Sigmar vs. Sect Master Heaven Defying

Sigmar soon enough fought up his way to the central pavilion, which was located on the highest peak in the Heaven-Defying Sect.

Which was not really Heaven-Defying at all, as most of the people here couldn't take even a hit from his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz before being killed.

After killing a few more Elders and some young people who seemed to be some disciples or whatever, he finally arrived at the peak and barged into the pavilion where the Sect Master of the Heaven-Defying Sect was already waiting for him, sitting cross-legged in a meditative posture.

The sect master of the Heaven-Defying Sect was an old-looking man with visible wrinkles over his whole face, long white hair, and a beard.

Altogether he gave Sigmar no feeling of a sect master but rather some administrative worker from the Magisterium of Domestic Affairs and Development, who were pestering him from time to time to finish his paperwork on time.

"You are the sect master?"

Sigmar questioned curiously, his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz ready to battle against the man instantly if it came to him, or rather, in case he was surprisedly attacked.

"Indeed I am."

The sect master answered while opening his eyes as Sigmar grinned, teleporting in front of the old man and attacking him with full force. The old sect master hastily stretched his hand, catching the incoming strike by the Warhammer Ghal-Maraz head-on.

Sigmar, while surprised at this development, didn't hesitate and attacked the Sect Master Heaven-Defying with his free hand, which was coated with the Power of Death as Sigmar activated his Godhood to maximum and infused all of his God Force and Law of Death into that punch sending the Sect Master Heaven-Defying flying through the several walls.

"That was a good one... now we will see what his attacking capabilities are."

Sigmar muttered as he wanted the Sect Master Heaven-Defying to return after getting punched out from the pavilion.

Instantly, a ball of energy was shot at Sigmar, who raised his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz as he blocked the ball of energy relatively effortlessly.

"Hmm... so a typical energy gathering with minimal focus on combat."

Realizing the relative extent of the combat prowess of these cultivators, Sigmar gauged the power of the Sect Master Heaven-Defying as weaker than that of the Warlock Emperors.

He was probably even weaker than the Dawn Emperor in his prime, which was pretty weak for the Tier 11 standard.

"But the energy he has in his body is... approximately thrice of that of Tier 11 Being of Law."

He sensed that the energy levels of the Sect Master Heaven-Defying were terrifying; he had approximately thrice the energy compared to the average Tier 11 Lord-Class Devil, which was frightening itself.

While the energy levels weren't everything in the battle, they were crucial for prolonging the fights, something which would put Sigmar at a disadvantage if they fought for a very long time, something which the Sect Master Heaven-Defying would favor.

Soon enough, several more of these energy-based attacks reached Sigmar, and he blocked all of them effortlessly, not really putting any effort into it, as they were relatively weak in his view. At the same time, each one could injure him, but not to some serious level.

Though it was apparent that the Sect Master Heaven-Defying wasn't planning to fight him head-on any time soon, and because of that, Sigmar would need to take the initiative and close the distance between the two of them.

After ten more minutes, where it continued in the similar style of Sect Master Heaven-Defying, attacking Sigmar with a varied repertoire of energy-based attacks, to which he blocked or dodged all of them.

Suddenly the Sect Master Heaven-Defying waved his hand in an attempt to activate the sect's suppression formation that were all around the pavilion.


Just the huge explosion was heard as one of the smaller spacecraft of the Dresden Arcane Empire fell down from the sky after being shot down by colliding with some Tier 10 cultivator, who used his life to take it down.

Probably he wanted to take the entire part of the fleet with him, not awaiting the energy shield that was created around the ship and him, containing the explosion.

And fortunately for Sigmar, the crash of the spacecraft destroyed a large part of the sect's suppression formation.

The expression on the Sect Master Heaven-Defying face turned grim before Sigmar teleported in front of him, hitting him with the Warhammer Ghal-Maraz, which the Law of Darklight boosted.

Sending the Sect Master Heaven-Defying crashing into the nearby wall, he stood up quickly and coughed a mouthful of blood before taking out his saber; now that Simgar had forced him into the corner, there was no other chance than to fight him head-on.

Physically wise, Simgar was several times above the Sect Master Heaven-Defying.

Still, the old sect master was very experienced and knew how to fight people with Sigmar's power type, but unfortunately, Sigmar was not the hot-heated as he was during his younger days.

Several near-death experiences and scolding from Yasaka and one or two beatings from his mother were enough to change his perception of things and how he was fighting.

He instantly continued the barrage of attacks on the Sect Master Heaven-Defying, not letting him do anything.

Sigmar continued using the Law of Death and Law of Decay in combination with his Godhood to continuously attack the Sect Master Heaven-Defying, weakening him to a tremendous degree, until all the advantages that the Sect Master Heaven-Defying had over the Sigmar disappeared into thin air.

And now that both of them stood on the same ground, it was clear who would be a winner.

after Sigmar started attacking the Sect Master Heaven-Defying even more ferociously than before, each of the strikes with his Warhammer Ghal-Maraz contained an unnatural amount of the Law of Darklight and Law of Death.