Interlude: Vali XXIII. - 6 Months Later

During the past half a year, many things have changed around Magical Britain. Probably the most significant one was the rise of a new faction not only on the scale of domestic politics but also on the international scale.

The Walpurgis Knight Order was led by Thomas Marvolo Gaunt, the Lord of the House of Gant and direct descendant of the Salazar Slytherin.

The formerly called "dark families" and a good portion of the Neutrals of the British Wizengamot reorganized themselves into the Walpurgis Knight Order, which became a nightmare for the so-called leader of light, Albus Dumbledor and his bunch of vigilantes, Order of Phoenix.

After Vali took the training of the humans as his own entertainment, he molded them into some sort of coherent fighting force and their combat prowess was far higher than the magical police, the Aurors or some cutthroats of Hit Wizards.

As the best example, he forced the wizards of the Walpurgis Knight Order to study muggle wars, tactics, strategies and other things because the Wizarding World was absolutely incompetent at the concept of waging wars.

In the shadow war that Gaunt and Dumbledore led against each other, countless exchanges were already carried out and it was the old man's Order of Pheonix that was slowly losing one feather after another.

Mainly due to their reluctance to use anything remotely lethal against their opponents, which gave the Knights of Walpurgis Knight Order an easy time in killing them.

Naturally, the agenda that the Walpurgis Knight Order was pushing in the Wizengamot was sometimes passed and sometimes was stopped, but overall their efforts were more successful than not, especially because of the acquisition of support from several previously Neutral Houses.

Vali decided that his pawns would need some more time before he could use them to scout the area, which were hidden from his sight when he first entered this world.

Right now, the strongest person under his influence was Thomas Gaunt, formerly Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort, who reached the peak of Tier 3 after some rigorous training and study.

Which was a good result.

Still, Vali needed him to be more powerful and not only him but even his goods if they were to be of any other use than just serving as cannon fodders.

Unfortunately, after mending his soul together, the results were as Vali predicted and he would be forever stuck with the limit of Tier 8 due to injuries suffered from splitting his soul into the phylacteries.

Another notable thing that took place during the past six months was Vali vising Bellatrix as they often trained together...

Indeed after getting the Independent Class Cards, old Arcturus chose Bellatrix to be the first person to be told the truth and be reincarnated as Devil.

And one thing nearly shook Vali to the core after that happened...

It appeared that her talent in the combat department was absolutely frightening because she was taking in the lessons about Combat Magic with lightning speed.

He was even teaching her some of the more theoretical aspects of the Tier Magic System, though only best as he could because while Vali was skilled in theory, teaching it somebody else proved to be a different story.

During the half year since the Bellatrix was reincarnated as Devil, she reached the initial Tier 3 with some help from Vali because he had countless resources with him that allowed one to advance the Tiers quickly.

And because the Devil Power System was quite straightforward in the early stages, as it was imitating the concept of cultivation by increasing Demon Energy, her path was relatively smooth.

Naturally, this was accompanied by a lot of learning of Tier Magic, Devil Magic, Abyssal Magic and other types of Magic that was known to the Chthonian Empire of the Baator one by one, to supplement her growing raw power by some firepower.

Also, from what he noticed when he was observing both Bellatrix and her grandfather Arcuturs Black, their Bloodline Abilities have fully manifested when they were turned to devils, as both of them could shapeshift and change their entire physical features with ease and could communicate with snakes in the magical language of Parseltongue.

Vali predicted that if either of them could reach Tier 9 and cast some of the most forbidden Magic of darkest curses and other similar types of Magic, they could kill even Tier 10 powerhouses if they prepared enough without their target knowing what was going on.

The Curses and other branches of Magic, which were considered as Forbidden because those spells always required some price to pay and most often, that price was heavy, so not many people cast or learned such Magic.

But right now, Vali found someone who had Bloodline Ability to cast them naturally without suffering their side-effect; this would be a great boost for the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

Right now, Vali was conducting his training alone, though he wasn't doing any exercises but rather focusing on mastering new spells of the Tier Magic, which were invented by the Tier 10 Magicians of the Chthonian Empire.

While he was a primarily close combatant, as his father stated: "Obtaining and using every advantage you could is a must and if you don't do that, you are an idiot".

And thus, as he was practicing the Magic, he suddenly heard a 'pop' sound behind him as he felt one of the House Elves teleport here.

"Yes, Gonny?"

He asked the male House Elf wearing the green-silver outfit of the House Malfoy.

It was one of the rare House Elves who had proper clothing; typically the noble wizards left them in rags as clothes, but that would reflect poorly on old Malfoy, who was obsessed with his image.

"Master V, Mistresss Bella has come."

He stated as Vali nodded his head, dismissing the House Elf while cutting his learning time short.