Apotheosis of Gu Long (2)

Witch Queen Iggwilv was looking at the Apotheosis of Gu Long with a mixture of admiration, wonder, respect, love and longing. She could feel the power that was rolling out of the Dragon Prince and it was overwhelming.

Something that was so powerful, so potent...

Iggwilv met her deal of Law Archamges during her life, be it in the Oerth or in the entire Prime Material Plane, but this was the first time she felt this kind of power from someone who was just ascending to the Law State.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Prince was assimialting the Demonic and Divine Energies within the Tomb of the Demon God at tremendous speed, as his Godhood Index was increasing at lightning speed, already crossing the one of 7,500.

Soon enough, the Demonic and Divine Energies within the Tomb of the Demon God were getting lower and lower as the corpse of the Demon God was being entirely devoured from the bottom to the top.

And Gu Long's power was shooting through the roof, already reaching the peak of the Tier 9 in one go. Within the next two hours, Gu Long's Godhood Index reached exactly 10,000 which meant that he reached the very limit of Tier 9.

If not for the differences in the quality of the energy, then he would have already reached Tier 10 in one go. But unfortunately, while the person was the Demon God and had the same mixture of Demonic and Divine Energies, Gu Long's was far purer and more potent.

That was to be expected, as both of his parents were at Tier 12 and they were this strong when they conceived him.

He inherited this from both of his parents, but while he didn't reach Tier 10 officially, his combat prowess was already standing on the levels of more powerful Tier 10 entities.

He had two Law Godhoods, which he didn't even plan, as he originally planned to ascend with only with the Golden Light of Holy Destruction as his primary Law Godhood.

The Law of Devour was unexpected but a pleasant surprise in this entire endeavor. Now that he had reached Tier 9 and devoured everything from the Tomb of Demon God, he would need a few hours to assimilate his strength properly.

Gu Long then sat down cross-legged and entered a very deep meditation trance, as he was assimialting his gains from the breakthrough and getting used to the overwhelming power he obtained from Apotheosis to the Law God.

Everything that was also happening with his breakthrough and Apotheosis was being recorded by his Minor Tarot Card and sent to his father, Father of All Devils, for further reference.

Witch Queen Iggwilv was observing everything as she was getting slightly horny at the Gu Long, who was radiating enormous power, something that was enormously attractive to the Witch Queen and Archmage of the Oerth.


Kadath Universe

Fortress of Nurmengard, Sunset Mountain Range, 9th Layer of the Higher Dimensional World of Baator

The Father of All Devils was sleeping soundly on his bed together with his wives as they were after another series of passionate lovemaking. Retirement was indeed one of the best choices that he made in his whole life.

As he was hugging Hela and Grayfia, who were always wearing the most ruthless and cold persona, they were especially cuddly when they were alone. Not like they would admit it openly, but both of them were very affectionate and warm when they wanted to be.


The Crimson Emperor woke up, as he got transmission of an enormous amount of information through the Tarot Cards that were fused with his soul. He got information about Gu Long's Apotheosis as he finally ascended to the Law Godhood which was a great step forward for his son.

But most importantly, it was for him because he got more data on the Law Godhood; he knew that his own fusion of the Law Path and Godhood Path would be very hard, as he would be fusing them at peak Tier 12.

"As long as I can get my hands on data from Farlier's own version of the merger, then I can start my own Apotheosis to the Primarch..."

The Father of All Devils muttered quietly as he returned back to sleep while giving Hela a kiss on her forehead as she felt her moving in her sleep. He wouldn't really say it out loud, but she often had bad dreams or nightmares...


Gu Long spent the next ten hours in deep meditation as he was reigning in his own power, which was a much harder task than initially anticipated.

The overwhelming power that was within his body was "unruly" and it was impossible to control in a short time.

Still, with enough patience and time, Gu Long was starting to gain control over the overwhelming power within his body and soon enough, he would be once again ready for the action in combat.

Iggwilv was as usual, watching over Gu Long, standing on guard like a little dutiful soldier, as she noticed that Gu Long had woken up from his meditation trance. The Dragon Prince opened his eyes and deeply sighed in and out.

"How long?"

He asked as he looked at the Witch Queen, who was constantly checking on the Bounded Field that was hiding them from the rest of the outside world and layer...

If not for that and the help of the Embers of Silence, then this entire place would be already swarming with powerful Demon Lords.

"Twelve hours, plus minus some minutes..."

Dragon Prince nodded at that, it was longer than he anticipated, but it was still within the reason. But any more longer would cause them to be at risk of being found if they were unlucky.

His father instilled the right amount of paranoia into him and a need for constant vigilance.

"We can depart to the Hollow's Heart... with my newfound power, it should be rather an easy task to achieve."

Now that Gu Long had reached the peak of Tier 9 and had the combat prowess of a relatively stronger Tier 10, he was confident in helping Iggwilv in achieving her goals.