Natives of the World of Gods (2)

However, at the same time, he could exert more power than he could have with his old Bloodline, as the Targaryen Bloodline was vastly inferior to the Nāga.

With this consumption, the soul seed would not be able to cause any fatal damage to this lifeform, even with Leylin's main body supporting energy.

"With the reserves of my soul force, I can't even use the most fundamental Intellectual Lifeform Bewitchment! However, metallic items are still quite valuable here. Especially for a boy full of fantasies, a broken blade can still attract his attention…"

Leylin judged.

As expected, after noticing the light, Tiff's eyes brightened as he arrived before the broken blade from before.

He expended much effort, pushing aside the soil and rocks and used his filthy hands to run his hands over the blade, allowing it to see the light of day again.

"The rays seemed to have been produced from this sword…"

Tiff was rather confident of this, but as he observed the rusted sword as well as the signs of corrosion on the hilt, he was less sure now.

However, even if this broken sword wasn't any Magic Artifact, it was still desirable to Tiff.

After all, boys had a passion for weapons from the depths of their heart, especially for boys like Tiff, who had many fantasies.

"Mm! Blacksmith Uncle Glan could buy it. This is worth at least three coppers! No, five!"

Tiff held this broken sword in satisfaction, the heaviness making him feel extremely pleased.

The sword with only half its original length was much lighter, but Tiff's attempts at a few moves still failed.

"Mm! I've made my decision. Even if Uncle Glan gives me five coppers, I won't sell this!"

Tiff nodded surely and kept his spoils well, humming nursery rhymes as he returned near the village.

Of course, the price of exploring on his own was being taught a lesson by his father, and he was also given a stern warning not to enter the forest again.

Tiff did not care about this at all.

While his ass was smarting with pain, he cleverly kept the spoils from his adventure amongst some firewood.

If not, he knew very well that his father would definitely sell off this sword and turn it into a few cups of cheap rum mixed with water, pouring into his stomach and completely disappearing.

This was the key to Tiff's life as an adventurer! How could it be squandered away so easily?

This couldn't be allowed, even if it was for his father's sake!

The boy made his decision.

With this thought in mind, the boy contentedly entered dreamland while daydreaming about being an adventurer and hero, while the surging darkness in the outside world never once stopped.

"With orders by the mighty oracle, purge this place of heresy!"

At some point, a group of knights had already encircled the village.

Their metallic armour as well as the runes unique to a Church, was intimidating.

This was the Church of God and was also the army of the church! It represented a god's will and was not to be disobeyed!

"The oracle said this place has been polluted by a foreign force. A purge is necessary!"

At the middle of the group of knights was an old man wearing the attire of a bishop, looking devout and pious. He seemed extremely stern.

"Lord Bishop, we have completely surrounded the area!"

A knight reported respectfully after urging his horse over. He was chiseled, his features as sharp as a knife.

"Good! Divine Corps, be prepared to coordinate with each other. Don't let even a single heretic escape!"

The bishop waved his hand. Numerous youthful and resolute priests dressed in white ceremonial clothing followed behind him, followed by the groups of knights in an orderly manner.

A serious crisis immediately enveloped the little town, but the residents did not notice at all.

"Hm? An exemplary polluted by the power of other laws…"

Though his detection abilities were largely limited, Leylin still sensed the people surrounding the village. It was a pity that there was nothing he could do. In his current state, he needed Tiff's help just to get out of the forest.

There was no way to break through this besiegement.

"The surveillance by the gods is extremely strict!"

Leylin exclaimed in admiration. He'd noticed the altar when he'd first entered the village, as well as the laws it emitted.

Of course, there were some differences between the laws here and those of beings from other worlds. Perhaps a more appropriate name for it would be Divine Force.

With the protection of divine force, the whole village was akin to a Domain.

Though the effects were extremely weak compared to a real domain, they had similar characteristics.

"A foreign being like me would be discovered the moment I enter the domain!"

Leylin sighed

"Unless I find an area where the truly faithless gather or evade places with altars or shrines, there's nowhere for me to hide when I'm in this form… It's a pity that it's impossible…"

In Beelzebub's memories, practically all intelligent beings of the World of Gods had faith in various Gods.

Here, being faithless was very frightening. Even those followers of another religion or those who had faith in the devils were treated better than the faithless.

It was rumored that after death, the souls of the faithless were not accepted by any Gods, and could only howl and wail as they were crucified while alive.

"Faith in the gods spreads like numerous nodes throughout the World of Gods. Each follower's soul will be branded by the gods!"

Here, massacres were obviously not forbidden.

However, all research done on souls was seen as blasphemy to the gods, and those discovered doing so would be burnt at the stake.

It was fine to kill the followers of the gods, but if he tried to influence their souls in the slightest degree, the gods would notice in an instant.

The fury of having one's child touched by someone else was definitely enough to induce fury from the gods.

"The souls of priests, deity officials, devout followers and sacred warriors must definitely not be touched, or else their god will be provoked and surely won't take this lying down!"

This was the most important lesson Leylin had learned from Beelzebub's memories.

"In other words, in the World of Gods, it's impossible to massacre and devour souls in order to regain strength quickly. If I do that, there'd be something like a tracker on me, and I'd be discovered by the gods no matter where I go. Of course, in a foreign world, my soul strength isn't much. I won't be able to escape…"

After determining the situation, Leylin strangely felt relaxed.