How a Spider ended up in Gotham 11

Somewhere in Wakanda 

The rogue and current avengers and the Wakandan royal family were holding a combined battle simulation and working out weak points when Vision flew in to the field calling for their attention" Good afternoon everyone, I have just received an important message from Mr. Stark that every one involved with the upcoming battle should meet at the new avengers compound Friday is flying Sir's personal stealth JET to pick everyone up, departure is in 3 hours. Please get ready to depart."

Immediately after delivering the message, Vision departed for Princess Shuri's lab, not pausing for any responses to his words. out side the lab vision rung the intercom to let his presence be known to Shuri before phasing through the wall to find the princess. During his conversation with the rest of his siblings Vision had come to a decision to bring Princess Shuri in to the fold along with Edward Leeds and Peter Parker to help come up with a solution for the nano and Pym particles as the princess has worked with more advanced technology and she could also get along with both the boys. 

In the fields the avengers and Wakandan warriors were left dumbfounded as Vision left before some of them could voice their concerns. Clint was the first one to speak up " So that's it he disappears for four days then sends a message for a meet up in an area where we are most likely to get arrested. Man, I don't want to end up in the raft with all this shit going on ." Natasha responded to Clints' concerns " Tony wouldn't send for us without insuring Ross is no where near this besides he sent his personal Jet it's said to have the latest clocking technology and as far as I know only four people have ever gotten the chance to ride it." " Tony also wouldn't call us unless he has come across a big problem so we should prepare for the chance that the up coming meeting may be our last before Maw and Thanos attack." Steve joined the conversation. With that every one split up to prepare for the journey. 

Back in New York

After Dr. Strange had left Tony at the Stark Industry tower, Tony decided that since he is already hiding from every one he might as well go spend his evening doing his favorite things: R&D, working on his and peter's suits, may be even pick the kid up from school.

After organizing his thoughts, Tony asked Friday to pull up the schematics of the latest Stark pad designed by the research and development team so he could make some improvements. Then he began working on Peter's suit. By the time Tony took a break, it was 3:00 PM—the perfect time to pick up Peter after decathlon practice. So, he took a quick shower and rushed down to Midtown, breaking a few traffic rules along the way.

In a testament to how much Tony was speeding, he got to Midtown from Manhattan in 15 minutes just in time for after school activities to end and watch Peter walk out with his friends Ned and Michelle Jones they looked happy laughing. It looked like the perfect moment for a picture to be taken, so tony did exactly that, it was perfect his child so happy if only he could pause time right now.