Father of All Devils vs. Great Serpent (3)

When the Sirren was busy trying not to get hit by any of the Nuclear Magic Beams that I was shooting at him, like artillery bombarding its target, on the other hand, I started subtly using the Starfall Magic Rule to create an artificial star from it all around us at the same time.

It was a relatively simple act with a relatively straightforward purpose.

As I was creating these artificial stars, simultaneously, I was programming them on which attacks they ought to use and in what situations they should use them.

They were like semi-sentient manifestations of my power and my very own will and thus could act o their own, with great autonomy and attack with through their own decision.

Sirren immediately noticed that something was going on in the background, and when he realized that several artificial objects were being created by me containing tremendous levels of energy, his face immediately grew grim.

He took out a shield-like artifact that he threw in front of him before he activated some kind of technique and rushed at the nearest artificial star created through the Starfall Magic Rule in a clearly futile attempt to destroy it.

That was because, even though it seemed that the artificial star was not complete and thus not capable of defending itself, the opposite was the truth, and it was all an illusion. The closer you are, the less you see, the wise men once said.

Instantly as Sirren was approaching the artificial star, tens of chains burst out of the artificial stars as they started trying to tie down the Half-Step Tier 13 expert, but unfortunately, they were too slow of that.

Seeing this, I injected even more power into this concrete, artificial star as it started attacking Sirren with orbs made from the Starfall Magic Rule, causing Sirren to take a step back.

And with each strike of the Starfall, a new wave of injuries appeared on Sirren's body all over again.

Right now, the fight was entering a new stage because I could see that Sirren started using all of his power, which allowed the serpentinization of his body to progress at tremendous speed, of course, at the cost of his very own rationality.

What was happening to him, one could ask?

Basically, the more he was using his relatively cursed power, which was obtained by sacrificing the entire Serpent Plane with all Taescis living there.

He brought up some kind of curse on him, which was turning his very own being into one giant serpent, which was the manifestation of the wills and souls of people living on the Serpent Plane.

That was why when amateurs started paying with these methods of getting power, it would always end badly for them.

I already saw this scenario several times over, and this time it was no different from the previous attempts of people getting powerful really fast.

One cannot obtain something without losing something else in return.

It was indeed the truth; when I retrospectively looked back, I also lost many things, like the last remains of my humanity from my past life, when I became apathetic to everything else, aside from a few people in my life.

Everyone else was just an expendable pawn on the chessboard.

Under the effects of the serpentization curse of his very own being, Sirren started losing care of his own state, thus ignoring all the incoming attacks from the artificial stars of the Starfall Magic Rule as he charged directly at me, clearly going to engage me in the close quarter combat.

In regard to this, I gripped my Staffblade Atiesh; getting into the combat stance, I easily dodged one of his punches and counterattacked by slashing at his eyes with the blade part of the Atiesh.

Regrettably, I missed them, as he was more agile than he seemed at first glance.

Instantly after, I dodged several kicks Sirren was sending at me, only to be hit to the back by something as I flew several tens of kilometers in the vastness of the space; only then I noticed that the Serpentization grew severe enough.

He already had a tail.

'I got a bit careless.'

I thought when I looked at the incoming Sirren, who was bleeding all over his body from the sustained attack of the Starfall's artificial stars without care for his life. Suddenly, without warning, his body began massively morphing as the flesh melted down and started growing.

It reminded me of my phase where I was experimenting with Zombie viruses, that was pretty fun, though, and the mutation seemed pretty much like this one. Soon enough, in the place of Sirren stood an enormous serpent.

It looked majestic, similar to the basilisk's appearance, with shining emerald scales and yellow eyes, with the size that dwarfed even the biggest Voidshinps in the Chthonian Empire's Navis Imperialis.

It would be wrong to call it huge because that wold is an underestimation of how big the serpent was.


The serpent roared, and the roar alone created a shockwave that I was forced to block with the artificial stars, which were crumbling, but I couldn't risk the shockwave damaging or destroying the Voidfleet far behind me.

'It has... stabilized as the Half-Step Tier 13 creature and even became a bit stronger? Though it could be classified as an Abomination Category creature... those typically live in the Endless Void itself and are pretty rare to meet... perhaps this is one of the methods of how they are created.'

I thought, and I had to admit that I was deeply shocked seeing my observations, and partially I hoped that they would be false, but regrettably, they weren't.

Sirren was dead, and in his place, this monstrosity stood, which evolved from his body and the serpentization curse.

Really an irony.

But from all of this, there was one thing that played directly into my cards, and that was the fact that most, if not all, newly born Abominations and Void Creatures lacked even rudimentary intelligence.

They typically obtained it as they got older or devoured more sentient lifeforms.

This thing before me was acting purely on instincts and I had technically an even better situation than with Sirren because even though Sirren was losing his sanity under the effects of the curse, he still had his experiences as a warrior.

But this thing didn't have anything aside from its instincts.

And that was something that I could work with.