Progress Made

3rd POV.

The territory of the Three-Eyed Race, Ancient Eternal Star Region, two weeks later after the death of the Taesci Ancestor Sirren and the fall of the Taesci Race.

"It is finally done?"

His wife forced Sigmar to do administrative duties in her place, which was a pain in the ass for the man. Even though he was Magister of the Magisterium of Outer Plane Development, he never did much of the paperwork and other administrative duties because he tended to dump it on his subordinates.

The Three-Eyed Race has been largely conquered; after the death of their Ancestor at the hands of the Arcane Ancestor Adolf K. Weissmann, the majority surrendered, as Weissmann decided to integrate large parts of the former Three-Eyed Race.

Apparently, the Dresdens had an interest in integrating them mainly because of their psionic potential, and they were similar in origin, as both the Three-Eyed Race and Arcanists of the Dresden Arcanum Empire were some sort of evolved super high-humans.

Those who didn't surrender were either killed, but they were mostly enslaved and sold as slaves.

Slaves were in very high demand in places like the Dresden Arcanum Empire and the Chthonian Empire of the Baator because they typically served as material for experiments and research.

Especially in the Chthonian Empire, which had a very low number of criminals, not talking about the death-row ones, various researchers and scientists depended on the slave trade to procure and experimental subjects.

Thus right now, Sigmar was responsible for cooperation with his Dresden counterparts on rounding up the slaves and transporting them either to the Dresden Plane, Baator or to the other buyers across the Astral Boundary Universe.

There were already a few very influential nobles from the Divine Blood Plane who paid an extravagant amount of money for the members of the Three-Eyed Race, especially those of the noble lineages of the Three-Eyed Race, as their blood was more delicious.

Certainly, the greatest benefits in all of this for the Chthonian Empire were the databanks of the psionic technology of the Three-Eyed Race, which was, by one word, wondrous. Some of their technologies were pure engineering marvels, and countless could be effortlessly converted to the magitek.

They obtained some o their weaponry; unfortunately, the strongest weapon the Three-Eyed Race produced was capable of killing only a Tier 11 powerhouse, unfortunately, but there were blueprints for even Tier 12 weapons.

Sadly for the Three-Eyed Race, due to constant threats of the other two hegemonial races and also lack of resources, especially the core of some of these weapons, it would be almost impossible to procure under the current conditions.

"My Lord, there is a problem with the transportation of the local population from this Grade 4 Plane."

Sigmar heard the report of his adjutant as he grimaced.

"What is it this time?"

He was already pretty irritated dealing with these pesky and insignificant things.

"Captain of the Voidship lost his familiar in the nearby forest when his wolf decided to hunt for some food; after one hour, the man went to search for his companion. Subsequently, it is presumed that the captain also got lost in the forest, and we need permission to conduct a deep scanning of the plane because there were several dangerous creatures noted."

This was becoming more and more irritating and annoying to deal with this kind of situation, here and there, and there were not sole cases of things like this happening.

Often some kinds of excesses were happening that were slowing down the overall operations of the transportation of slaves or other things, which were under the jurisdiction of the Magisterium of the Outer Plane Development.

"Send the nearest squad of from the Commissariat to take control of the situation up there and find the Captain of the Voidship and his familiar."

Sigmar gave an order because, due to some security reasons, the only people who could fly with the Voidships of the Chthonian Empire were its Captains, Commanders or the first Lieutenants with the allowance from the high command.

So technically, the Voidship, which was lacking its commanding officer, they couldn't take off from the plane. Thus the entire process was stuck at the same point.

"Is there anything else?"

Sigmar then asked; seeing the adjutant shaking his head in denial, he returned back to his paperwork, as there were many things that he needed to attend to and put his attention to.

The progress of relocation of the slaves was going relatively slow, as the forces of the Chthonian Empire and Dresden Arcanum Empire already encountered some resistance here and there.

Nothing major, but still big enough to cause slight trouble and slow down the entire operation overall.

And the next problem he needed to deal with was the overall spread of their forces because, based on the information from the Military High Command, he was ordered to relocate the majority of his forces that were deployed with the Dresden Arcanum Empire to the territory of the Taesci Race.

The awaited strike of the Void Insect Swarm was anticipated there.

Right now, Sigmar had under him a considerable amount of Voidships.

But, all of them were tasked with the transportation of slaves, loot or other things o significant value to the Empire back to the Baator or other locations.

And at the same time, he needed to coordinate the carrying out of the orders from the Military High Command.

The worst thing, he needed to do everything by himself because his wife was watching him from somewhere, and he couldn't dump the responsibility on someone else.

This was probably the divine punishment for all those centuries he spent in leisure at the Department of the Outer Plane Development, for sure it was.

"With this tempo, it would take one week to take care of all matters and transport all designed objects, creatures and slaves to the Baator... barely enough to come to the Taesci territory for the confrontation with the Hivemind."

Sigmar muttered as he finished forming some kind of preliminary plan for the situation.