Progenitor Void Bloodline

[Bloodline Extraction Procedure has been initiated.]

[Conducting the preliminary analysis of the Void Leviathan Bloodline has been initiated.]

I started the analysis because if the Void Leviathan was directly one of the Progenitor Blood, then the Bloodline Extraction had particular hazards, depending on how close they were to the Prigoneitor of the Void Leviathans and all Void Creatures that dwelled in the Endless Void.

If it was close kin, its very own Bloodline would contain some sort of Bloodline Imprint or something that would greatly complicate the matters on hand.

[Void Leviathan Bloodline has been detected to meet the qualities of the Great Kin of the Void Progenitor.]

[Scanning the Void Leviathan for the Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor.]

[Scanning for the Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor has been completed.]

[Found damaged Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor within the Bloodline of the Void Leviathan.]

As expected, nothing is always going according to the plan, and that damaged corpse must indeed contain the Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor. Still, the sole salvation within the situation was the fact that it was damaged one.

Still, as the Bloodline Imprint was damaged for whatever reason, that was something that I could work with and certain with some sort of sacrificial ritual, I could condense enough power to destroy the remnants of the Bloodline Imprint.

"Stop all ongoing procedures and prepare for the sacrificial ritual."

I said as I took several objects from the spatial ring and unsealed them because they were specifically sealed. It were the corpses of Tier 12 beings that I killed during my excursions into the Endless Void.

Natually they were not all of the Tier 12 beings that I killed, but only some and the ones that were most suitable for the sacrifice. This, according to my calculations, should generate enough power to destroy the already damaged Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor.

[Initiating the Sacrificial Ritual.]

[Sacrificial Ritual Process at 17%]

[Sacrificial Ritual Process at 34%]

[Sacrificial Ritual Process at 68%]

[Sacrificial Ritual Process at 97%]

[Sacrificial Ritual Process at 100%]

[The sacrificial Ritual is completed and ready to commence.]

Hearing that, I took Atiesh and put the corpses of several semi-sealed corpses of deceased TIer 12 beings in the Sacrificial Ritualistic Circle. After that, I gave the silent command that Artifact Spirit of the Baldaquin was overseeing the entire operation.

A tremendous power surged from the Sacrificial Ritualistic Circle within a mere moment.

[Energy Readings have reached standards of the Tier 10.]

Within a second, the power reached the peak of Tier 10, and it was increasing at a staggering speed. 

[Activating the safety protocols. Initiating the defenses around the research chamber N0. 5 and activating the protective runes.]

Instantly the Artifact Spirit of the Baldaquin initiated the defensive protocols over the research chamber N0. 5 because the energy within the Sacrificial Ritualistic Circle was increasing at lightning speed and soon enough could reach dangerous heights.

[Energy Readings have reached standards of the Tier 11.]

[Energy Readings have reached standards of the Tier 12.]

[Energy Readings have reached standards of the peak Tier 12.]

In a split of a moment the energy regained in the room have reached the peak of Tier 12, thus it meant that it was ready.

Waving Atiesh, I controlled the Sacrificial Ritualistic Circle and the energy within, which then shot toward the corpse of the Void Leviathan after being refined into specific translucent power.

Instantly, several weird runes started appearing around the corpse of the Void Leviathan, and soon after the runes appeared on the corpse of the Void Leviathan, and imaginary chains soon followed after them.

Those cahisn represented the Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor in the Bloodline of the Void Leviathan. Normally, the chains should be in a pristine and complete state, but the ones that were, in this case, were damaged and cracked in most places.

Atiesh glowed in powerful, blinding azure-blue light as the light itself attacked the chains that were enveloping the corpse of the Void Leviathan. Slowly, the chains that were representing the Bloodline Imprint of Void Progenitor started cracking one by one.

Still, when I was observing it, I was rather nervous about that fact because it could still end in many way, as the Bloodline Imprint belonged to an entity that was presumably on Tier 14 if I am not wrong.

However, this made me wonder what exactly managed to damage it to such an extent because it certainly wasn't my own fight with the Void Leviathan; for such a thing, I certainly lacked power because that was far above my pay grade.

But fortunately, nothing happened, as the chains started cracking one after one, to which soon, not even one remained over the corpse of the Void Leviathan, signifying that the Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor had been entirely destroyed.

This was rather surprising and mainly thanks to the already done damage to the Bloodline Imprint, I was able to destroy it completely. If not for that, then this corpse of the Void Leviathan would have lesser uses because I would be able to directly use my Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin.

That thing would indeed extract some bits of the Bloodline, but it would also destroy more than I could ever hope to obtain from it. Now that the Bloodline Imprint was gone, I could safely extract and refine the Bloodline of the Void Leviathan.

"Activate the Bloodline Extraction Protocol."

[Bloodline Extraction Protocol has been activated.]

[Bloodline Extraction has been started.]

[The approximate time of the Bloodline Extraction has been set as 2 Hours 14 Minutes and 22 Seconds.]

Now the only thing that I need to do is to let the Artifact Spirit of the Baldaquin to do its job because it was controlling everything that was happening even in this research laboratory and I was confident enough to let it take care of the Bloodline Extraction too.

In fact, two hours and a few minutes was actually a really short time for something as precise and delicate as this.

So, during that time, I sat aside and read a book while waiting for the procedure to be finished so I could initiate the next step, which would be infusing the refined Bloodline of the Void Leviathan into my own Bloodline.