Shopping, Mengxia's way

It was already midnight in Z city when the plane landed.

"Young master we have already landed and the car had already arrive." The young master nodded and went out from the plane and went inside the car.

"Young Master, tomorrow you need to go to L Mall for the fitting of your school uniform and you also need to buy your school materials." The old butler told the young master. The young man just nodded and he decided to sleep for a while because it will be a long ride before they reach Lui Mansion.


Chenguang's Apartment

Because of what happened last time, Mengxia didn't come back to her sister's Apartment, and she just called her that they would and should go shopping for Li Chenguang's clothes and school materials.

Li Chenguang sighed as she was defeated by her twin sister. She went to her wardrobe to look for some clothes that she can possibly wear. Thankfully she found a pair of jeans and a tee shirt. Ever since she woke up three months ago, she only have professional clothes because she don't usually go out from her apartment when there is no case to solve for her Grandpa's company.

She hurriedly went out from her apartment and went straight to the elevator.

"Good Morning Ms. Li!" the woman inside the elevator greeted at her.

"Good Morning Mrs. Ji!" She also greeted the old woman, Mrs. Ji was the woman whom her Grandpa Li assigned in operating her private elevator.

She then hurriedly went out the elevator, and entered her sister's car. Then off they went to L Mall.


"Let's head first to some boutiques, then we will go to the salon and then we'll buy your school materials." Mengxia said as soon as the she had parked her car. "I am so excited to dress you up Chenchen." she added.

Chenguang shook her head and sighed, her sister's taste in fashion is really superb because she herself is a fashion designer and also a well known model.

"I think this shopping experience will all be Mengxia's way." Chenguang thought to herself. They both have their own disguise because they don't want to attract so much attention from this people. They didn't brought any of their bodyguards. After they have put on their disguise, they immediately went out of the car and entered the elevator.

Mengxia dragged Chenguang towards a boutique as soon as they had stepped out form the elevator.

"Here try this and this and this and this and this and this." Mengxia tossed all the dresses she had pick to Chenguang.

"Go try them on, I'll pick for more." Mengxia added as she made her way to another section of dresses that are exquisitely well made.

After a long, tiring fitting of dresses, Chenguang felt so exhausted. Her sister was literally a monster when it comes to fashion. They went to the counter to pay for all the dresses that they purchase.

"Ok let's go to another boutique, we will buy your jeans, shirts and more dresses for you to wear." Mengxia stated as she hand to the cashier lady her golden premium card to pay for all the dresses that is for her sister. Chenguang's jaw drop when she heard that they would still go to another boutique to buy for more clothes.

"Is this sister of the real Chenguang a total monster when it comes to shopping?" Zhao Mei thought. Because as she can remember from the real Chenguang's memories, Chenguang would just walk inside one store when she would go shopping. And it is also the same for Zhao Mei, even though she came from a very prestigious family when she was still alive in her own body, and she would have the chance to go shopping, she would just visit one boutique and after that she would immediately.

After their purchase has been paid, Mengxia again drag Chenguang to another boutique. Chenguang cannot disobey her sister because she observed that Mengxia is actually enjoying their shopping, this is her form of apology when she made Mengxia clean her apartment and also wash her own clothes.