The Treasures, Horde and Greed

Now that Gu Long has killed the Monarch of Skies Zabofel, he at first looked around his entire area and scanned everything with his superior senses, ensuring that nothing went wrong.

Searching for anything that the Monarch of Skies Zabofel could have prepared for his survival, but fortunately, he didn't find anything and when he devoured his very own Soul, Gu Long knew it was the whole Soul.

Never splitter, in a pristine and perfect condition, one could say.

After he was sure that the Monarch of Skies Zabofel was really dead and properly devoured as he should be, Gu Long took all of his spatial equipment from his body.

After he checked the continent briefly, his expression faltered for a moment, but altogether, all things considered, the loot wasn't that bad. He clearly used most of his treasures to power up the Sky City as much as possible for the combat against him.

While Gu Long was looting the corpse of Monarch of Skies Zabofel, Sky City was in a panic because the city deactivated itself with the death of its owner.

The Magi that were currently in the city were all panicking as the Monarch of Skies Zabofel died at the hands of dragons.

So, most of them did what they thought was the most logical conclusion and decided to escape.

Soon enough, with the death of Monarch of Skies Zabofel, all magi were using any means of getting from the Sky City.

Most of the Rank 5 Radiant Moon Magi were killed during the initial assault of the dragon as they attempted to participate in the defenses of the Sky City; unfortunately, they became just another nameless casualty.

Now, all of them were using either Teleportation Spells, Portals, various types of airships that were docked at the Sky City to escape en masse from the Sky City that was just hovering in the skies of the Central Continent around the devastated surroundings.

Gu Long, who was heading towards the control room of the Sky City, couldn't really bring himself to care about what happens to a few ants that would escape from the city. From his point of view, they were pretty much insignificant with their meager strength.

He soon arrived in front of the core of the Sky City as he blasted apart an enormous metal gate that was more than six meters high, as he stood in front of some kind of crystal that was hovering in the empty room but pulsating with arcane energy.

The dragon prince didn't waste any time; as he marched in front of the hovering crystal, putting both of his hands on the crystal's surface, he poured as much of his power into the crystal as possible.

Essentially binding the Sky City to himself.

To ensure he was wholly bound to the Sky City, he used some of the remnants of power of his father that was dwelling in his Soul.

He chose to do it this way because he sensed that one could bond with Sky City only by reaching a very high degree of Law Comprehension and Law Mastery.

Though that was understandable because, according to Gu Long's initial assumptions, it was the weapon of war made by the ancient Byron Empire of Magi, constructed by their most brilliant minds and most powerful Rank 8 Magi.

"So I was right... this is even more advanced than our own Arcanotek... it seems that they were unable to reach Rank 9 Magus or our Tier 11, so they needed to compensate for it by building weapons of terrifying destruction; unfortunately, this is just a weak model with maximal firepower compared to Tier 11... somewhere in the deepest layers, they should have that prototype..."

When Gu Long established a connection with the Sky City and bound himself to the Sky City, he obtained access to the database of the Sky City and had access to the information about the ancient Byron Empire of Magi.

While the Chthonian Empire had more powerful weapons than the Byron Empire of Magi, they couldn't compare in the Byron Empire's technology in one aspect... their technology while a bit weaker, was more sophisticated.

That was to be expected because the Byron Empire of Magi lasted for several hundreds of thousands of years. It occupied the entire Magus World, from the entirety of the surface world to all layers of the Subterranean World.

Not only that, but it also occupied countless foreign worlds; some were on par with the Magus World in terms of size, which was mind blogging as its size was much bigger than even the current Chthonain Empire of the Baator.

Their technology was much more sophisticated; it wasn't something that the Chthonian Empire couldn't reach too, because the only thing that was separating the Chthonians from it was time.

As the Byron Empire was many times older, it had far more time to develop into something more terrifying and perfect its craft, which it certainly achieved. From the archives of the Sky City, Gu Long saw that the Byron Empire had a prototype of the Sky City that had combat prowess comparable to peak Rank 9 Magus.

Such a vessel would be considered a peak even among the Chthonian Empire vessels and the things they could learn from studying it...

Unfortunately for the Dragon Prince, the thing was right now in the hands of a few peak Rank 8 Magi and located next to the World Core of the Magus World.

It was essentially their final layer of defense.

For several more hours, Gu Long assimilated all the information he obtained from Sky City before he started formulating the next course of action.

After that, he took out a small crystal from his spatial dimension, as this was one of the few things that survived the journey from the Kadath Universe. He then pushed the small crystal to the main control crystal of the Sky City as it began recharging.

This small thing had enough power to turn even Tier 11 Devil to dust if incorrectly handled and it was prepared by his father in case he needed something like this, while his power protected it during the journey.