Abyss (2)

Killing the Imps wasn't any problem for Gu Long because most of them were weak, like very, very weak, only comparable to Tier 2 or Tier 3, but they were numerous and numbered in the hundreds.

Imps were weak individually, so they depended on the numbers to properly overwhelm their opponents, but nevertheless, in front of absolute power, it was futile, and they were all killed, and Gu Long started extracting memories from their souls.

He learned that he was right now in the Pazunia, which is the official name of the 1st Layer of the Abyss.

Pazunia, also called the Plain of Infinite Portals, the Palace of 1,001 Closets, the Plain of a Thousand Portals, and the Plain of Yawning Pits, was the first Layer of the Abyss.

Pazunia was a vast land of rocky, windswept barrens dotted with pits and canyons, tors and mesas. Lit by an ancient red sun, iron fortresses dotted the Layer. The plains of Pazunia were dotted with countless pits that acted as portals to lower layers of the Abyss.

The single biggest and most important of these was the Grand Abyss, which was considered a layer in its own right. Most other locations of importance were located by a portal.

It was ruled by the Demon Prince Pazuzu.

Demon Prince Pazuzu was one of the strongest Demon Lords in the entire Abyss, from what the memories told him.

Pazuzu was a powerful demon lord and one of the eldest and most reprehensible of them. He was also called the Dark Angel of the Four Winds and the Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms.

He held sway over all evil flying creatures, even among the different layers of the Abyss, so right now, Gu Long was in a very precarious and dangerous position that he didn't wish to be in...

He made up his mind to get out from the 1st Layer of the Abyss as soon as possible.

The sole good news from this entire ordeal was that there were many entrances to the Lower Layers of the Abyss for him to find and make use of. Due to that, he didn't waste any more time and started searching for the closest one to his position.

He sprinted through the charred deserts of the Pazunia, avoiding the attention of powerful demon beasts or powerful demons. Fortunately, though, he was right now on the outskirts of the Pazunia, which was devoid of any powerful demons.

At best, there were a few demons that were on the level of Tier 9, but not many as they could be counted on one hand. Due to that, Gu Long was relatively relaxed because he could safely reach the 2nd Layer.

From what he knew, the first Layer was one of the most guarded regions of the Abyss because it served as a buffer zone. When someone invaded the Abyss, they would always fight on the 1st Layer, the Pazunia.

That was the reason why the entire Layer of the Abyss looked like one huge ruined battlefield, with countless destroyed structures, armor, and weapons were everywhere; some were already destroyed.

Rotting corpses of Demons, Fiends, Humans, Devils, and god knows of what species were lying almost everywhere. During the journey to the great pits, he encountered many demons and with each killed demon his understanding of the Abyss deepened a bit.

Unfortunately, most of the demons were dumb as they were ugly and didn't have any precious information. Still, one thing positive was that usually, the stronger the demon was, the more knowledgeable they were about the state of the Abyss.

So after he killed a pretty powerful demon comparable to the Tier 8 being, he got a lot of information, also on the other Layers of the Abyss, on many Demon Lords that ruled their respective Layers and so on...

Though there was nothing essential that would warrant the attention of his father as he instructed him, now he knew that to obtain such kind of information, he would need to kill some Tier 9 or perhaps Tier 10 Demon Lords that ruled the Layers.

But killing Demon Lords was easier said than done because each of the Demon Lords was minimally Tier 9 Being, and they had the entire might of the Layer to call on their own.

Not to mention, some of the more powerful ones had even subordinate Demon Lords and could call the might of multiple Abyssal Layers their own.

For example, the Demon Prince Pazuzu had several Demon Lords as his vassals, and anytime he wished, he could borrow their strength to use as his own. This made him an extremely dangerous opponent and he would be very hard to kill.

"Damm... first few tens. Layers are very powerful..."

Gu Long knew that the first thirty to forty Layers would be beyond his capabilities even after he became Being of Law because all of them had extremely powerful entities guarding them, so they were out of the question.

These Layers acted as an impenetrable wall against the enemies of the Abyss, but afterward, the strength of the various Layers was evidently varied. Some were powerful, and some were extremely weak.

The strongest were actually the first Layers and Last Layers, with the final Layers were the true core of the Abyss, where all of the powerhouses of the entire Abyss congregated.

"I think that one of them heard about great wars around 100th Layer of the Abyss... that would be the place where I should make my breakthrough and perhaps even could attack some of the Demon Lords as they suffered considerably."

Various Demon Lords waged wars against each other for the control of the Layers because it was the easiest way on how to get stronger in the shortest time, even evolve into a higher lifeform and obtain new territories and expand the armies.

From the memories of one of the Tier 8 demons he killed, he found out that the Layers ranging from around 90 to 110, were in great strife for the past few centuries as various Demon Lords wanted to attain the rank of Demon Prince.