant Arthur Pendragon.

"Good, then be prepared for the attack. I think after we conquer a few more Planes, the Taesci would, for a sure attack, possibly drag other Tier 12s into this mess, and even though I am pretty strong for my current Tier, I can't fight all those old monsters at the same time."

I said seriously as Sirzechs nodded.

While I was certainly very strong, stronger than them in the one-to-one fight, because of entire beings, especially my special abilities and my destructive ones, the situation would be precarious if they ganged up on me.

I knew that the moment we conquered more than was acceptable, they would be forced to fight us, not that I cared about that; the preparations I had made for this situation were enough.

We have stationed the Blackstone Fortress onto this Plane.

Not to mention that If I could devour the entire existence of Tier 12, Taesci Ancestor would increase my raw power greatly for sure.

"How long do we have before the Hivemind realizes that it has been tricked?"

My eldest questioned me while Hela stood from her previous spot and sat directly on my lap, letting me be spoiled by me as I gave her a few kisses.

"Few months, maybe even years... who knows... god knows what will happen if those Gods are forced to take up the extreme measures... such as Divine Kingdom detonation, for example."

I explained.

Detonation of the Divine Kingdom belonging to the Myriad God Emperor was no joke and technically should be strong enough to severely injure even some more powerful Tier 12 if they are not careful enough.