

Several hours later, everyone was in a hurry and; everything was checked and the people were already going to undergo the Ascension.

After I finished checking the spell formations around the solar system of the Douluo Planet, I decided to hasten the process and contacted Bibi Dong to start the Ascension to the Godhood for the people who could ascend.

With each Ascension, the Universe Will will be weaker and weaker because of the unique nature of the Ascension, which was stealing the power of the Universe.

Hela finished the preparations of the rest of the defenses that would be effective against the Tier 11 entities, even those as strong as the God Kings of the Shao Universe.

She also brought out the experimental spaceships that had firepower comparable to the Tier 11 and put them in the battle formation around the several planetoids in the solar system, where they would be hidden.

They would be going through several waves, with Bibi Dong going as the first one; hopefully, she would be able to reach the God King or its equivalent straight away.

I designed it that way; those people with the God Positions could absorb the God Position and straight away become high-end powerhouses instantly after ascending to Godhood.

When I returned to the Douluo Planet, the ceremony for the Ascension to Godhood was already prepared and the first people who would be ascending were chosen and there were only four of them...

My wife and daughter were naturally there together with Qian Daoliu and Jin Eyiu as these four people were the stronger powerhouses of the Spirit Hall and the moment they ascend, all four of the should be able to reach the peak of the Tier 10 on average...

While I would want for them to reach Tier 11, I doubted that was achievable even with the God Position of the original God King... the balance of everything needed to be maintained in everything.

"So, are you ready?"

I asked and, seeing Bibi Dong nod her head in agreement, activated the defensive formation that was laid out around the solar system.

When the defensive formations were activated, all four of them started their ascension process, as I felt immense God-Force erupt from all four of them while their ascension process was being supported by the weight of the entire Douluo Planet.

The assimilation of the God Position was something that was lengthy and dangerous and required a lot of power.

Still, with my adjustments, it was very much possible and together with the Godhood Method that I practiced, all of them were in transition to reach the Common God Rank.

The farthest on the process was naturally Bibi Dong because her power was being increased tremendously and the second one was Renxue.

Both of them had a God Position belonging to the God Kings as they obtained their inheritance, while Qian Daoliu and Jin Eyiu had the ones of 1st Class Gods only...

Naturally, I was overseeing the process of their Ascension as I suddenly felt the space distort around the entire solar system, and I knew that the Universe Will had sensed them and decided to attack right now... even if it was unprepared for such action... and this may be good...

"Everyone to the defensive position, locate the space tear, and launch the projectile!"

I sent this message to my wife as they knew what to do, and Grayfia, who was right now on the deck of the experimental spaceship of the Spirit Empire, started doing her part in all of this.

With my single command, the entire machinery of the defenses was instantaneously activated as the main weapon of the experimental spaceship of the Spirit Empire started charging and preparing to fire a round at the space crack that appeared in the outskirts of the solar system.

"Fia, the second someone exits the crack, fire at will."

I said to Grayfia as I felt an attack coming my way as I conjured a defensive barrier, but it was shattered in several seconds and I was sent flying across the solar system.

'Hmm... the Half-Step Tier 13... this one is far more powerful than the Hivemind... it appears that being supported by the entire Universe is not for a show.'

I thought as I saw that the experimental spaceship fired a shot towards the space crack when one of the Tier 11 experts of the Shao Universe appeared, blasting the person to smitterness.

Yet, at the same time, the spaceship was essentially dead as it was in the process of explosion.

'Damm it...'

This would be a great hit for the coffers of the Spirit Empire, but whatever... mortals will deal with it somehow.

I then focused my attention on the avatar of the Universe Will. I didn't know which God King it possessed, but it should be some extremely strong because even I felt the hit by him...

Considering the amount of the God Kings that were in the Shao Universe, minus the Asura God who created the special clone and long ago left the Shao Universe, it shouldn't be hard to find whom the Will possessed.

Logically, the only person who could be such a choice was Hui Mie, the God of Destruction, because he was the strongest of all God-Kings of the Shao Universe and that was something that the Universe Will planned to use against me.

Destruction was a terrifying concept...

Even though what the Universe Will had was far from the concept, it was still strong enough actually to injure me...