Wu Mengyao

When Mengxia and Chenguang have arrived at Chenguang's apartment, Mengxia immediately went to the kitchen and prepared the ingredients. While Chenguang went to her bedroom and placed all the things they have bought. Chenguang sighed as she realized that Mengxia have really spent a lot today.

She then went to the bathroom to take some shower and change to a more comfortable clothes. After she took a shower and change her clothes, she sat at her vanity mirror and picked the brush. She started brushing her hair while remembering the face of the man he have always adore when she was still alive. How she used to gently caress his face, but now she cannot do it anymore because he doesn't even know the new her now, she already have a different identity. And besides she still have to catch the culprit who killed her and caused Li Chenguang's accident that lead her to being comatosed. Li Chenguang was in a deep thought that she didn't noticed Mengxia's presence.

"Hey Chenchen time to eat now." Chenguang only looked at her sister when Mengxia said that it was time to eat. "I was calling you but it seems that you are pre-occupied, something's bothering you?" Mengxia gently asked Chenguang. She knew that something is really off from her twin sister's behaviour since the day she woke up from being comatose. Her twin sister, Li Chenguang had experience the most horrible accident good thing she survived from it even thought the price was to be in comatose for a year, she just woke up five months ago.

"I was just thinking of something." Chenguang said as she brushed her hair again.

"Hey sis, do you still remember Wu Mengyao? The guy was always with you during your college days in Harvard." Mengxia asked out of nowhere.

"Wu Mengyao, that name really sound familiar to me." Zhao Mei thought to herself.

"No, I don't remember his name." She just denied. "Did we have some romantic relationship when I was in Harvard?" she asked.

"Well you personally said to me that he was courting you at the time." Mengxia said. She knew that her sister have a temporary amnesia due to the shock she got when she has her accident.

"Well I don't really remember him and besides he is already part of my past now. I was still a young teenager during that time." Chenguang said and stood up. "Why did you suddenly asked if I still remember him?" she asked Mengxia.

"Nothing, I just heard that he already returned in Z City from Scotland." Mengxia said. "Let's just drop this topic and let's go to the dining area, I bet the food is already cold by now." Mengxia cheerfully said and dragged her sister towards the dining area.

"By the way Chenguang tomorrow is your last day being static her in your apartment." Mengxia said. "Because the day after tomorrow is your first day of a new school year in M.L University. And I on the other hand will be traveling again for more photoshoot. I am a bit reluctant to leave you here all alone, nobody will cook you some delicious food." Mengxia added as she took her seat.

"I know that's way I'll be sleeping for the whole day tomorrow." Chenguang joked. Mengxia gave her a glare. "How can this girl sleep all day, she don't even go out that's way her skin is so pale." Mengxia thought.

"And hey what do you think of me? A kid? I am already twenty-three. I can also cook you know and besides Aunt Feifei will be here to take care of me once the school days would start." Chenguang added. Aunt Feifei was their personal nanny and until now she still take good care of Chenguang because it was Grandpa Li's orders and nobody can defy his official orders.

"No! You definitely need to come with me tomorrow, let's visit the old Mansion, I already missed mom and dad." Mengxia suggested.

"Ok fine. I also missed them." Chenguang uttered. Zhao Mei was grateful for her second life even though she have a different family now, different lifestyle and a different identity, she will cherished this forever.

"Let's eat now, I'm already famished. Let's already taste my delicious masterpiece" Mengxia said and started eating the food on her plate. Chenguang just shook her head as she watch her sister who was now happily eating her "masterpiece", she then also started eating her own food.


Meanwhile at Wu Mengyao's apartment.

"Young Master Meng" his personal secretary called his attention. Wu Mengyao lifted his head and looked at his secretary.

"Ms. Li Chenguang is still alive, she was just comatose for almost a year but she woke up 5 months ago. And she will be entering in M.L University as a student." His secretary informed him. Mengyao's gaze became cold so as the place.

"Just observe her for a while, and also enrolled me to M.L University, I want to personally meet her. You may go now. " Mengyao just said and his secretary nooded at him and bowed as he directly made his way out and left the cold room.

"Li Chenguang" Mengyao uttered her name and looked at the view outside his apartment, his gaze is as cold as an ice.