Interlude: Vali XVII. - Devil Cultists in the Weird World (1)

The rest of the dinner went smoothly, without any problems, as everyone ate and talked about some minor insignificant things, then about politics and business, something that Abraxas Malfoy took great pleasure in because that shrew man was always looking for an opportunity to make more money.

Meanwhile, Vali didn't really join most of the discussion for most of the time because he didn't really bother.

For him, politics was the most annoying thing that existed in the Endless Void and he didn't have patience; he wasn't either a schemer or spider like aunt Venelana or Grayfia were.

Meanwhile, the people were talking about politics and business and other boring things; Vali started talking with young Bellatrix about Magic, Dueling and other forms of magical combat.

As expected, she was very fond of Dueling and learning new spells.

"Lord Amaranth, would you accept my challenge to Duel?"

She asked eagerly as they were talking, which caused everyone to stop eating and look at them.

Even her grandparents were rather nervous, especially Arcturus Black, because he knew that the man before him, while he didn't look older than twenty, could probably blast apart the entire planet with a sneeze.


He replied after a short time with a charming smile, to which Bellatrix was delighted that she would get some combat.

He would be practically entertaining her at the point because while she was strong for her age, she was still only a Tier 1...

Not to mention, he even chose to imitate the Wizardcraft for the fun of it, to make it a bit more equal fight.

"Then, after we finish the dinner, we can go to the dueling room."

Arcturus Black said, as he observed his granddaughter with the devil, as some wheel started working in his brain and judging by the way how Vali looked at her, even though he was the devil, he was feeling some sort of indescribable attraction to her, which was bugging.

But devils were creatures of Sin and while Vali's Major Sin was that of Wrath, he had Minor Sins of Lust, Greed and Pride.

Though among the Minor Sins, the one of Lust was strongest out of the three of them and when he looked at the female wizard that had potential, battle-lust and a hidden bloodthirsty nature that she needed to hide from the world, he wanted her.

He was a good example of a devil who was partially ruled by his own Sin, something that his father always disapproved of.

Zeoticus Lucifer was a person who always said that the devil couldn't be controlled by his own Sin, something that Vali often failed to uphold because he, from time to time, let his Sins rule him.

Especially the one of Wrath and Lust.


After the dinner was finished, Arcturus Black invited Vali for a talk in his study; afterward, he would have his "duel" with his granddaughter, but before that, Vali wanted to deal with the more troublesome things that were still on the schedule.

After they entered the study room of Lord Black, Vali instantly cast over several wards to prevent anyone below peak Tier 11 from even dreaming of hearing them, especially since the content of their conversation would prove to be very sensitive.

"So how did the cultists of the Father of All Devils end in the unknown sealed world in the Endless Void?"

Vali asked as he sat down on the leather sofa across from Arcturus Black.

"We have been here for more than two thousand years... our ancestor and founder of our House, Lyrosis Black, was one of the heads of the Baatorian Cult in some already forgotten plane that probably got destroyed from what we know from his diary. In his homeworld, he was tasked by something called Magisterium of Arcanotech to help with research on something codenamed: Voidstar and apparently, the experiment went wrong and he ended here, in this world."

Vali listened as he grimaced and thought that this situation was once again the result of some idiot from the Magisterium of Arcanotech.

However, that wasn't entirely that shocking because there, they always carried out some dangerous experiments that would never be approved to be carried out in the Baator.

Thus, most of them were done in various backward planes, which, even if destroyed, nothing would happen.


Vali motioned for the wizard to continue as he was getting more and more curious about the situation.

Considering the fact that his ancestor was personally tasked by the Magisterium of Arcanotech, it meant that the person should be of significant strength, at least Tier 6 or higher, to be even allowed to participate in the research.

"Naturally... now, from the Grimoire that only the Head of the Hosue of Black has access, ancestor Lycorisis discovered a local community of magic users. After studying their Magic for a while, he discovered that it was pretty similar to Devil Magic and thus started working on incorporating elements of Devil Magic into the Magic of the natives and experimenting with them. After several decades, the results are what is today known as Wizardcraft. Unfortunately, several decades later, after he married and fathered several children, he descended into one of the danger zones of the world and disappeared. Even after several centuries, he didn't return, so it was presumed that he died somewhere, or else, with his lifespan, he would still be today. Unfortunately, with his demise, his descendants couldn't decipher everything he left for us and could get only some bits on the Magic Circles and other types of Magic, which allowed the House of Black to thrive for the upcoming millennia till today."

He explained to Vali, as this confirmed much of his previous speculations that he had about the origin of the devil cultists in this sealed world inside the Endless Void.

Still, at the same time, it left some sort of uncomfortable feeling.