Father Of All Devils Vs. Void Leviathan (3)

Using the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin was very dangerous even to me, as it was to the target who was standing on the other end of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin.

One may think that usage of the Devouring Aspect of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin was safer, but that was farther from the truth itself because it was even more dangerous than using the Ruination Aspect itself.

When using the Devouring of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin, I could be easily overwhelmed by the power that I was absorbing; very easily overwhelmed, thus I needed to use it with care and cautiousness...

[Host has assimilated an enormous amount of unknown energy of Void properties.]

[Convesion has been started.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,1.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,2.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,4.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,2.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,1.]

When I started using the Devouring Aspect of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin on the Void Leviathan, for the first time in a very long time, I felt my power increasing because the unknown racial energy that the Void Leviathan possessed was on par with the Stardust.

And thus, I was able to increase my Stardust rating by an entire 1 point, which was a tremendous amount of energy, sure enough to annihilate several thousands of galaxies if it was released into the Universe.

[The Godhood has been assimilating the remnant energy.]

Even my Godhood started reacting to the remnant energy that I wasn't able to assimilate into my very own power. The Void Leviathan was trashing around, attempting to destroy the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin, but it was to no avail...

I was very well able to bind the creature, and with each passed moment and second, the power of the Void Leviathan was diminishing at the visible rate. 

[Comprehension over the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

All Void Leviathans had some bits of the Concept of Void within their bodies and nothing could escape being ever hungry and devouring the power of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin as it was targeting the very own fundamental essence of the Void Leviathan.

I grinned at this because this was the exact thing that I needed, but seeing the Void Leviathan trashing so much, I realized that if this continued for some more time, he may or may not even damage the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin.

That was a rather big no-no, so I waved Atiesh as thousands if not tens of thousands Dark Light Chains appeared around men and shot towards the Void Leviathan with lightning speed, hugging every nook and cranny of his humongous body.

"Dark Light Rule: Chain of Heaven: Spatial Lock!"

When another version of the Chains of Heaven was cast through the Magic Rule of the Dark Light that was his first Magic Rule, and also it was the most versatile of the three Magic Rules that he had created through the years. 

The Void Leviathan roared in pain from the Chains of Heaven that were enveloping its enormous body.

It was constantly trashing around and trying to break free from the bindings of the Dark Light Chains, but it was futile.

It wasn't something that the Void Leviathan could achieve on his own and with his own power, but it still continued resisting because it was the only one thing that it could do when it was sensing its imminent death that was slowly but surely coming to it.

"Imperial of End and Ruin: Full Release: Source Devour: Full Out!"

Seeing the resistance slowly faltering, just for a mere second, I unleashed another wave of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin, this time even strengthened as the Chains of Heaven were taking another toll on the body of the Void Leviathan.

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,5.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,4.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,3.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,5.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,5.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,3.]

The light in the creature's eyes was dimming down as more and more energy was being drained from the Void Leviathan. With the power of the Arcane Crest of Imperial End and Ruin, the Void Leviathan was being slowly killed in the most agonizing way it could be killed.

I was getting more and more power, with my Stardust rating reaching 32, which was far more enough to become a danger to even some average Primarchs; this power was enough to exterminate even some bigger Universes with a few spells.

[The comprehension of the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

[The comprehension of the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

[The comprehension of the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

[The comprehension of the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

[The comprehension of the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

Even my comprehension of the Concept of Void has reached a staggering 16% which was probably the most I could obtain from the Void Leviathan.

Soon enough, the Void Leviathan stopped moving, as the life spaced from its eyes; soon enough, the massive creature died down, as I flew to the corpse that was just motionlessly floating in the Endless Void.

"If I can obtain the Bloodline Source out from the refined Bloodline of the Void Leviathan it could become a stable block in my foundation."

I muttered as I spread my arms and started bending the space and sealing the corpse of the Void Leviathan into an empty storage Dimension that was specifically prepared for creatures like this.

"And with this done... we can have the vacations... hopefully..."