
Wilmer was straightforward with his orders and none of the staff dared to defy it. His orders were very clear. Until Alex has repented and apologised to Scarlet, she isn't allowed to eat anything. The CEO knew his daughter's temperament best. She was stubborn and head-strong so anything less than pushing her into a corner her would be ineffective.

Claire was slightly surprised that the master would go so far, but she didn't dare speak against it. It might be too harsh for a ten-year-old to be starving for more than a meal but orders were orders. Ever since Claire was promoted to be the head maid after reaching Singapore, she reported everything directly to Jenna.

"If she still doesn't do anything by dinner, let me know. I will talk to her directly. Prepare something easy on the stomach for supper."

That made Sue slightly relieved to know.

The CEO left soon after and it was time to wake the children up for the day. Tina was still at the hospital with Scarlet and Claire waited for the news anxiously as she cleaned and kept an eye on Alex. Jasper chose to occupy himself by studying ahead of the curriculum after the books arrived. Sue had to leave halfway to pick up the new uniforms. The test results were out, Scarlet and Jasper were able to skip two grades while Alex was only able to skip one.

Alex was seen pacing in her room and creeping around near the kitchen. Claire wasn't able to always be in the kitchen as she had chores, so Jasper took it upon himself to be the watchdog and shifted his study materials to the dining area.

"What do you think you're doing?" the boy asked. Even though he had bangs covering his eyes, he wasn't blind. Alex wasn't very successful in being stealthy. Her attempt to get some biscuits was foiled by Jasper whom she thought wouldn't rat her out.

Annoyed, Alex hissed. "What's your problem? I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since last night."

Jasper looked up from his book and dead into her eyes. "After what you did, I think that's only fair."

Feeling attacked, Alex lost control of her emotions and let them take over her mouth.

"Why is everyone siding with Scarlet? She's not even a Wilde by blood! I get it that's she's a pitiful person and all, but what did I do to deserve the treatment I got? Why does Scarlet get special treatment and I don't? Am I not wanted anymore?"

Jasper was stunned. How did Alex come to this kind of conclusion? From anybody's perspective, she was still very much the pampered Wilde princess. Starving her for a day after she tried to kill Scarlet was way too lenient of a punishment. It was amazing how Alex thought she was in the wrong after what she did.

"One, where did you get the idea that Scarlet is getting special treatment that you're not getting? Two, are you aware that if Scarlet hit her head and died from that you would have been put behind bars for murder and not simply deprived of dinner for a night?"

Alex paled. "M-murder? What are you talking about... I didn't push her that hard..."

Jasper felt anger boil within him. "Oh? How about let's try it out again. This time, you'll be Scarlet and I'll try pushing you down the stairs gently. I guess it's only fair that you get to experience the kind of pain she's going through right now, isn't that right? And in return, I can starve for one night without dinner. Sounds fair?"

When Jasper put it into perspective for her, the Wilde princess couldn't hold back the unfairness she felt.

"If mom and dad treated me the same way they treated Scarlet, I wouldn't have done it! Why is everyone trying to make me the villain here?"

At this point, Scarlet had silently returned with the help of Tina. Claire was helping the girl in the wheelchair when they heard the outburst.

"We're not making you the villain… You get jealous and that's alright. You're just not used to having a sibling and someone who will occupy half of your parents' attention. They're not treating you unfairly... when have they ever treated you unfairly?" Jasper was exasperated. Where was Alex getting all these ideas? He couldn't understand it at all.

Unable to hold back tears, Alex yelled. "Bookshelves! Why can Scarlet have bookshelves when I can't have a four-poster bed? Why do mom and dad get her things that they won't get me? Why do they smile at her when they won't smile at me and look at me with eyes that tell me she's better than me?"

Jasper was speechless. True, they might have made silent comparisons between the two girls but they've never put Alex down or told her explicitly that they preferred one girl over the other. Scarlet simply excelled in areas that Alex didn't and vice versa. The girl was simply overthinking it.

"I'm sorry," came a quiet voice, startling the two children.

The blogger had her head down and her fringe covered her eyes. Nobody could tell what Scarlet was thinking with a leg propped up in a cast in her wheelchair. The Chinese girl was petite but in that wheelchair, she looked tiny and weak. That fragility made Alex falter. She'd been so angry at Scarlet earlier, but seeing how pitiful of a state she was in made the girl hold back.

"I didn't mean to steal anything away from you," Scarlet started. Alex had to hold back a new flood of tears. "I was just happy to be part of the family so I thought I had to work harder to be accepted as someone who wouldn't be a burden... Everyone has been so kind... So kind... I don't deserve this."

Claire who was usually emotionless had to look away to hide the tears collecting at her bottom lash. Tina and Sue were openly weeping and Jasper didn't know what to say. He was cautious when Alex walked over to the blogger but he didn't react as there weren't any hostile intentions.

Scarlet wasn't expecting a warm and tender hug from the same girl who pushed her down the stairs. Something wet and warm spread on her shirt but Scarlet didn't care. She simply wrapped her arms around the openly heaving girl and remained silent.

Alex cried openly at the insecurities Scarlet admitted to. It was at this moment that she understood how wrong she had been. Guilt ate away at her and the hunger was suddenly forgotten. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry! I was wrong... I don't deserve to be your sister... I'm a horrible human being!"

Scarlet shook her head and sobbed. "No, I'm very happy to have a sister like you... you've given me so much! I've always been alone... I don't want to be alone anymore. It's alright even if you don't like me... Please just don't ignore me."

Alex shook her head. "No, I don't hate you. You're my best friend and my sister. I shouldn't have been so selfish... I should have been happy for you because that's what sisters do. From today onwards, I will promise you this. No matter what kind of fights we get into, I will always be your sister with our without blood ties, same or different names. We're soul sisters!"

Scarlet could only nod as she choked on her snot. Soul sister sounded like a very beautiful thing and that was a very beautiful pledge, one she would take to her grave.