Interlude: Vali V. - Ouch...

"What price?"

To this question, Vali grinned viciously.

"Relatively simple one... 1st, you will help me with some things, 2nd copy of every piece of magical knowledge on this planet and 3rd souls of all mortals that you want to exterminate... I can see that you want to commit genocide on all non-magical mortal humans, right? I want their souls."

He stated as the self-proclaimed Dark Lord's eyes widened in surprise before he quickly sighed the Devil Contract... even though he was very arrogant about his power, Tom Riddle also knew one thing of which he was very well aware... might make right, and in front the devil he summoned he was smaller than an ant.

Of course, he wasn't really aware of the fact that it was the 1st condition of the Devil Contract that was most troublesome because the remaining two were just distractions, so the human would think that the 2nd and 3rd conditions were the pillars of the contract; meanwhile, the unassuming 1st one was hiding there in plain light.

'These ones would be good pawns to access those areas, where I can't extent my sight... who knows what it is dwelling there.'

Vali thought with a grin as the human sighed the Devil Contract, which was Soul Geass, the same kind that was widely used in Baator, so with this, the loyalty of the human known as Tom Riddle was absolute because even Tier 9s and Tier 10s would have some huge trouble of breaking out of this Soul Geass, even though it was one of the lower grades.

"Now that we have this behind us... it would be prudent to start with the more pragmatic things about the situation on hand after the Contract was signed."

He then looked at the human Wizard with mild irritation, considering that the human Wizard was on a relatively suicidal quest because from all indicators and things that he found out about this world in a short time, he knew that Riddle's conquest was basically pre-destined to fail spectacularly.

When the contract was signed, Vali obtained some basic information about the so-called Wizarding World; naturally, he was very well aware of the technological capabilities of the earthen civilization of humans in their nineties.

There were several reasons why he came to this conclusion.

The first and most notable one was that the non-magical humans were outnumbering the magical ones tremendously; when Vali came to the world, he counted several million human magical signatures around the globe, while the population of the entire planet was around four and a half billion.

The disparity in numbers was too huge.

Another great factor was that the Wizards, as they called themselves, were weak; their individual power was basically comparable to the lowest dregs of Tier 1, while some of the most powerful among them were at peak Tier 1.

Naturally, this was all according to the Classifications of the Magical Reserves. Some more experienced and skilled Wizards could use even more destructive spells, but those cases would be extremely rare because, from what Vali observed, the Wizards were extremely backward.

Voldemort himself was Tier 2 and there were only a handful of such people around the planet, meaning the population of Wizards was weak and in front of rather advanced weapons of humans and their destructive capabilities, they stood little chance.

This basically ruled out the usage of brute force to achieve the wished goal, not to mention there was a very high possibility of non-magical humans having their own magical who would be fighting for them.

Voldemort told Vali during their discussion that the Wizards and other magical races here were living under something called Statute of Secrecy, where all Wizards were basically forced to hide from the sight of normal non-magical humans.

Something which Tom Riddle and his followers sought to overthrow. While during the times of old Draconic Deus, something similar existed in there too among the supernatural faction, but it worked in rather a different way.

Because of the overwhelming power of the Draconic Deus Supernatural World, where they could wipe out the entire human race whenever they wished, they didn't have to hide because of fear of getting found or anything.

Vali knew that the non-magical governments wouldn't be that ignorant of the Wizarding World as the Wizards thought. For sure, many of the more powerful nations would have their own branches dealing with Wizards, probably even have many Wizards working for the non-magical governments.

"That could be problematic... from what I have all heard, your followers are pathetically weak and in truth, you have no chance to stand against the no-magicals. Not considering the possibility of them having their own Wizards working for them, probably part of their Armies, meaning they would be trained and more powerful than your own, there is still the numbers and technology of the no-magical."

He then proceeded to summarize the situation in a way that would be clear even to the biggest idiot in the world, while Tom Riddle grimaced because he could still see some merit from his words and deep inside, he knew that it was the truth.

Contrary to other Wizards, who never set foot on the "muggle world" as they called it, and were not aware of the true potential and power of the no-magicals of what they achieved as of late, he was.

"I take it that you already have the plan?"

Vali nodded because he needed competent thugs, not incompetent ones that would create more trouble than they brought him benefits.

He had already formulated a basic plan of how to get things running, which would be technically a bit complicated as the Magic in this world was already dying but hopefully, what he had prepared was enough.

If the pawn failed, there was still the possibility of him going on it through brute force. Not like he wished to go with that opinion because he sensed that right now, it would be too dangerous due to that unsettling feeling he got when he entered this world.