Interlude: Vali XXVIII - Conclusion (3)

One month has passed since Vali emptied the subterranean world and essentially took the greatest treasures that this planet had without anyone even realizing it.

Immediately upon his return, he told Arcuturs Black to finish his things because he would be leaving this sealed world behind, as all objectives were completed and a prolonged stay would be highly irrational.

Thus, this prompted the elderly man to hasten up things because Vali gave him a deadline of one week to close all matters he had, as he would be returning back to the Baator with the great loot he managed to obtain in this world.

Unfortunately for him, though, the Bermuda Triangle contained nothing because, as it was found out, it was a naturally shrouded zone where nobody could safely enter and exit, even for the high-tiered individuals.

So the best thing Vali could do was to collect some data on the shrouded zone and that was all. In the end, these data would prove themselves pretty valuable and good additions to the prisons of the Empire.

Naturally, he notified of this, his human thugs.

Nonetheless, they were too engrossed in preparation for the assault against the British Ministry of Magic.

However, from what he could see, he was aware that any upcoming fight against the magical would be won by the Walpurgis Knight Order.

Nevertheless, the non-magical would still be problematic, but hopefully, they would be able to handle them in a few years.

Nevertheless, it was none of his concerns because the moment this world lost the content of its subterranean world, it became virtually useless, maybe aside from serving as a prison world, due to its nature as a sealed world... that would be seen.

The Chthonian Empire didn't have many prisons because they were virtually useless.

The few that they had were enough and typically, Baatorians didn't take prisoners of war; they killed everyone to prevent any further conflict in the future or sold the captives as slaves to the highest bidder to maximize their fans them.

"So, how are you feeling about the relocation to the Baator?"

Vali asked Bellatrix, who was leaning over his chest when he returned from the mini-expedition; one thing led to another, especially when Narcissa joked that she would take the handsome silver-haired devil Dragonoid for herself; Bellatrix made the first move and "claimed" him in front of her sister.

"Excited? In truth, everyone who is going with our little group is... aside from Andromeda, because of the incident..."

She said as Vali nodded...

Interestingly enough, after a huge argument, Andromeda Black decided to run away with her muggle-born human pet, thinking that she would be, at worst, banished from the family, but she didn't think that the old Arcuturs was so decisive.

He asked the entire squad of the trackers of the Walpurgis Knight Order to after them; they found them and killed Ted Tonks in front of her before they killed his entire family and brought Andromeda Black back against her will.

From then on, she was under the constant watch of either her grandfather or father, so she didn't do anything stupid because she started having depression and some minor trauma since that day.

"It was logical to approach of things... still, I have to admit that your grandfather has my respect for this; he behaved like a true Chthonian Noble."

Vali stated that as he heard of similar cases happening in the Empire, there were not many, but there were some.

Even though Vali was not apt at politics, he was aware that with the talents of his granddaughters they could be used as bargaining chips for marriage with other Noble Houses of the Chthonian Empire to solidify their status.

While the Nobles in the Empire indeed lived a life of privileges and power, they had better resources than most and better opportunities, they had status and power, but it was not entirely without the cost.

The greatest restriction was the partial loss of their freedom and their choice.

Things like marriages were always decided for them with a suitable match, their time was strictly monitored and all of them needed to be the best of the best warriors or magicians that the Empire could produce.

"After we return home... I will be taking you with me to the Holy Imperial Capital of Anor Londo to get your ID and other necessary paperwork... additionally you will need to go through the Imperial Examination Department to verify my claims about your Bloodline; if it is true, you will get Noble Rank and permit to live in the Capital until a territory is assigned to you."

Vali explained as the young deviless was looking at him with interest, excitement and a certain amount of fear. From what she understood about the Chthonian Empire, they were extremely meritocratic driven, with merits, power and progress being everything.

"What is your Capital like?"

Bellatrix asked him because the way he was talking about it sounded like it was not allowing anyone to enter.

"It is a beautiful enormous city with gothic architecture and due to the low population it has, it is very spacious, calming and enjoying. You can stroll the parks or various facilities, enjoying their beauty and atmosphere without encountering any other person. Anor Londo was built in mind for either the Imperial House, Aristocrats, High-Ranking members of the Empire or powerful experts; nobody else is even allowed to enter the city; due to that, the entire city has a population of something around a few hundred thousand."

Vali explained as he remembered the Holy Imperial Capital.

"As you would have noble status within the Empire, you would be allocated a right to buy a mansion in the Capital... though there is one thing that I need to say before everything and I somehow forget to say this to your grandfather..."

Vali wasn't really sure how to continue this because this was rather embarrassing, as he had forgotten something this important.

"Because you will get Aristocratic Status without having appropriate strength for it, you will have approximately one hundred years to produce one Tier 9 powerhouse at least, or else it will be stripped."

Bellatrix frowned slightly at hearing this but nodded nevertheless.

"That was indeed important information that shouldn't be omitted..."

She muttered, making a mental note to notify of this her grandfather.