Even Parents Can Make Mistakes

When Orita heard about her husband's crazy punishment and self-punishment, the heiress flipped. Things were getting too way out of hand and she made Jenna arrange the earliest flight possible to Singapore. Someone had to put a foot down to this nonsense and the heiress thought that she should do it soon before their family completely comes apart.

Incredulously, the loyal butler refused.

"With all due respect, milady... I think it isn't a good idea for you to interfere this time."

Mrs Wilde blinked, not expecting for Jenna to voice out against her. Due to the number of years they've worked together, the heiress didn't take offence. She trusted Jenna more than a mere employee. Jenna was her right-hand and best friend who would pull her back from the cliff if she got too close. Although her emotions were running high at the moment, she took a step back and allowed Jenna to say her piece.

"I think it is a good opportunity for you to learn how to let go of your little girl and allow her to grow into a proper woman. Wilmer has the right idea this time. We've coddled the young miss a little too much. She's taken towards harming others in order to get what she wants and doesn't realise that it's wrong."

Orita couldn't refute this. At the back of her head, she knew that she was the reason why Alex was so spoilt. However, as a mother, she couldn't help but want to give her precious little daughter everything she possibly could to keep her happy. Was it so wrong to want to spoil her daughter a little? Besides, if her husband truly wanted to punish Alex, he could have chosen a different method. What if missing a meal caused some sort of malnutrition in her growing girl?

Jenna who listened to Mrs Wilde's rants felt her eyebrow twitch. The Icy Queen of the business world was usually very logical. However, her love for her family sometimes made her blind.

"Have you listened to yourself? If missing a meal can cause malnutrition, what about the kids who can only afford to eat once a day? Besides, what is slight malnutrition compared to dealing with a broken leg that required operation with eight stitches? Have you forgotten that Scarlet is also your daughter?"

Orita Wilde fell silent. "No, I haven't forgotten. But I still find the punishment too harsh for a ten-year-old..."

Jenna inhaled deeply. "Orita," she called. The heiress paused. Jenna rarely called her by her name, even when they were alone. She only ever did it when she was talking to her as a friend about something non-work related.

"One of your daughters just pushed the other down a flight of stairs due to jealousy. The daughter who was just discharged from the hospital is still traumatised and dealing with the changes in her life after the sudden adoption. Your only concern now lies with Alex's punishment that, in my opinion, should have been harsher in order to teach her the value of life. How does this even make sense? If it had been the wrong angle, Scarlet wouldn't just be dealing with a leg in a cast and stitches. She would be cold and lifeless, six feet underground."

Mrs Wilde was rendered speechless. Jenna bowed. "If there isn't anything else, I will be taking my leave. Have a good night."

The heiress didn't stop Jenna or call her out on her rude behaviour. If anything, the mother felt ashamed. Her butler was right. She didn't adopt Scarlet on a whim, she was fully prepared to become a real mother and provide the lonely girl with a home. However, when something like that happened, Orita failed to uphold that promise of treating them fairly.

After thinking it through the whole night without a wink of sleep, the heiress sent a text to her husband.

Mr Wilde was freshening up before work when he received a text from his wife. It was an odd hour to be texting because Mrs Wilde loved sleeping in till about nine. Receiving a text at five in the morning was more than just odd. Something must be really bothering her.

| I'll be leaving the kids to you. As much as it pains me, I think Jenna was right. We've coddled Alex a little too much. She has to learn the consequences of her actions. Please take good care of the other two of our children even if Jasper is still officially a Hopper. The poor boy has done a lot to sacrifice his happiness for Alex. It's about time we free him from his role as her knight. |

Wilmer read it twice and heard his stomach growl. With a toothbrush still in his mouth, he texted back.

| I understand, darling. However, I won't let Alex go hungry alone. Don't worry, I will see that Scarlet and Jasper are well taken care of. Let's do our best to become better parents. The children are smart, with the right kind of guidance, they will grow into splendid adults. These are just speed bumps. |

Mrs Wilde checked her husband's text and smiled. It was times like this that made her remember why she chose to marry Wilmer. He was simply such a wonderful man who would always shoulder her world even if it seemed like everything was falling apart. To the world outside, Orita was a strong woman with no flaws. However, when she wasn't the Ice Queen, Orita was still that same girl who was thrown into the role of becoming a woman prematurely. It was Wilmer who saw the cracks in her mask and broke down her walls that made Orita decide to share her name with him.

| Thank you, darling. I love you. Keep me updated? |

Wilmer was knotting his tie when his phone buzzed again.

Seeing his wife's reply put a smile on his face. Already, the day was looking much brighter than yesterday. She just knew how to give him the encouragement he needed to be able to conquer the arduous road ahead of him.