We're What?

"We're what?" Alex couldn't believe her ears. Even Mrs Wilde wasn't ready for it.

"The three of you are going to be studying in Singapore while I manage the Asia office. You will begin your internship at the office next month after school twice a week. Alex, you will be helping out too."

The Wilde princess blanked out.

"Darling! Sorry, kids. Mommy and daddy need to have a little talk. Enjoy the rest of your meal!"

The socialite dragged her husband out of the dining room, leaving behind a speechless party. Scarlet didn't know what to say and Alex didn't know if her father was serious anymore. If Jasper was here, the boy would have calculated how it was possible to run away with the savings he had in secret.

Outside the dining area, Mrs Wilde stormed all the way up to their bedroom. Mr Wilde whined about his poor reddening ear but his wife ignored it all until the door slammed shut behind them. Only when she was out of the children's earshot did she smack her husband hardly on the arm.

"What were you thinking? She's only a child!"

Mr Wilde kept his cool and nursed the throbbing parts. The ear was hot and his arm was going to bruise. His wife may look like a pretty little thing but he knew better. That woman spent hours in the gym with a personal trainer and was a monster with the shape of a sylph. The socialite could crack open walnuts with her bare hands faster than a squirrel could. Anyone who thought that women were weak has clearly never met his wife in person. That was one reason why Wilmer Wilde was mocked as a henpecked husband. His cold personality that the world knew when he was working was a huge contrast with his daughter-complex and wife-obeying personality with his family.

"I'm sorry," Wilmer apologised. "However, you should know that trying to coax her out of her shell will only make things worse. Right now, the best we can do for her is to be by her side and watch her fight her demons alone while supplying her with the weapons she requires. We cannot fight the battles for her but we can assist her in whatever ways we can. It is unfortunate but we can't save her now, the damage has been dealt."

Orita Wilde looked at her husband in anguish. "You don't do this to our daughter, why would you do this to Scarlet?"

Wilmer Wilde's eyes hardened at that. "I would do that for Alex too if required. I will rather cut my daughters' hands and legs off to save their lives than keep them and see them die. Right now, Scarlet's dying. Has anything anyone tried helped her so far?"

Orita Wilde searched her husband's eyes and cried. "What can we do?"

Wilmer held her hands tenderly. "Don't worry, I know you love this girl before you even knew her circumstances. I have faith in your judgement and her ability to overcome this. let's just see if this change of environment can remove some of the nightmares she is facing. I won't love her any less than Alex, she is our precious second daughter after all."

The heiress nodded and accepted her husband's embrace.

Meanwhile, the news of the potential relocation of the mansion has caused a huge reaction among the servants. There were speculations flying all over the place from things like retrenchment to the selected few who will be chosen to serve the young mistresses. When Jasper heard about it the next day, he begged his parents to let him withdraw everything he had in his bank. There was no way he was going to accompany Alex and Scarlet all the way to Singapore, not for something that more responsibilities to his unofficial job.

Scarlet thought over Mr Wilde's proposal. It didn't sound like a bad solution to either of them. In fact, she thought that Mr Wilde was honestly just making a profit out of it by engaging free labour that would become powerful assets in the future. If he could bind Scarlet's loyalty to the company, the CEO would have no worries about handing the company reins over to Alex when she was older. The fact that Mr Wilde didn't even give Alex or Jasper preferential treatment only convinced Scarlet more that the man was being truthful and impartial. Compared to Jenna's tip-toeing around her and Mrs Wilde's constant checking on her to the point of having no privacy, Mr Wilde's business proposal was something Scarlet appreciated better.

As Scarlet helped Claire to pack whatever little belongings she had, the young genius wondered if she would be missed at Keyman International School. the only people she could think would miss them were the Ninjas in the library. the blogger decided to do a little something for them. After all, these were the two people who'd taken good care of Scarlet while she was still studying there.

Claire decided that it would be more efficient to make a list of things Scarlet would need to use in the new house in Singapore when they went through the belongings the young girl had. There was nothing of real importance that couldn't be easily acquired with the wealth the Wilde's had. Anything important was already in Scarlet's hair.

"I believe it would be more efficient to make a list of things we need to buy for the new room in Singapore. I've made a draft, would you like to look through it?"

Scarlet padded over and checked through the list before requesting for the weirdest thing ever. "I want two bookshelves."

"But Miss, there will be a small private library and a study."

Scarlet shook her head. "I want them for the books Jasper recommended to me. It's not suitable for them to be in the private library, this is for my research. In fact, my collection might grow an I don't know if two bookshelves would be enough."

Claire was surprised. Jenna did mention something about Jasper's schemes so she didn't quite expect someone as bright as Scarlet to take the bait so quickly. Still, for her, it was fantastic news.

"Understood, is there anything else missing?"

Scarlet looked through it and made a new list including the things she thought would be nice to have. "I want to be able to hold team meetings with Jasper and Alex too... Some extra chairs that can be placed aside when it isn't required seem like a nice idea. Also, why do I need both a laptop and a desktop?> I think having just a laptop is good enough. For the writing plot can I also ask for a huge wall made from paper or a whiteboard framed somewhere that doesn't obstruct? The creative space setup will be good if everything is put in the same room. I want to be able to see it in my dreams..."

Claire didn't quite understand what Scarlet was talking about but agreed to those she didn't think was unreasonable. The list was finalised in fifteen minutes and the maid excused herself to report to Jenna.

In another room, there was a very different fight going on.

"But why?"

"Because, young mistress... the new penthouse will not have enough space for a supreme king-sized four-poster bed! It will have furniture there already, you'd just have to get used to it."

"But Jenna..." the Wilde princess whined. "I can't sleep without my bed!"

The butler could only sigh as the Wilde princess ranted to her mother about it. On some days, the butler just wished that her young mistress could learn a thing or two from her sister.