Interlude: Vali XXV - Arcturus Black

A short time earlier before Bellatrix Black arrived at the Malfoy Manor to meet with Vali Lucifer.

For Lord Arcturus Black, everything was going very well for the past six months.

Aside from the crash course on the Chthonian Empire of the Baator that he needed to learn, taking him two months to learn a quantum of information.

Mainly about the Baator, Imperial politics, lands, history, governance, various species in the Empire and many, many, many other things that were considered common knowledge and even some which were not.

Right now, there were four people reincarnated as devils, including him and his wife.

The only ones to be reincarnated were his sister Cassiopeia Black and one of his granddaughters Bellatrix who was right now enjoying some weird romantic relationships with the Imperial Elder Vali Lucifer.

Now that he was reincarnated as a devil, he felt full of energy and vigor, so it would be highly possible that he would be having more children with his wife now both of them were returned to their thirties or middle-twenties.

That was one of the reasons why he preferred to take either people from his generation or mainly the unmarried females of the House Black.

"Have you finished the talk with that pompous git?"

He asked his sister, Cassiopeia Black, who, upon her reincarnation, was de-aged and looked like a breathtaking young woman with raven black hair in her early twenties, just a few years older than Bellatrix.

"Yes... after I pressured him a bit with my power, Abraxas stopped caring about the potential engagement contract after he was told of the situation."

His sister was one of few people who were actually more useful and was helping him with the migration to the Chthonian Empire and was in charge of gathering the financial capabilities of the House Black for the Baator.

"And the Goblins?"

One of the problems that he needed to deal with was the lack of money; while they got something from the Imperial House, it wouldn't be enough to run a Noble House for more than a few years, decades, if they were saving it like squirrels.

"I have bargained with them to buy as much as Mithril, Adamantium and Goblin Silver as possible... though the best price we could get, even with all of the discounts and some show of force, was the usage of approximately 90% of the entire wealth of the House of Black."

With a nation like the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, gold was essentially worthless metal, just a bit shinier than others, but it didn't have any value.

So he asked Vali how to gather wealth and for them to establish themselves and the answer was actually more simple than he thought.

Rare ores, magic tomes and grimoires, potion supplies and other magical artifacts.

Such a thing would fetch them an enormous sum of money in the Empire if they find the right buyer or they could sell it directly to the IMC, which will buy it from them at a preferential price.

So right now, they were in the phase of gathering resources like this, which would be later on either sold or invested or otherwise used to increase the capital of the newly established House Black in the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

From what Lord Black knew about the Empire, he could see that the requirements for the nobility were extremely strict and even the lowest Noble Rank, which was the Chthonian Eques had a requirement of Tier 9 strength...

Basically, a world-destroying entity if put here.

"And what about that thing?"

His sister Cassiopeia asked as his face grimaced into a frown, remembering one big and ugly problem that was growing in their plans and where all attempts at a more diplomatic approach had failed, so it would be time to resort to the more violent solution.

"It seems that I will be taking it for myself to resolve... Cygnus and Druella failed to resolve this peacefully, so the only choice this time would be to use force no matter how much I detest it against my own blood."

Arcturus Black stated with strong distaste, but unfortunately, right now, there was nothing he could do about the situation with his eldest granddaughter Andromeda as she was enamored with some muggle-born.

Even if they weren't going relocate to the Baator, this would be a problem, but right now, it was an enormous problem because it wasn't common knowledge that the old Chthonian Houses looked down on humans or, effectively those who were without any power or powerful bloodlines.

Fortunately for the House Black, their bloodline was vital that it bore them three bloodline abilities.

Still, unfortunately, this made the situation even worse because if a member of such a station was enamored with ordinary humans, that was a shame that won't be washed away for thousands of years.

After talking with his sister a bit and deciding on some matters, he conjured a black colored magic circle with the symbol of a raven in the middle of it and teleported away in a flash.


"Hello, grandfather... I am pleased to see you, but I am in a hurry, so next time..."

After Arcturus Black teleported to the Mansion where his son Cygnus with his family lived.

After his granddaughter Bellatrix teleported away, he could see where her haste was coming from because he heard some screaming and cursing coming from the drawing room of the Mansion.

When he entered the room, he saw that his eldest granddaughter Andromeda was arguing with her parents, while his youngest one, Narcissa was standing in the background and eating some snacks while enjoying the drama.

He ignored his youngest granddaughter as he entered the room and made his presence known as everyone stopped in whatever they were doing.