The Big Shift

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Ahoy Seadogs!

I have discovered new land yet again and this time, it's an island with a very different culture. It's a rumoured paradise turned sour for the ones living in it. I now understand the meaning of hell in paradise because this is exactly how it feels like. Just when you think the grass is greener on the other side and make that hop, you just want to hop right back to where you were.

The weather is crap! The people are crap! The place is crap! Only the food is good... but that's debatable when I had good food where I previously was too so I guess that's a tie.

Long story short, I'm moving my base again to an unknown land, not of my choice. There was a huge unpredictable storm that swept us all away although I should mention that my crew and I are reunited once more. Hooray?

You might be wondering why this Observation Journal is becoming more of a life drama diary so here is my justification:

Drama begets inspiration.

If not for the onslaught of dramatic episodes happening in my life, how could I ever feed you the juiciest of tales and the weirdest of weirdos?

Today I bring to you the tale of a gender-defying butler. Usually, you would think butlers as middle-aged males with referring hairline and a British accent. a Well, the one I met is a female and she puts to shame most real-life butlers we know. Let's call her Josephine.

Josephine has been a butler perhaps all her life. She is the weirdest human I've ever encountered who has professionalism and perfection that far transcends the limits of gender. Nobody can get a scathing remark out of their mouth in her presence, she was probably crafted by the Gods to serve the holiest queens to walk this Earth.

Josephine cleans well, plans schedules well, has quick wits to salvage any awkward situations, is motherly and kind, doesn't appear to have any weaknesses, and is everything I wish I was. She was the first person to talk to me as if I wasn't a simple ten-year-old and showed me respect that I never had before.

However, if you think Josephine is a good person, you might want to reconsider. While I sipped on the hot cocoa she prepared, I noticed the tongue-lashing she gave to the new lazy maids. I have seen her merciless side when she sent them packing, telling them those who don't work sincerely are not welcomed. Josephine is also a brilliant judge of character. It must have been the years of experience she has by meeting people from all walks of life because she has never been wrong about her judgement. I have never seen anyone haggle with such proficiency before, I am truly impressed.

I don't know what it means to be an adult yet for I am only ten. However, I do know that becoming an adult isn't all that glamorous of a matter. It means responsibilities and fending for yourself. If there was an important lesson I learnt, it is that trust and respect should be earned and not given.

I don't know how many of you would agree with this but this is my observation journal. You can share your thoughts and debate intelligently but this is my logical inference at age ten. Perhaps we can review this in a cringe-fest ten years from now.

With nothing else to add on, stay warm and fair winds for now!

Pirate S.

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>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

The party greeting the Wilde's wasn't as grand as Scarlet thought it would be. For a family as wealthy as the Wilde's, Scarlet thought that they would be rolling out the red carpet at the airport and riding in limousines to the mansion. She was sorely mistaken.

While they travelled in a private jet, that was about as luxurious as it got. Claire was the only servant who was travelling with Mr Wilde and the three children. Jenna had to stay behind in the mansion with Mrs Wilde to settle some matters with Benjamin.

The maid was very capable and handled the logistics brilliantly. Everything progressed smoothly without a hitch with Claire handling everything from passports to living arrangements. Scarlet had nothing to complain about but the Wilde princess did.

"Daddy, why do we not have a garden?"

Wilmer didn't know if he should have listened to his wife and not spoil his daughter as much when she was younger. After not being able to replicate Alex's room, the princess had become crankier. Things spiralled downward when she saw how her parents approved of Scarlet's request for bookshelves and a desk when they rejected her request for a four-poster bed. Jasper wisely chose not to get involved and feigned sleep as much as he could.

"Alexandra," Mr Wilde looked at his daughter stoically. The coldness in his eyes shocked Alex so badly that the girl became immediately close to tears.

"You are here on a mission to train as an intern so that you will inherit the family business. We are not here on a holiday nor here to play. You will be given what you need to produce the results expected of you and that is all you will be provided. If you want more, you will have to earn it by yourself from now on. I love you, my daughter, but as the CEO of the company I will not play favourites."

Shocked, Alex fell silent. Nobody asked if she was alright and everyone minded their own business. For the first time in her life, Alex felt as if everyone she knew had become a stranger overnight. The father she knew would never treat her like this.

The heiress looked at her new sister and dark thoughts began to fester. Now that she thought about it, didn't everything start with Scarlet? If she hadn't insisted on bringing Scarlet back, none of these would have happened.

Jasper noticed the ugly expression on Alex's face and was on high alert at once. He had never seen the Wilde princess' react like this before. She was a ball of sunshine and positive energy who could soothe the pain and stress of anyone around her with her natural cheerfulness. Such deep jealousy was like a poison to that bubbly personality and the boy wondered if anyone else noticed it too.

'I should report it to Jenna,' the gardener's son thought.

Just why couldn't life give him a break?