The Dragon's Horde

'Using the Holy Flames would not be that effective against some who had innate resistance to the Holy Elements... so I should probably opt for another type of AOE attacks.'

Gu Long formulated the plan in his head before he came to the conclusion that the best thing would be to use Nuclear Magic...

This was something that was taught to him by his father personally, and he was one of the very few people across the entire Kadath Universe who knew the deepest profound mysteries of Nuclear Magic.

Gu Long was taught this partly for a reason of this mission, to have another form of assurance, because he had to admit that with the Nuclear Magic, he could demolish any opponent he came across given enough time or opportunity.

Even when it hadn't evolved to the form of Nuclear Magic Rule, just in its base form, its destructive prowess were absolutely frightening, and Gu Long seriously doubted that even Monarch of Skies would be able to resist a few shots of the Nuclear Magic.

Fortunately, after meeting with the Bloodline Monarch, he got a better understanding of the Magus World during their exchange of information. He was aware that the Beings of Law that existed within the Magus World didn't really care what took place on the surface world.

They viewed this as a desolate and remote place without anything interesting, so they tended to ignore it entirely. Not to mention, Bloodline Monarch Leylin Farlier was responsible for the surface world of the Magus World, seeing that he was in Rank 7 with one hand.

Gu Long turned into his human form as he conjured several Magic Circles in the air, all of them for the sole purpose of executing the Nuclear Magic. As the first thing, he located the Monarch of Skies, who usually tended to his research within the Sky City quarters.

Locating his target, Gu Long executed the most simple spell of the Nuclear Magic, but even though it was the simplest spell, it didn't take anything from its destructiveness, which was absolutely frightening.

Instantly, the particles started circling around the Magic Circles and an enormous beam of light orange color shot towards the residence of the Monarch of Skies.

It was so fast that the automatic defenses of the Sky City couldn't react properly and faster than one could blink, an enormous mushroom cloud appeared above the Sky City and residence of the Monarch of Skies.

Surprisingly and not that much, the entire Sky City shook violently from the explosion, but nothing serious was done to the City. Obviously, this level of attack was not enough to bring it down, or so Gu Long thought.

Even though Sky City was operating at the minimum output, it was redoubtable that the materials it was made from wouldn't be that easily destroyed. Considering the Gu Long's suspicions of it being me by very powerful Beings of Law, it was expectable.

As the dust settled, Gu Long could see a lone figure emerging from the ruins of the enormous palace. It was a winged person with three pairs of wings, the pure white wings making him seem like an angel descending, full of a holy feeling.

It was obviously the Monarch of Skies, Zabofel.

The strongest Rank 6 Breaking Dawn Magus before the emergence of the Bloodline Monarch Leylin Farlier. And when Gu Long looked at the winged man, he could see why... his comprehension of Law was extremely high, probably reaching far above 50%.

Gu Long had met his fair share of Angels, and the feeling that the Monarch of Skies gave off was pretty different from the feeling of pure Holiness that the Angels gave off... this was closer to the light.

"Who dares!"

His enraged roar resounded through the entire area as the people living in the Sky City because Gu Long's attack didn't destroy just the Imperial Palace of the Monarch of Skies but also destroyed parts of the inner layer of the city.

The Monarch of Skies Zabofel searched for the enemy everywhere, but naturally, he couldn't find Gu Long, who was hiding under the most advanced Magic spells of the Chthonian Empire.

During the thousands of years of existence of the Chthonina Empire, assimilation and absorption of different types of Magic Systems, their own understanding of Magic has reached a frightening degree.

Even right now, the Empire enjoys tens of people who can effectively use various types of Magic Rules. Compared to the past, it was a tremendous increase.

"Coward, show yourself!"

Enraged Monarch of Skies Zabofel released a huge wave of light that illuminated everything in the diameter of hundreds of kilometers and in certain spot, there was one place that was still looking very natural despite his spell.

He looked at the spot and in a split of a second, hundreds of beams of condensed light boosted by the Law of Light shot toward the area.

Gu Long quickly reacted as he canceled his concealment and teleported away with the Great Destruction Realm Teleportation as he appeared thousands of kilometers away in a split of moment.

"It seems that his experiences are showing themselves."

The Dragon Prince muttered with a frown as he cast the Great Destruction Teleportation Realm Spell once more and appeared right behind the Monarch of Skies Zabofel.

Gripping his Dragon Slayer Halberd, he slashed at the Monarch of Skies Zabofel with full force, forcing the winged man to defend against the overwhelming power of the strike from the Dragon Slayer Halberd.


Gu Long frowned, seeing that his attacks were not proving to be successful, but at least he managed to injure the wings of Monarch of Skies Zabofel seriously.

"What do you want here dragon?!"

Ignoring the shout of false Angel, Gu Long continued with his barrage of attacks, slowly but steadily pushing the Monarch of Skies Zabofel back.

Meanwhile, two of them were fighting; suddenly various arrays around the Sky City activated swiftly and countless light projectiles started flying towards Gu Long.