Taking Over

When I was devouring the Avatar of the Universe Shao Universe, my wives finished off the remaining Tier 11 God Kings... some of them tried to escape the moment they felt that the control of the Universe's Will over them was broken.

As I started devouring its very own existence through my Arcane Crest: Imperial of End and Ruin, the connection between the Universe Will and God Kings got broken because I was usurping the very own control from the Universe Will.

Thus, the more cowardly ones of them, who were still surviving, just packed up their things and went to escape. Whatever, this was not my problem, as I activated the next steps of my very own plan.

[Architect activates the Project: Kadath.]

I commanded in my head, while my avatar in the Shao Universe instantly disintegrated and its particles fused with the Atiesh, which was floating in the space of emptiness while the space itself started shaking strong and started cracking all around the Shao Universe.

Meanwhile, back in the Baator, I was sitting cross-legged in the Sanctus Imperialis when I opened my eyes when I heard the Architect's voice in my head.

[Project Kadath has been activated.]

[Refinemnt process of the Baator and Shao Universe has been started.]

[Sacrificial targets have been locked.]

[Pillons have been activated.]

[Activating the back-up sequence formation for the fusion.]

[Activating the Doomsday Protocols.]

[Activating the Defensive Protocols.]

[Activating the Lockdown Protocols.]

[Activating the Kadath.]

[Activating the Project: The Fool.]

Instantly after I heard the last line, I felt the entire Astral Boundary Universe tremble and split into several parts.

Weissmann and everyone who needed to know about this already knew and some were suspicious when they noticed our armadas and flotillas withdrawing back to the Avernus, the 1st Layer of the Baator.

I then stood up and released my Godhood and every bit of my very own power as I started executing the first steps of my Ascension towards Tier 13 and that was killing Mercurius and establishing the new Universe, my Universe.

My Tarot Card started glowing fiercely as I was overloading it with energy when the fusion of Baator, entire Star Regions of the Astral Boundary and some parts of the Shao Universal, mainly the Douluo Region, together with a few Divine Realms that were adjusted to the Duluo Region.

The remaining parts of the Shao Universe were used as fuel to complete the fusion and at the same time, they were used as sacrifice.

All of the resentment, hatred and anguish of trillions of souls killed was being not only used to strengthen the newly-born Universe but also channeling it through me to kill Mercurius.

[Project Kadath has been activated.]

[Phase One of Project Kadath has been completed.]

[Project Tarot has been completed.]


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Astral Boundary Universe, the sole Half-Step Tier 13 Mercurius was observing the entire Universe, sitting on the incomplete Divine Throne, when he suddenly felt the Tarot Card in his soul cracking and he instantly coughed a huge mouthful of blood.

"It seems like I have miscalculated. What a shame..."

Not even a second later, his body, soul and fledgling incomplete Divine Throne exploded into nothingness.

Nothing remained from the previous Half-Step Tier 13 sole powerhouse of the Astral Boundary, who was killed due to his own arrogance and miscalculation of his own plans.


"One thing is done... now the second one is remaining."

I muttered when I felt that Mercurius was killed just like that, but the plan was well executed, mainly because this was the sole backdoor that was almost impossible to defend against.

Especially and only in the situation when the sentient artifact opened the path for me to allow me to kill Mercurius almost effortlessly.

When Mercurius was killed by me, then the only thing that remained was the creation of the new universe, which was already starting because, through my control, Baator was already ripped out from the Astral Boundary Universe and the process of the Universe formation had started as the Baator collided with the Shao Universe.

Parts of the Shao Universe started fusing together with the Baator, which now seemed like some distance, started enveloped in some sort of bubble, started expanding furiously, devouring the space of the Shao Unvierse and Astral Boundary Universe through the Pillons that were positioned through both of the Universes.

I planned to divide the worlds within the new universe into several categories, mainly based on the strength of every dimension slash world.

Essentially, the division would be into Lower Worlds, Middle Worlds, Higher Worlds, Principal Worlds and Higher Dimensional World, which would be only one and that is the Baator.

That was to ensure the superiority of my birthplace.

Lower Worlds were basically the lowest of the bunch; they would be for the mortals not stronger than Tier 9 and thus, I have capped them at Tier 4, which would be the limit of the Lower Worlds.

Middle Worlds were just stronger versions of the Lower Worlds and would be capped at Tier 8.

Higher Worlds were the ones that would be capped at Tier 11 and they were constructed from the "corpses" of Divine Realms of the Shao Universe together with a few Grade 2 Planes that were under the control of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator and used as material here.

Principal Worlds would be the strongest aside from the Higher Dimensional World and each one of them would need to be created by me personally because of their unique position.

Right now, there would be only one Principal World called Douluo World, where the Spirit Master System would be practiced as it as the base of the Spirit Empire and Spirit Hall.

If any other special world or something were to be incorporated to the Kadath Universe, I would create another Principal World for its inhabitants, but I would still need to formulate an exact situation when something like this could be possible.