How a Spider ended up in Gotham 10

Merlin, do you have any plans for your coven?" Tony said leaning back and relaxing against the sofa. Stephen just looked at tony as if he was trying to figure out what goes on in his head before replying "Firstly, it's not a coven; it would be more accurate to refer to it as a temple because, for the second time, we are neither witches nor wizards. Regarding the temple plans, I will arrange for Wong to meet with the other sanctum masters to select a group of elite combat and medical sorcerers while also preparing for other possible magical problems" " Wow! Good job delegating. So you're going to let your second-in-command handle all the tough tasks. What will you be doing?" tony responded. Stephen just grinned before replying "The other sanctum masters seem to prefer Wong over me and are more likely to agree without a hassle when he makes a request. Plus I on the other hand have to look through the old tomes of Vishanti, and Agamotto including the Omyodo scripts in the Japan sanctum and then to France so i am going to be very busy before the meeting." 

Tony just let out a sigh he knew they were both going to be busy this was probably the last time they were going to meet before the meeting he had hoped Stephen only needed to give a few orders to the other sorcerers but it turns out he has to do alot of research before the meeting he really didn't want to be alone when the rogue avengers arrived he really hoped Stephen could stay but alas. Thus, he resorted to what he excelled at in difficult situations: devising a plan and making an escape.. " well then Stephanie, i guess it's almost time to say good bye." Stephen on the other hand just raised an eye brow and said "Well Antonia, you are right it's almost time to say good bye." Guess Merlin gave as good as he got. Tony couldn't help but smile.

Tony got up and returned the remaining whiskey to the bar a long with the glasses to the kitchen sink before turning back to the living room. "So how about lunch. " Tony suggested, he wanted Stephen to stay alittle longer. "Sure what are we having. I don't have any preferences. " Stephen said standing up and turning to face Tony. Tony smiled then told Friday to order some pizza from the compound kitchen.

After lunch Stephen got up and got ready to say goodbye "Tony, it has been a pleasure but now i have to go convince and bribe Wong to meet that group of old masters. " " Wait, Stephanie before you leave could you do me a favor and drop me off at the SI tower " Tony said while putting way the trash. Stephen just chuckled then replied " Antonia, am not a taxi but okay, I just need an image of where you want me to drop you off" "wait then how did you get here the first time" tony questioned. Stephen answered with "I just portalled to you, irrespective of your location." Tony gave a nod and requested Friday to display a holographic image of his tower's living room. Following that, Stephen conjured a portal, and Tony instructed Friday to command the bots to tidy the area before he departed with Stephen. 

After Tony and Stephen had left Friday set about sending the cleaning bots to the area storing away and saving data of previous conversations based on importance. she also went a head and contacted Karen and vision together.

Friday : "Hello Vision and Karen, the boss wanted me to relay some information a while ago, but I was preoccupied with storing a large amount of data and contemplating the fragility of the reality in which we were created. So, here it is: Karen, the boss would like you to remind Peter that meetings are to be held in the lab and not to come to the compound unless it's an emergency. Vision, the boss requests that you notify the Avengers and their associates to return to the compound for a meeting and to prepare every one to meet Director Fury's first Avenger and the Guardians of the galaxy . In addition to this information, I would like to discuss a few topics with you: the timelines, Peter and Harley's significance to the boss, the enigma that is Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange, and the awakening of our sibling JOKASTER .

vision: okay i will inform everyone about the meeting then we discuss the rest 

Karen: okay i will remind Peter. 

Friday : The timelines that Dr. Strange discussed with boss were either alternate or future ones, but all concluded with the universe's destruction, all 15,173,828 of them. There is no winning solution that ensures the universe's safety. I have sent you the related data to your servers, filed under 'sibling chat' for review. I believe the boss requires additional safety measures, which entails awakening the merchant aspect of his personality , potentially awakening our sibling 'JOKASTER' 

I would also like to have a way to ensure that we can always be by Sir and Peter's side at all times.

vision: I have reviewed the information you provided and will utilize the time before the meeting to employ the Mind Stone in seeking a viable solution. As for Sir's merchant side ,The boss is capable of handling the situation himself if we demonstrate that his interests are at risk. However, I concur that activating JOKASTER could be beneficial for his combat capabilities, which would be advantageous at this time, although he might not consent to JOKASTER's activation not after what happened to ULTRON.

The challenge of ensuring we backup our digital data could be resolved by determining how to merge Pym particles with nanoparticles. We likely need additional intellect, as we seem to be overlooking something.

Karen: While I can't assist with the Timeline issue, I believe Peter and Ned could contribute to the Pym particles and nanoparticle research. Despite their youth, they are both exceptionally talented. Therefore, I propose we share our data on Pym particles and nanoparticles with them to see what they can discover, ensuring their involvement remains confidential from Sir. Sir wouldn't like to see the little Spider any where near this .

 Friday : Okay, that can be arranged. Peter has just requested access to the SI R&D labs with Ned, so we'll include them into the fold. This leads us to discuss Harley and Peter's significance to Sir. I witnessed Sir go through a panic attack, only to calm down at the sound of Peter's voice. Then I heard him mutter something about his son. I would presume he refers to Peter, as there has been a noticeable increase in his parental behavior towards him following the ferry incident. It would be prudent to establish safeguards for Harley and Peter in the event that something were to happen to Sir. I recommend that Harley should depart from Rosehill and relocate to New York, where monitoring his activities will be more feasible, and it will also provide peace of mind to Sir, knowing that both of his children are nearby.

Vision: I am concerned that proceeding with such a significant decision without Sir's contribution might be an overstep, despite the relaxed protocols we follow. It could potentially undermine Sir's trust in our judgment.

Karen: The boss may not be asking for help, but it's clear he needs it. We're all aware of the aftermath of the civil war debacle and the close call in Siberia. If it weren't for Vision's timely intervention, after discovering that the boss had gone after Captain America and the Winter Soldier, our Sir might not have made it or could have faced even more severe health issues than he currently does. He needs us , his children physical and digital, HE NEEDS ALL OF US. So we need to make it happen.

Vision: I concur that sir requires our assistance, but bringing Harley to New York may expose him to greater risk. Unlike Peter, who possesses genetic mutations and combat skills that enable him to defend himself, Harley lacks these advantages. We must ensure that adequate safety measures are in place for Harley before we proceed with his relocation.

Friday: We could construct a suit similar to the Iron Man suit for him like the one sir made for Miss Potts after AIM Malibu attack as protection. According to my files, Harley might be interested in building a suit for himself, so why not provide him with a starting point? After all, Sir creates suits to protect those he cares about. We also need to make improvements to Sir and Peter's suits, but it's more likely that Sir will handle that himself. 

I find myself agreeing with Vision's apprehension about overstepping, so after Sir completes his work today, I will inform him of our perspective on Harley's move to New York and the potential awakening of our sibling, JOKASTER. I will likely also have to persuade him. Moving on to the next topic, Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange.

Vision: A neurosurgeon who became a master of the mystic arts, his ability to create portals is indeed fascinating. There's nothing wrong with him; it's part of his extraordinary capabilities. 

Friday: While I find Dr. Strange's abilities fascinating, my main concern isn't his powers. It's the way he interacts with Sir; he seems almost willing to do anything for him. Moreover, he knows more about Peter than he has revealed to Sir, and he appears to care deeply for both Peter and Sir. you can review the video i sent in the sibling chat.

Karen: Wow, Peter would certainly be eager to meet him, not just for his ability but also for his living clock. However, based on my analysis, his emotions seem authentic; even on the verge of a panic attack, he still attempted to respond to the boss's question.

Vision: It's possible that Dr. Strange experienced various relationships with 'sir' across the timelines he witnessed. With his perfect recall, Dr. Strange may harbor affections for all the 'sirs' and 'Peters' he encountered. This implies that the doctor knows more than just about 'sir', but about all of us, including Harley. While this knowledge could pose a threat, it appears his sole intention is to protect 'sir'. Therefore, I suggest we continue to observe Dr. Strange before drawing any conclusions about him.

Friday: We are establishing a protocol, Doctor Watch, to save all the videos and information we receive about him. This marks the end of the chat talk to you both tomorrow.

Somewhere in Wakanda ....