Fall of the Debanks Islands

"Is it done?"

Leylin heard a draconic voice belonging to Gu Long when he returned back to the Serpent City's citadel.

"Yes... everyone is dead; my path through the Debanks Islands would be without much resistance; you can depart to the Abyss to achieve your breakthrough."

Leylin answered as casually as he could, now return back to his experiments with the Weave that was enveloping the entire World of Gods. He ordered Tiff to conquer the remaining parts of the Debanks Islands and exterminate every single native not part of the Serpent City.

"Then I will be going to the Abyss... I will return after achieving my breakthrough..."

The Dragon Prince said and disappeared into nothingness, while Leylin greatly anticipated that day because that would mark their plans for the Baator and his own ascension to the Rank 7 Magus, the Being of Laws.


"Your Holiness, our vanguard has already taken over the two citadels in Ado City and Dole City. As long as we get Dul City as well, the capital of the Empire shall be right before our eyes!"

The troops of Serpent City were proceeding smoothly along the massive lands.

Tiff, who was Supreme Pontiff of the Church of Heavenly Serpent God, was in charge of the conquest of the remaining parts of the Debanks Islands. Right now, he had completed his routine prayers as he listened to the reports of army officials.

Golden light flashed on his forehead, causing him to be bathed in a holy luster.

"Send in High-Ranking Legends and Devil Hunters..."

Tiff ordered with an authoritative voice, as they were already nearing the capital city of the Sakartes Empire, which was one of the few cities in the Debanks Islands that were still standing.

He now looked reassured, boosting these Warriors with Divine Spells alongside other Priests... As a Church, Priests and military strength were extremely important. On the main continent of the World of Gods, the Church, with weak military power, couldn't even spread its Faith properly.

While combining what he knew of Debanks Island with his own strength, with help with the A.I. Chip's simulation calculations, he had also created a whole new strength pathway for his Church.

Devil hunters!

As the name implied, all Professionals that had ranked up in this area could obtain sensitivity to Devils and the unique tracking ability of Hunters. By activating the Devil runes, they could even obtain an Ability similar to the Bloodline Abilities of Devils and they were basically anti-thesis to the Devils.

This profession, which was a fusion between Warriors and Bloodline Holders, was very powerful, but there were also flaws. The Professionals had to meet extremely tough requirements when it came to their willpower.

But the gains far outweighed the losses because Devil Hunters were very powerful individually and could fight several Professionals of the same Level in certain cases, which was enough for the Church of Heavenly Serpent.

In addition, the pain from branding Devil Runes was horrifying; the process had a very high mortality rate among the people who underwent it.

Thankfully, Leylin now had many subordinates. He had slowly selected beings from more than half a million people, and getting a few thousand Devil Hunters was not difficult.

Leylin had especially created something special for this Power System. If a being could capture a real Devil and seal them in their own body, the Hunter would obtain much of the strength of the Devil!

On top of that, their Ranking would also increase and each such Devil Hunter was a powerhouse on his own and could kill several Devil Hunters that didn't have sealed Devils inside them.

Only Hunters with Devils sealed within them were truly Devil Hunters. All this was done in preparation for the inevitable clash against the Devils of the Nine Hells of Baator.

If it wasn't for the fact where was tasked by the Longinus Dreizhen Orden to acquire the Bloodline Source of the Devil Race, then he wouldn't be pushing the Devil Hunter Profession to such extremes.


For the past weeks, the armies of the Church of the Heavenly Serpent and Serpent City had been marching through the Debanks Islands, massacring the populations of natives in tens of thousands as rivers of blood and mountains of courses remained after their march.

Just as their God had spoken, nobody survived and nothing remained; everyone was killed and everything was destroyed.

At the heart of the altar, there was an obsidian statue with a warrior riding a war chariot.

However, the horse in front of the chariot had long since shattered and only the statue of a warrior in the chariot was barely holding up, but it was cracked all around, and some parts of it already fell apart.

As if sensing that he was being disrespected, a terrifying pressure rose from the Empire's founding Emperor, Akeban's statue.

Even though Akaban was dead for some time, the statue still contained some of the remnants of will and Divine Force because it was the object of worship for countless generations.

"Begone lingering will of dead False God."

The pope of Heavenly Serpent Church, Tiff, erupted with golden light as he smashed the statue of Akaban into nothingness. With the Demigod-ranked Weapon that Leylin gave him, no High-Rank Legendary or even Divine Being could stand in front of his might and were all killed.

Nobody managed to surrender; several of the large native tribes were completely annihilated, with their Totem Spirits, Ancestral Spirits or anything of their worship being ruthlessly crushed apart and any seeds of resistance annihilated.

Soon enough, the entire Debanks Islands would be under the rule of the Heavenly Serpent Church.

With the massacre carried out around the entirety of the Debanks Islands, under the leadership of powerful Professionals of Heavenly Serpent Church and Leylin's Army, one after one, the Divine Beings of natives fell from grace.

Those who managed to survive somehow were then chased and killed by the most powerful Professionals of the Heavenly Serpent Church.

A new order would be built on the ruins of the Sakartes Empire and the native tribes of the Debanks Islands, and something like that would need a person with both fame and fortune.

In reality, even Tiff did not have the qualifications to do so, even though Leylin planned to let Tiff rule the newly founded nation for some time, until the time was right.

There was only one person that could govern the area to combine both reason and law and that was someone who had Leylin's blood flowing in them!