Demigod Nāga (1)

The last thing Leylin wanted was for the powerful Gods in the World of Gods to take notice of him and hinder his progress. He knew that to the Gods, the Totem Spirits and Ancestral Spirits of the natives were like a group of useless things.

They were weak and could not leave their respective areas, which was why they were not worthy of attention. Yet, the ascension of one to the Demigod would still catch the attention of the Gods and if they decided to intervene in his progress of becoming God, it would be troublesome.

Fortunately, with the Spell Array Pyramid of Light, he managed to prevent it, even though he was forced to pay a tremendous price for the Spell Array when one of the members of the Longinus Dreizhen Orden sold him basic inscriptions.

He worked for years to finish the Pyramid of Light to be usable in real combat; fortunately, his efforts have paid off.

Becoming a demigod was as difficult as scaling into the skies, but it was no issue for Leylin, who already became a Demigod once with his true body in the Godhood Method.

Even though the Godhood Method depended on oneself and the God Path in the World of Gods depended on cooperation with the Worlds, there were still similarities between both of them to a certain degree.

When it came to his clone body, he had amassed far more Divine Force than needed a long time ago, but he had lacked something that would allow him to make a final advancement because sometimes it wasn't about just Divine Force but also other factors.

That turning point appeared today. The immense pressure of four great Demigods allowed him to break past his limits and pushed the ignition of his Godfire so that he could become Demigod with his clone body too.

Becoming a Demigod required cooperation with the laws of the world. It was a very valuable experience for Leylin because it would be helpful to him when merging the Law Path and Godhood Method Path, creating the so-wished Law Godhood with his True Body.

"The sea of origin force has descended…"

A golden light glinted in Akaban's eyes as he saw a large sea of origin force that was even greater than the Weave. It surged forth and whistled, forming songs of praise.

'Based on the current situation, the chances of his success are high…'

Akaban frowned, sensing that he now had another impressive enemy, but at the same time, he wasn't taking his opponent, even as a Demigod, as a real threat.

Unlike him, the three beasts did not have many worries.

'Even if that divine being successfully becomes a Demigod, he's still a newbie who can't control Divine Force properly yet. How could he be a match for the four of us combined?'

Even though he had already fallen into the trap, Akaban was still confident or rather arrogant enough when he thought over the situation.

Yet at the same time, his arrogance was somewhat understandable because, since his birth, there was no one who could match him, be it in talent or martial prowess at the Debanks Islands.

Compared to the main parts of the World of Gods, the Debanks Islands were just forsaken lands without any powerful Inheritances, Legacies or Professionals. Nobody has ever ascended to Godhood from this place, so the level of the Debnaks Islands was too low.

For that, Akaban, as one of the peerless geniuses, never encountered anyone who could even seemingly challenge him, which in turn cultivated a great deal of arrogance inside him.


[Beep! Unknown energy detected, the host's soul has experienced a transition. Secondary system updating…]

The A.I. Chip went to sleep.

Lights converged and began to blaze underneath the sea of origin force. Leylin had taken in Beelzebub's worshippers from the mainland, established the Church of the Heavenly Serpent and built a base in the outer seas; this was enough for one or two Lesser Gods.

But he wasn't satisfied with just that, no because his ambitions were far higher than that and with support and enough planning, he could make them into something real.

He'd crossed the seas to occupy a portion of Debanks Island, and he now had over 400,000 natives as worshippers! They were indebted to him for saving them from the brink of death, so their Faith was very enthusiastic.

Even with the flaws in their souls, the power of this Faith was still massive, more than enough to newly ascended Lesser God, so Leylin's Faith was indeed tremendous. It was already outclassing countless Lesser Gods across the enormous and vast World of Gods.

At this moment, all the followers that worshipped Leylin felt a surge of desire in their hearts.

In this state of intense longing, all of them set aside what they were doing. They faced the holy radiance in their hands, a statue in the Church, or even just the skies as they began to pray.

"Our Lord, Heavenly Serpent God Nāgarāja… You are the world serpent that devours all. With the sharp blades of your massacres, even the stars in the sky lose all their luster before you…"

An exceptionally strong wave of faith rushed forth, immediately giving rise to an even more intense change. The Divinity on Leylin's body was now completely visible, burning everything around him to nothingness.

The powerful aura fell silent as everything condensed down, including the golden flames.

The Godfire shrank to the size of a soybean, but the power that the bean gave off was horrifying.

This was the foundation of a God, the Godfire. The sensation was totally different compared to the Demigod state achieved by the Godhood Method, as he felt a very strong connection to the World.

Once it was ignited, Divine Beings would become Demigods, truly demarcating themselves from mortals; they would have reached the Realm of Gods.

The Godfire seemed to be a condensation of all laws, and it kept shrinking and growing. It was like the flames were breathing in faith, transforming it into a pure Divine Force.

Only with Divine Force were Gods able to bestow Divine Spells upon their followers. It was what qualified them to be Gods. This Godfire was what allowed the power of Faith to be transformed into Divine Force.