Long Forgotten Peace

3rd POV, Ten Years Later, Baator, Nessus, Holy Imperial City of Anor Londo, Imperial Palace, Sanctus Imperialis.

Ten years have passed since the final confrontation between the Father of All Devils and the Hivemind of the Void Insect Swarm.

Since then, an unprecedented thing happened in the entirety of the Astral Boundary Universe, which was called peace.

It was something that many have forgotten, but it was certainly welcomed as the factions that remained afterward the Great War for the Astral Boundary focused on developing and digesting the gains of the destroyed factions as two hegemons of the Universe emerged.

One of them was the Dresden Arcanum Empire, which expanded into the former territory of the Divine Star Region, where the vacuum remained after the Void Insect Swarm exterminated the Gods that had been ruling that place since immemorial.

Countless new powerhouses emerged in the Dresden Arcanum Empire after the Empire got their hands on the new Star Region, one of the biggest and richest in the entire Universe, as the Arcanists underwent an era of countless advancements and growth during this period of time.

Certainly, the faction that benefitted the most was the Chthonian Empire of the Baator. They assured control over the entire Eternal Ancient Star Region and plundered its resources like there was no tomorrow, using everything to extract everything that was in the entire Star Region.

The most significant event for the Chthonians was that one of the Empresses' Dowagers managed to reach Tier 12; just short five years after the Great War, Hela Odinsdottir broke the restraints and reached the Annulled State, achieving Tier 12.

With that notion, the Chthonian Empire of the Baator became the sole faction in the entire Astral Boundary with two Tier 12 powerhouses.

Since then, the oppression of the Baatorain only skyrocketed as they started conquering, enslaving and forcefully assimilating some other minor species that fit the specifications of the Chthonian's preferences.

There were even clashes of the Empress Dowager Hela against the Blood Ancestor of the Divine Blood Plane and Dragon Primogenitor of the Dragon's Nest, where surprisingly, the Empress of Death came out victorious as she managed to defeat both of them in single combat.

Most of this brutal approach was credited to the rumors that were spreading about the Father of All Devils, who was said to have either perished against the Hivemind or was severely injured to the point of death because he didn't make any appearance in the Imperial Administrative machine in past ten years, which was rather unusual.

Of course, all those who dared to bare their fangs at the Baator were ruthlessly killed by Empress Dowager Hela and turned into Astral Necrotic Undeads as eternal punishment for their transgression; nothing was left unpunished.

Even in the Chthonian Empire, only a handful of people in the Imperial Administration and even the Imperial House knew that the Zeoticus Gremory-Lucifer was in deep hibernation after the fight against the Hivemind.

Only the Five Elders, his wives and Emperor of the Chthonian Emperor Sirzechs Gremory-Lucifer were aware of the fact; others were told that the Ancestor was in seclusion because he was researching and conducting experiments on the Hivemind and the Genebank of the Void Insect Swarm.

Fortunately, due to the efforts of Empress Dowager Hela, the Chthonian Empire stood strong in their hegemony as there was nobody who would dare to challenge them, especially considering the retaliation from the Empress of Death.

While people may think of Ancestor Zeoticus Lucifer as a cruel and ruthless tyrant, then compared to his wife, he was incarnated saint and epitome of kindness.

Hela was extremely cruel and brutal to anyone who would dare to voice their displeasure among their neighbors and after a few examples, nobody wanted to end as a soulless husk after she was done with them.

Presently, Hela was in the Headquarters of the Imperial Army.

Several months after the Great War, a new department in the Empire was established, or rather, a new position was established, titled just as a Chief of Staff.

The person who was Chief of Staff was basically a Supreme Commander of all the Armed Forces of the Chthonian Empire, which included Imperialis Militarum, Navis Imperialis, Commissariat, Execution Temple and Mechanicum.

It was done for the sole reason that during the Great War, it was noted that the cooperation between various branches of the Imperial Armed Forces was not the best, coordination was lacking in some parts and communication was in some cases outright non-existent.

Arthur Pendragon was appointed as the Chief of Staff, while Vali Lucifer was "appointed" as the new Lord Marshall Militant because, by the rules of the Imperial House, every important position needed to be filled by a person from the Imperial House or those with the strong ties to the Imperial House.

In regard to Vali, after a few beatings from Hela, he "willingly" accepted the post of the Lord Marshall Militant.

Of course, the results were almost immediate, as Arthur managed to reorganize the entire doctrine of how the Imperial Armed Forced worked and increased the efficiency of the already efficient Military.

From the start, Hela was actively participating in the matters of the Imperial Military to lower the workload of Arthur because she wanted the new reform finished as soon as possible, and even she had to admit that there was too much work to be done.

Especially if the deadline for the completion was set to one year, but with combined efforts, they managed to pull it out.

As Hela was working on some documents, she saw that her butler had hurriedly entered the room without knocking; something must have happened, as she saw him in haste.

"Your Highness, the Ancestor has woken up."

The butler said as Hela looked and revealed a small happy smile as she hurried to meet her husband.