Scarlet's Sponsor

"Voila! It is done. Come, take a look at the new you and feel reborn."

Scarlet got up from the chair shakily and took a look at the mirror as Mr Beyonce brushed off some hair stuck to her shirt using a huge hairbrush. The image that greeted her wasn't exactly a stranger but the reflection stirred a foreign emotion in her gut.

The young blogger was prepared to be met with a wild hairstyle that would attract all the wrong kinds of attention and resigned to fate when the hairstylist set to work. As she wasn't allowed to look at her reflection even once while work was in progress, Scarlet could only judge the changes made by the amount of hair that fell onto the ground. It was a horrifying amount and the other side of her hair that wasn't ruin suffered almost the same fate. She thought that Mr Beyonce would level her hair and cut the whole thing short but the reflection gave her some form of hope. While this was a new beginning, there were traces of who she remembered herself to be even with a completely different image.

"Do you like it?"

Scarlet nodded, unable to find her voice or tear her eyes away from the mirror. The left side that she'd destroyed was now neatly trimmed into a mid-lengthed angled bob. The asymmetric style from the left to the right side was balanced out by a cleverly cut diagonal fringe that swept towards the right. Scarlet noticed that there was even more detail into the length of the right side. At first glance, it appeared as if nothing changed. However, on closer inspection, she noted how there were 'steps' created to blend the short side to the long side. The 'steps' covered the destruction to the even length at her nape and Mr Beyonce surprised her more by braiding her hair to the right side.

"Until your hair grows out, the side braid will be one of your best hairstyles to go by. Of course, one-sided ponytails work fine but for a young girl like you with a pretty face, braids will work charmingly."

Alex clapped in glee when Mr Beyonce pulled the braided hair, giving it the illusion of being loosely tied with more volume. Nobody would be able to mock Scarlet's new image. It looked extremely fashionable on the doll-like girl and the class prince could only sigh at the beautiful image. Jasper studied Scarlet through his bangs and watched as Alex directed slightly envious glances Scarlet's way.

"There, all done!"

Mrs Wilde walked in the very moment Mr Beyonce declared that Scalet's hair was a masterpiece. The lady of the house took a brief look at Scarlet and nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you, Mr Le Beau. Jenna, kindly show our esteemed guest out."

While the butler thanked the hairstylist for his services and discussed payment outside the children's hearing range, Mrs Wilde took a good look at Scarlet. Although Alex inherited her beauty, Scarlet had a different kind of charm. This new hairstyle only highlighted them and the girl was looking more like a princess than a doll.

The world wasn't usually very fair. many who had the beauty didn't have the smarts to back it up and those with the brains often didn't have the face to complete the package. Scarlet, like Alex, was an exception to that rule. They often said that birds of the same feathers flocked together and Mrs Wilde believed it. Her daughter would have never associated with common folks with this much passion. As a shrewd businesswoman, she knew potential when she saw it. Scarlet was going to become a very successful individual with the right guidance and support. Mrs Wilde was interested in becoming her backer but first, she'd have to win the blogger's heart.

"How do you find the new hairstyle? Is this considered a successful new beginning for you?"

Scarlet nodded. "Thank you, it feels wonderful."

"Now then," the socialite smiled. "Let's talk about the payment, shall we?"

Alex snapped her head at her mother's direction with wide eyes when she heard that. Scarlet froze. Payment? She knew this was too good to be true! Knowing that Mr Beyonce wasn't your local barber either, the cost is something that went beyond what Scarlet could afford even after breaking into every saving container she owned.


Jasper stopped Alex and dragged her away with one wave of Mrs Wilde's hand. Scarlet was left sitting on the chair with the heiress alone in the room. Suddenly, the salon felt bigger than it really should be. Now that Scarlet wasn't too caught up in admiring Mr Beyonce's handiwork, she noticed the lack of servants around who were usually on standby. Her eyes narrowed. It was definitely a plot by Mrs Wilde who stood there with the grin of a cat who was facing a wounded bird.

"I don't have the money to pay you back. I could talk to my parents to get them to transfer the payment over if you wa-"

"No no, nothing of that sort shall occur. I'm not interested in monetary repayments, I have way too much of that myself. As a matter of fact, I'm rather interested in something else that only you can offer. I heard that you have a grand plan about ruling the world as a kid. Care to share it with this old woman? It's been a while since something interesting happened in my life after all."

Scarlet didn't comment on how wrong that sounded. Instead, she weighed the pros and cons silently. While ruling the world wasn't her aim, she did require money and influence in order to succeed. Asking her parents for help was out of the question. She wanted out of the house and not become further indebted to them.

"Are you sure you want to accept this as payment? It's just trash talk from a ten-year-old in their rebellious phase."

Mrs Wilde's eyes sparkled when she heard that. "All the better! Children during their rebellious phase can come up with the most amusing ideas and things. Let me guess... you want to be liberated from your parent's strict upbringing and forsake all the expectations piled onto you by the school."

Scarlet didn't comment and Mrs Wilde took that silence as affirmation. Her confidence grew and she started probing at Scarlet for more hints about the Grand Plan.

Scarlet knew that there was no way for her to return home if she didn't divulge anything. Conceding, the girl told Mrs Wilde about her intentions to become financially free doing what a kid could do.

Mrs Wilde nodded and held her tongue while Scarlet elaborated on the options she had at the moment. The plan was flimsy but showed promise.

"So you want to try earning money through the Fame path. That's quite notable given your natural talents. Ambition has always been something that air-headed daughter of mine lacked. her dream was to become the best wife in the world and marry the man of her dreams. I'm sure you are aware of the financial burdens required before you can realise your plans too so I would like to make a deal with you."

Scarlet swallowed when she heard that, not knowing what to expect.

"I want you to involve Jasper and Alex into your plans. I will be funding your projects but as a businesswoman, I require you to give me a convincing pitch before I invest in you. Consider this makeover my deposit for our future endeavours. What do you say?"

Scarlet took a look at the outstretched hand and shook it with confidence. "I'll be in your care. Be prepared to be blown away."

Mrs Wilde merely laughed at Scarlet's confidence. "Pleasure doing business with you, I shall await good news."