Interlude: Vali XV. - Meeting with...

London, one day later

Normally when a wizard who knew of its location approached number twelve, Grimmauld Place, it appeared to shove its neighboring houses, number eleven and number thirteen, out of the way as it appeared between them.

The house had a worn set of front steps leading to a battered front door.

On the door was a silver knocker in the shape of a twisted serpent but it had no keyhole, handle, or anything else that would indicate it to be a door, as it opened only by Magic.

Naturally, this was just a party trick in front of the Tier 11 devil and some as proficient in the arts of Magic as him.

Yet, at the same time, Vali was surprised at the creativity and ingeniousness of the wizards to be able to come up with such advanced Magic that was able to erase something from the entire worlds, practically tricking the world itself that it didn't exist in the first place.

"Interesting piece of magic..."

Vali said as he started the deformed building, while Tom Riddle and Abraxas Malfoy, who were with him, looked around in confusion, though Tom suspected that they were right, just the place where they were heading was hidden under the Fidelus Charm.

"So they have hidden it with Fidelus... Blacks are indeed smart to go into hiding the second they sensed that there may be a war on the horizon."

Tom muttered because before the Death Eaters were disbanded and the more manageable elements were reformed into the Knights of the Walpurgis Order, there were rumors about a new war and the Dark Lord that would unleash the war.

This caused great unrest in the society and many wizards were getting nervous about that and several of the Noble Houses had already gone to hiding, cooping up in their ancestral manors that were warded to the extreme, where they would wait and see how the situation would resolve.

"So that is why I had a feeling that I was forgetting something."

Vali heard Abraxas Malfoy saying as suddenly as they saw a man walking up to them.

The mad appeared to be middle-aged, with pitch-black hair and a short black beard, wearing luxurious wizarding robes that Vali saw all around, something that he came to abhor absolutely because they looked ridiculous.

Entire fashion of clothing in the Wizarding World. It was weirdly fantasy-like, though, with that medieval looks...

Absolutely ridiculous and most importantly, all of their clothes were totally impractical for fighting.

The only thing that those long and ugly robes were good for was hiding weapons... not like the Wizards knew how to wield a weapon, something that he still couldn't really understand.

He also started training the Knights of the Walpurgis Order in swordsmanship.

Swords in magical fights could sometimes be a game changer, not only because one could make a sword as a magical conduit and use it to boost up his spell but also to block incoming spells.

Some Magic Systems were compatible with the martial arts and weapon usage, and he noticed that the Wizardcraft, as he started calling their magic system, was indeed pretty compatible with weapon usage.

"Merry meet, Lord Black."

Abraxas Malfoy greeted Lord Black when he saw him as they exchanged pleasantries, after which Arcturus Black came to Tom Riddle and Vali, who were standing in the back, observing, as Vali attentively looked at the man.

'No mistaking it... peak Tier 2, devil cultist.'

Vali was able to see through the human wizard with a single glance as he exchanged pleasantries with Tom Riddle before he told them where they were heading; not like Vali needed it, but for Tom Riddle, he saw the Number 13 Grimmauld Place.

"It would be my pleasure to welcome you to dinner, gentlemen."

The Number 13 Grimmauld Place was relatively similar to the Malfoy Manor from what Vali saw, aside from one major difference being that the green color at Malfoy Manor was replaced with the black color.

However, that one was fitting, black for Black.

Vali saw there several House Elves running here and there, tending to the cleaning duties, preparing, cooking and anything else.

They were the most peculiar creatures, something that he wanted to bring back with him to the Empire, mainly because their unique Magic allowed them to bypass the majority of wards and even some of the weaker Bounded Fields, not to mention they were absolutely loyal, to the point of highest-grade Blood and Soul Void Geass and loved to work.

They would be perfect servants for the nobility or powerful people of the Chthonian Empire and he would be able to make loads of money selling them.

Technically speaking, he would be asking at least more than 100,000 Soul Coins for one of them, which was an absolutely outrageous price, considering the fact that he could buy them in the world for a bit of gold.

They soon arrived at the dining room, where a middle-aged woman was waiting for them and by her looks, one could say that years have been very kind to her because she looked at least fifteen years younger than she actually was and the most curious thing was that, she also a peak Tier 2 wizard.

'Also, the same aura... interesting... there are more of them, but they are hiding it very well, and they are not using the Wizardcraft to hide it but rather Calculation Magic... so that one is certain.'

Now Vali was certain that these people were for sure descendants of the devil worshippers that somehow ended in this world; when he first met with the man known as Arcturus Black, he could sense it in his blood as it had vague traces of the Demonic Energy.

"Avhe glorausan ro crimukon kaumn."

When the woman saw them entering, she stated with a graceful bow, as Vali nodded his head, seeing that she was also a worshipper of the Father of All Devils.

He didn't like humans, but he was more tolerable to the ones that were worshipping devils... for that reason, he even converted members of the Walpurgis Knight Order to worship the Baatorian Pantheon.