Wilde or Liu

When Alex saw Scarlet again, she jumped off the couch and ran over much to Jenna's displeasure. Running was unbecoming of a lady but the butler decided to overlook it for Scarlet's sake.

"What did my mother do to you?" she asked while circling the girl, inspecting her for signs of abuse.

Scarlet found Alex's behaviour highly amusing but was startled when the girl got a little too into her personal space until Jasper reeled her back. Jenna didn't comment on Jasper's actions as if it was a common occurrence.

Scarlet smiled at Alex's concern. All her life she never knew what it was like to have the company of others like this but for some reason, she didn't dislike the rowdiness going on in the Wilde house. If anything, Scarlet secretly wished that she didn't have to go home so soon. She would choose the constant buzz of petty squabbling between her friends over the pin-drop silence at home any day.

"It would be nice if I could stay here forever," she whispered.

"Hm? Did you say something?"

Scarlet smiled at her blonde friend. "No, not really. Also, your mother is a nice lady. She offered to help with the Grand Plan but I can't do it alone. Would the two of you be willing to help me out?"

Alex froze and slowly turned pale. "Mother is helping?"

Scarlet nodded. Jasper didn't say anything and let Alex go. At that very moment, Mrs Wilde appeared. She took a look at the three children and raised a brow. Shouldn't they be rejoicing a little more? Scarlet should have told them the good news by now. Alex looked as if she'd seen a ghost and Jasper was as unreadable as ever.

"Scarlet my darling, dinner will be served in an hour. Would you like to stay over before leaving?"

Alex froze. Dinner with Scarlet sounded like a dream come true. Her eyes sparkled and Scarlet hesitated. She didn't want to be seen mooching off the richer and more powerful Wilde Family. Also, she was afraid that she would be inconveniencing them by staying. The kitchen was also probably not informed about her arrival as things happened rather suddenly. The hospitality she received was more than what Scarlet had signed up for and for the first time, the girl felt unsure of what to do.

"Mommy, can Scarlet stay with us for the night? Please? I've never had a sleepover before!"

Scarlet raised a brow at Alex's different form of endearment for her mother. Hearing her precious daughter reverting to a less formal speech, Mrs Wilde had a huge smile on her face. "Yes, yes! Anything for you darling... Now, what was it that you wanted? A sleepover with Scarlet? Of course, mommy will arrange it right away!"

Jasper facepalmed at the side and Jenna sighed. They shared a side glance and returned to the chaotic scene before them. Alex was struggling in Mrs Wilde's arms trying to dodge the onslaught of kisses to no avail. Scarlet had chosen to wisely back away while mother and daughter battled it out.

After three minutes too long watching them frolic around in a world of their own, Jenna cleared her throat in a deliberate attempt to remind Mrs Wilde of the reality that they still existed in.

"My lady, should I ring up the Liu's about Scarlet's stay over?"

Mrs Wilde let Alex go. "We should inform them, shouldn't we? Jenna, make the call to the Liu's and send them an official email about it. I want no questions asked and ready the lawyer just in case."

Lawyer? Scarlet didn't know what she was hearing. There wasn't even an actual need to inform her parents about her sleepover, what they didn't know couldn't hurt them. They didn't even care about what she did as long as she maintained her results in school and didn't cause trouble that they would be called down. For Scarlet's parents, their careers and public image was more important than anything else. Scarlet learnt from a young age that she wasn't a child born from desire but from necessity. It didn't bother her much but seeing how much Mrs Wilde cared for Alex created a cavity within her chest - one she didn't know existed until now.

Realising that Scarlet was unusually silent and distant, Alex reached out to grab her hand. "What's wrong?"

Scarlet shook her head, unable to meet the Wilde princess' eyes. Seeing the hurt in those obsidian eyes made Mrs Wilde turn cold. The earlier traces of warmth vanished and the familiar ice queen in the business world turned to her butler. Jenna stiffened, not expecting such a reaction from her employer. It wasn't very easy to gain the trust and protection of Orita Wilde. For Mrs Wilde to become serious about wanting to take the girl under her protection, Scarlet must possess something very special.

Jenna excused herself at once while Alex declared that boys were not allowed to join and that she wanted to spend some sister time with Scarlet only. Little did she know that her words were just about to come true.

The phone connected in a few rings and Jenna introduced herself brusquely with a clipped tone. The butler carried out her mission with a cold professionalism that made both Mr and Mrs Liu grow cold with worry. They tried asking questions that Jenna curtly declined answering before ending the call.

Worried that their daughter had offended the great Wilde Family, Scarlet's parents made emergency arrangements to fly back to Malaysia.

Meanwhile, Mrs Wilde was casually chatting with the girls over tea just before dinner. "Would you prefer the Liu name or the Wilde name?"

Scarlet froze and so did Alex. Jasper tried to blend into the wall as the temperature of the air suddenly dipped. the girl didn't answer immediately and Mrs Wilde didn't rush her.

"I don't dislike the Wilde name, however, I don't think it belongs to me."

Alex shot a pleading look to her mother. Why was she doing this to the very first friend she made?

Mrs Wilde didn't relent. "But what if I want you to join the Wilde's? Alex has taken a liking to you and Jasper is practically adopted. You seem like a bright and delightful child."

Scarlet didn't let the kind words fool her. Mrs Wilde was testing her and Scarlet wasn't going to let Mrs Wilde have it her way. Although they were 'business partners', they weren't allies. Right now, whatever they shared was built on mutual interest. Scarlet needed the backing of an adult and Mrs Wilde wanted Alex to have a friend that she could control. Scarlet knew how this worked and smiled.

"I would be delighted to. However, I must insist on declining the offer. The Wilde name will only serve to become my shackle in the future. I want to be a free bird, not one that lives in a luxurious cage. If it is your intention to bind me to the Wilde's then I would like to call the deal off. I'm not greedy enough to bite off more than I can chew but my friendship with Alex is not something for you to decide."

Mrs Wilde seemed satisfied with the response and Scarlet smiled. "So did I pass the test of loyalty in your eyes?"

The socialite almost spit her tea out and narrowed her gaze. To think that a mere ten-year-old saw through that...

Scarlet giggled and enjoyed another cookie. Mrs Wilde's gaze burned as she observed the Chinese girl. Although young, Scarlet was not one to be underestimated. Jasper let out the breath he was holding slowly and placed a hand over his heart. That was way too close for comfort. As a bystander who knew the silent war that just blew past, he wondered how he survived the crossfire. On the other hand, Alex blinked cluelessly at the slightly awkward atmosphere after her graceful mother choked on tea.

"Mother, are you alright?"

Mrs Wilde wiped her mother gently with a handkerchief. "Yes, darling. I'm fine. Just a little mishap, nothing major to be concerned with."