How a Spider ended in Gotham9

Upon hearing the tone of Tony's voice Stephen knew, Tony was going to ask the hard question. Why he hadn't said what caused the end of the Universes but Stephen wouldn't say, Vishanti help him, he wouldn't and won't . Stephen wouldn't tell the man in front of him that he sacrificed him self to win the war and his children, left fatherless, would be eternally separated, never to form bounds with each other. His 'spider child' was caught in old hatreds, losing everything because of Stephen's own carelessness, and when he sought to reclaim his life, the universe disintegrated. He couldn't admit that Wanda had obliterated multiple other universes and realities following Vision's death. He couldn't confess to destroying a universe and a few alternate realities himself after Christine's demise. The list could go on and on ,on how alternate versions of themselves had destroyed the very worlds and universes they had sworn to protect.

But Tony deserved the truth, the whole truth because the man was trying to save the whole Universe and Stephen knew if it meant that his kids would be safe, Tony would sacrifice himself a hundred times over, heck he would join him too. Not that Stephen will ever let Tony ever find out that specific piece of information. So Stephen steeled himself and opened his mouth to tell Tony how each alternate and possible future universe ended in detail "@$#$#£&#&&@&@&&@&@@&" Stephen started to speak but Tony just held his hand up. 

Tony was expecting Stephen to try and brush him off, he was prepared to try and persuade him or even plead with him. Tony wasn't expecting Gandalf to go a few shades white and pale almost blue Tony was about to ask Stephen to look at him and breathe because he looked like he was about to have a panic attack but Stephen started talking. It was gibberish. 

 Tony was worried the wizard of Oz had gotten a stroke. " wait, stop Stephen, look at me, do you understand what you are saying because I think you are having a stroke and if you are, we are going to the medical department, now! and have Dr. Hanamura check you out Dr Hanamura is in today, right, right he is the one in charge of neurology am sure he can fix that big brain of yours, right. If he is not in I can always fly him in from wherever he is while Dr. Chen tries to handle this. Now come Stephen let's go am not about. To let your brain turn to…." Before he could finish speaking and go to drag Stephen to the med lab . Stephen interrupted him" Tony you need to breathe. I assure you am not having a stroke nor have I gotten a brain injury. I know the beginning of @$@££@£@ is very shocking so how about we take a breath" Tony just looked shocked before asking Stephen if he understood what he just said. Stephen just repeated" we take a breath" Tony felt like he was about to blow a blood vessel , so he breathed out and tried again "no, Strange before that " and the bastard had the nerve to look at him like he has two heads. 

Stephen didn't know why Tony was acting like this, he wanted him to repeat his words specifically the section about his death so he did "@$@#@$$@$@$$@$ I know it's alot to take in " but Tony's eye started to twitch and he had to ask " Tony what's wrong".

Tony knew, if he said another thing to the wizard he would really lose it so he ignored Stephen and talked to Friday " baby girl can you play back what Stephen over here said" and Friday complied"@$@#@$$@$@$$@$ I know it's alot to take in ." then Stephen finally understood what he was worried about but instead of following him to the med lab Stephen just sat down and sighed like a weight off his chest. " Okay, Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange explain before I have Friday lift this area's lockdown and run protocol stubborn patient, neither of us want that." Tony said after downing the rest of the whiskey in his glass and crossing his arms over his chest.

Immediately, Stephen sat up straight like the back of the sofa was covered in knives and looked at Tony. Then he breathed in and also finish the rest of the whiskey in the glass and let out a breath. " okay, truthfully I don't know what is going on, why I can't tell you the whole truth. I had actually expected you to blast me at the end of this cause the end of most universes is caused by _£#@£#@7 it's pretty sad isn't it this upcoming war makes everyone unstable we all have alot to lose and would sacrifice our selves for it but from the beginning every timeline we sacrifice ourselves to win the universe gets destroyed." 

When Stephen was done with explaining he looked up only to find Tony sitting across from him on the coffee table. "so if I am making a guess. £#@£ is us, we cause the end of the universe in most time lines." Tony said looking at Stephen's eyes as if searching for something. 

"oh he is smart keeper mine. I see why he is well loved and is space's favorite." An echoed Voice suddenly sounded seemingly from around them. "Okay Dumbledore if this is a joke to lighten the atmosphere then you are way off the mark." Tony said, getting up and looking around them hand reaching for his rist to activate his hidden gauntlet if need be.

Stephen groaned, his expression lifeless, as he urged Tony to take a breath and sit. Tony just stared at Stephen, in a way that made him want to confess all his deep dark secrets who knew that whiskey-brown eyes could evoke the sensation of both sitting on pins and needles and being on fire in him simultaneously? Yet, he knew he had to respond.

Tony looked like, one more pissed off nerve and Stephen would die by any means necessary so Stephen spoke " that voice must be the time stone I didn't know they could speak apart from the echoes and the visions of timelines I got last time, I had no reason to suspect there sentience was nothing alittle more than that of the clock of levitation as they never spoke before now" 

Tony sighed, came over, and flopped down on the sofa beside Stephen after hearing his explanation. Of course the ancient physical representations of the principals of the Universe could speak. "So what I had said was so amusing to them that they had to talk, if they had the ability to speak why not give an opinion or direction knowing there existence and the Universe hangs in the balance. Why play all mysterious and encrypt some of the information in the time lines." 

"Oh Beloved Anthony, I may travers countless timelines but Stephen keeper mine with a recall gift can only endure so much, so you have to come up with ways yourselves. It's also important to note, Beloved, that the time, space and I have secured for you is limited to a month, so act swiftly. I will offer advice when appropriate, but at other times, I must attend to the entire universe. Before I divert my attention, confer with your peers and ready yourselves for the arrival of your space comrades." The echo of time sounded around them in response to Tony's speech.

" Okay, Friday. Let everyone involved in this mess of a situation come to the compound, and inform everyone at the compound that the rest of the Avengers will return soon. Expect friendly aliens to arrive in a few days. A high level of discretion is required to keep this information confidential. As of now, the compound is on yellow level 2 alert. I want a blackout on Ross involving this. All combat specialized agents are to double training include the Chitori alien fight simulation in their router if they ask it's classified , all weapon and suit researchers are to start making weapons meant for killing. Please inform Happy that Peter, Harley, and Ned should not come to the compound during this period unless otherwise stated or in the case of an emergency. Inform Karen to remind peter lab time is going to be in the SI Tower." Tony immediately gave Friday orders to carry out and turned to face Stephen.