Interlude: Rogue Trader Militant (3)

Raziel Phenex, the new Rogue Trader Militant of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, looked at the planet before his eyes with interest.

While it appeared to be an ordinary planet, with no presence of anything stronger than Nine Mortal Realms, their scans have found tremendous lingering power.

At least at Tier 11...

Which meant that something very powerful was dwelling in the world.

Blue Pole Star.

A planet located on the outskirts of the Universe, with the closest point of interest being the Star God Realm. It had 97% water and 3% land now; apparently, originally it was 60% and 40%, but their scans were showing that much of it was sunk down underneath the ocean.

It had three continents, from what they learned after kidnapping some natives.

The most remote is the Azure Cloud Continent, while the Profound Sky Continent and the Illusory Demon Realm are relatively close to each other. The Profound Sky Continent and the Illusory Demon Realm were at war for one hundred years.

"Where should we descend, My Lord?"

One of his adjutants asked as Raziel then pointed at a place within the holographic projection of the Blue Pole Star.

"Divine Phoenix Empire is it then."

Soon enough, the Emperor-Class Battleship FirePhoenix started descending down towards the Profound Sky Continent's Divine Phoenix Empire and its capital.

Divine Phoenix Empire is one of the seven major nations on the Profound Sky Continent. It was the most powerful nation due to its Divine Phoenix bloodline, which they received from the "Divine Phoenix God" from the Primordial Divine Beast Phoenix.

The Empire was closely intertwined with the Divine Phoenix Sect. The Imperial Family of the Empire also led the Divine Phoenix Sect.

For that reason, Raziel chose them; beware, he knew from the blood samples that the Bloodline was of Tier 10...


Blue Pole Star, Profound Sky Continent, Divine Pheonix Empire, Divine Phoenix City

Divine Phoenix City was one of the largest cities in the entire Profound Sky Continent, if not the largest one, and the heart of the Divine Pheonix Empire and Divine Phoenix Sect, a land that was almost rivaling the Four Holy Grounds.

The air of the city carries a trace of searing heat due to the huge number of practitioners of fire attribute profound arts. Numerous Profound Arks can be seen flying in the air, signifying the wealth of the inhabitants.

During the peaceful night, suddenly light illuminated the dark sky, as countless beams of pure energy shot towards the flying profound arcs as hundreds of explosions enveloped the night sky.

"Secure the city. Kill anyone who doesn't surrender."

Raziel gave a single order to his army that was waiting for an opportunity to slaughter anyone who dared to go against them. They were on a remote planet without any real connection to the wider Universe.

So he chose the risks and decided on the frontal attack and conquest, contrary to the typical approach of Cthonians, which was naturally sneaking around and waiting for an opportunity to strike.

But Raziel grew impatient because he felt that the Bloodline of Phoenix native to this Universe would be enough to help him advance to Tier 10.

His very own Bloodline was boiling in anticipation as it found weakened Tier 10 that could be used to advance itself.

Several thousand soldiers bearing the sigil of Raziel Phenex exited the Emperor-Class Battleship FirePheonix as they were slaughtering their way through hordes of cultivators of the Divine Phoenix Sect.

Because most of his soldiers were ranging from Tier 6 to Tier 8, which were the Divine Realms of the Primal Chaos Dimension, they suffered absolutely no casualties and no resistance and their enemies were killed one by one.

Countless spells were letting up the night sky as Magicains were conjuring elements while warriors were tearing through the waves of cultivators. Seeing the onslaught, countless cultivators started escaping for their very own lives.

One thing that was always thought at the Imperial Academies was that most of the cultivators were cowards who valued their lives above everything else.

Humans didn't have a naturally long lifespan, and for them, cultivation was prolonging their life as we were gaining power.

So they subconsciously valued their lives above everything, and breaking their will was many times very easy, especially in universes where Energy-Gathering Cultivation Systems were prevalent.

Within a few minutes after the battle started, Raziel strolled into the Imperial Palace of the Divine Phoenix Sect that his forces took, with most of the people being killed as they refused to surrender...

'Oh, we didn't use their Profound Energy, so we seem like common mortals to them... welp... their bad luck...'

Raziel thought as he looked at Ezran Bael who was sitting on the throne belonging to the Emperor as the throne room was littered with corpses, with only a few barely surviving ones attempting to crawl away.

With a wave of his hand, Raziel conjured a huge golden flame that burned away all corpses together with the blood and other mess.

"Could you please make it clear next time?"

The Holy Phoenix asked with sight, but Ezran just grinned stupidly as he stepped on the middle-aged man, breaking his leg as the man screamed in pain.

"Is this the Sect Master and Emperor?"

He asked as the young Bael nodded his head.

"Yeh... Feng Hengkong... or whatever... he has a similar name to General Feng Xiu..."

Ezran Bael stated as he said the name of General of the Yesod with fear...

"Though if he had even one billionth of his power, it would be achievement... whatever, pass him to me, I am going to read his mind and extract everything. Meanwhile, you know what? Kill everyone affiliated to this pathetic excuses of Phoenixex, those who survive to capture..."

Raziel then caught the body of Feng Hengkong as he tore apart his mind in a fury because he thought that these people were indeed pathetic. Having a Bloodline that was of Tier 10 but not even being able to reach Tier 9...

Most of them couldn't reach even Tier 5 or in their own Sovereign Profound Realm; it was a disgrace to the Phoenix.

"So it is this way... who would have thought? It seems that path has opened for me."

Raziel grinned maliciously as he started formulating a plan in his head.