Departing Right Away

"When can I depart, father?"

Gu Long asked me after some short consideration; apparently, he was a bit impatient to depart to the mission and advance his strength, not to mention obtain some contribution.

His personality had some serious issues because dragons and gods were creatures of endless pride, and his devil aspect was no better, so for Gu Long to be left in the shadow of his siblings or other descendants of the House Lucifer was something totally unacceptable.

"Within a few days... I will inform Ajuka to finish the final touches to the gate and you can go... also, you need to accomplish the task."

I said because there were still some things needed for Ajuka to finish on the portal gate to another Universe.

"Then, if you excuse me, I will go to prepare for the mission."

With that being said, Gu Long stood up from the seat and went to prepare and do whatever he wished to do, leaving me alone with Gu Yuena in the courtyard.

As we sat there in silence for several minutes before either of us spoke another word.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, husband?"

Gu Yuena broke the tension between us, even though after everything of importance was said, she was still unsure how to feel about the situation.

"Yes, it is Yuena... I know that you are overprotective of our son, but he never underwent anything that could be considered challenging in his life. Contrary to his siblings and my other descendants, he is not tempered by blood and hardships, which is restraining his further growth."

I said as she sighed into her cup of tea.

Right now, the Kadath Universe was at an unprecedented time of peace, and the only fights that took place were those in the Material Plane of the Universe, which were hardly any challenge to anyone on the level of Gu Long.

"Not to mention that in a few centuries, the Kadath Universe would be ready for the Universal Wars, and I need to reach Tier 13... his interference in this matter could speed up the progress by entire millennia."

I knew that this might sound cruel, that I was essentially using my son as a pawn in some greater game, but it was indeed the truth.

Not to mention, I was confident in Long'er's success because he bore my and Yuena's blood.

He would become one of the strongest experts of the Kadath Universe given enough time and experience; that potential was there; it only needed to be drawn out.

"Yes, say the parent of the century..."

She said sarcastically, but sometimes her overprotectiveness was too high, even compared to Vena, who was really mama-bear and she coddled her children too much for their own good.

"Don't worry... if everything goes according to the plan; he will be back within a few centuries at worst and as Tier 11 at best... Tier 10 at worst."

I kissed Gu Yuena on her forehead as she hugged me closely.


Kadath Universe, Higher Dimensional World Baator, 9th Layer of Nessus, Magisterium of Arcanotech.

After several days had passed since my final order and discussion with my newest wife and youngest son, it was finally time.

I could barely able to hold my anticipation that the final part of the puzzle was finally falling into the greater piece.

During the past few days, Ajuka and his genius finished the last adjustments and upgrades to the Dimensional Portal Generator and right now, it was completely stable and able to transport anyone under Tier 9 into the targetted destination.

"Energy readings from the Generator are stable... the connection is stable... we have succeeded in opening the portal. Applying the stealth protocols to hide the connections... integrating the Universal Will of Kadath. Eta ten minutes till the collapse."

Ajuka stated as he held some Magitek device and was reading the data; while I was standing there together with some members of my family, Yuena was weeping imaginary tears from her face and acting dramatic and Abraxas was looking at everything with interest.

Gu Long, the main star of today's event, was standing next to me, wearing silver armor that I personally ordered for him, which was an Empyrean-Grade Artifact, though it was an incomplete one because it was growth-type.

He also had with him the Dragon Slayer Halbert, which was also an Empyrean-Grade Artifact that belonged to Gu Yuena.

At this, I was a bit surprised that Yuena parted with one of her favorite treasures in her collection.

"Now, don't forget the things that we talked about. Lay low and avoid the Being of Law, especially the stronger ones, until you are sure that you can kill them. Aside from that, don't meddle with the Fate of the Universe, and don't leave the Dimension where you are going. Also, at all costs, don't let be seen by any of the Tier 12 of that Universe; complete the mission as soon as possible and don't cause unnecessary trouble."

I said everything that already said to him several times over... while I didn't want to admit it, Gu Long had some serious trouble regarding his pride and was rather a troublemaker and easily got into fights.

Creating problems was second nature to him.

The last thing I needed was for him to attract the attention of the Tier 12 beings of that Universe.

While there were none within of the Dimension of the Universe where he was heading, I still had some fears and my calculations were not helping that either.

Gu Long didn't say anything as he gripped his Dragon Slayer Halbert and entered the portal, which soon closed after he entered and transported him to another Universe.

"Now, we need only to wait."

That was indeed partial truth because I could still observe him from the Kadath through the connection I had to all of my bloodline descendants.

I didn't doubt for a second that Gu Long would do a splendid job and maybe his ego would be humbled a bit after this journey.