Someone Familiar

"Come here" Mengxia is dragging Chenguang to another boutique, they had finished coming in and out in five boutiques.

"Can this be our last one please? My feet is already aching and I am tired from walking." Chenguang is now really tired from walking, well not literally walking, she was being drag by her twin sister.

"Okay and after this we will go the Salon. Let's have your make over." Chenguang just sighed as she let her sister drag her inside their last boutique. Mengxia again tossed some clothings at her. And Chenguang obliged to try them all in the fitting room. And Mengxia paid all the clothings that they had purchased.

They then went to the salon to give Chenguang some make over because in Mengxia's eyes she looks like a zombie now.

"Please give her some facial, foot and body massage then also please do her nails." Mengxia said to the manager, Mengxia is one of their loyal customer so they already knew her. After a very long process of beauty makeover, Mengxia was pretty mich satisfied with the result her sister doesn't look like a zombie now. After they were done in the salon, they went next to the School Supplies Store to by some material for Chenguang.

And at the same store Lui Mingyu was also picking his school materials, he will also start studying at M.L University and he only had 2 days to prepare before the school year starts.

"Chenguang you can buy your materials now, I'll just look for some new books for me to read when I am on my travel." Mengxia said as she let Chenguang pick her own school materials.

Chenguang and Mingyu were both at the Journal Section and when Chenguang saw him, she was shocked and she froze for a minute. She never thought that she could see him again.

"Hello excuse me Miss may I pass through?" Mingyu asked the frozen Chenguang.

Chenguang came to her senses and said, "Oh of course, I'm sorry." she then step aside and let Mingyu pass through.

"Chenchen did you see a ghost? Why are you so pale? Are you sick?" Mengxia asked as she saw how pale her sister is.

"I'm not sick, I just saw someone who is very familiar to me." Chenguang said. Mengxia was confused and curious of who was the person her sister talking about but she didn't ask for more.

"Let's just pay for your things and let's go home, it also getting dark. I'll cook for you when we arrive at your apartment." Mengxia said and they went to the cashier to pay for all the things that they puchase.