
Morning came and Chenguang was already up. She have already took a morning shower and have changed into a blue dress. She decided to wear the dresses that Mengxia picked for her. She glance at herself in the mirror, checking if she is presentable enough and walked away when she was already satisfied with her look. As she made her way out from her room, her phone suddenly rang, she picked her phone inside her bag and answered the call without looking at the caller's name.

"Hello?" she uttered as she walked towards the door. Chenguang immediately opened the door knowing that she is already a bit late.

"Hey where are you? I'm already here at the old mansion's gate." Mengxia spoke on the other line. She have already arrived at the Old Mansion since her apartment is quite nearer than Chenguang's.

"I'm still at the building. I just went out from my apartment. And I'm about to enter the elevator so just chill, I'll be there in a minute. Just don't tell mom and dad that I'll visit them today." Chenguang answered as she made her way towards the elevator.

"Okay just make it faster, I'll hung up now." Mengxia said and ended the call because she have already arrive at the old mansion's front door.

"Good Morning Ms. Li." Mrs. Ji greeted her as she went inside the elevator. "You look so pretty today." the old woman complimented her.

"Good Morning and Thank you Mrs. Ji, you also look pretty today and I like the new shade of your lipstick, it suits you very well." She also complimented the old lady when she saw that the shade of the old lady lipstick is new and it does suits her very well. Mrs. Ji said her thanks and smiled. As soon as the elevator stopped at the Groud floor, Chenguang went out when the door opened, and she didn't forget to say thank you and goodbye to Mrs. Ji. She then walked towards her car and revive it's engine when she comfortably sat down. She drove out from the parking lot, and then drove her way to the familiar road towards the old mansion.

It has already been months since she last saw Li Chenguang's parent. After Zhao Mei woke up in Li Chenguang's body five months ago from being comatose for a year, she recuperate for at least two months and Lo Chenguang's parents where there by her side. She was not only recuperating and trying to bring back her body strength but she was also trying to recall some of Chenguang's memories as well as her memories but she only recovered and remembered a few of them. After recuperating, she then went to work as a lawyer for her grandfather, Zhao Mei have also a background in law, it was not hard for her to adjust in her new work.

Chenguang's car arrived at the Old Mansion's gate, the guard who was on duty didn't knew her because it was her first time visiting again in the old mansion. So she was stopped from entering.

"Excuse me Miss, only the Li family and some people who are on the guest list are allowed to enter the gate, if you don't mind Miss may I know your name so that I could check it on the guest list?" the guard politely asked Chenguang, and she just smiled and uttered her name.

"Li Chenguang." the guard was taken a back when he heard her name.

"I'm sorry Ms. Li, I am just a newly hired guard. Please don't fire me, I still have a family to feed." fear can be felt in his voice as he apologies, he also lowered his head down. He was very nervous and also sweating a lot, he dared offend the eldest daughter of the Li Family.

"Oh no... no I'm not going to fire you please raise your head, I understand why you don't recognize me. So uhmmm can I pass now?" Chenguang said and asked. The guard immediately pushed a button and the gate opened, Chenguang then drove her car towards the old mansion. She glanced at the garden, it was still the same as she recalled the memories of the real Li Chenguang.

Chenguang parked her car and she went out. "Who's car is that?" she asked herself when she saw a porsche parked besides Mengxia's car. She then made her way inside the mansion. She froze when she saw who was the person freely talking with her family. It was him, it was Lui Mingyu, she encountered him again. She didn't know that Li family is acquinted with the Lui Family.

"Chenchen you are here." Mengxia excitedly exclaimed as she approached the frozen Chenguang who didn't even heard what she said. Chenguang was just staring at the man who was sitting opposite to her parents, his smile is as radiant as before.

"CHENCHEN!" Mengxia shouted and Chenguang finally looked at her. "I was calling your name for how many times, why are you spacing out?" Mengxia asked.

"Nothing." Chenguang answered as if nothing had happened earlier.

"Darling Guang-guang, mommy missed you so much." Chenguang's brows twitched as she heared her mother called her that ugly nickname. Her mother gave her a kissed and a tight hug, "You are so skinny, I bet your Grandpa didn't feed you will in the company." Madam Li said as she hold her daughter's waist.

"Mom Grandpa is treating sister well, she is the one who is not taking good care of her body, she stock so many ready to cook food in her house, especially ramen." Mengxia spill Chenguang's secret. Chenguang glared at her.

"Xaoi Chen, you should take care of your body especially that you would start going to school again tomorrow." Chenguang's father strictly said. Chenguang just nodded and looked again at Lui Mingyu's direction.

"Oh before I forgot, come here Guang-guang, I'll introduce you to the young master of the Lui family." her mother dragged her towards where Lui Mingyu's is seated, Lui Mingyu also stood up.

"Darling guang-guang this is Lui Mingyu, he is the son of my dear old friend. Xaoi Gyu this is Li Chenguang, my eldest daughter." Madam Li introduced both Chenguang and Mingyu to each other.

"Pleasure to meet you Ms. Li" Mingyu smiled at her and extended his right arm to have a hand shake with Chenguang.

"Pleasure to meet you too Mr. Lui." Chenguang said as she shook Mingyu's hand for only a couple of seconds. Her heart was beating so fast because of nervousness. She didn't know that she, Zhao Mei, would have a chance to meet him again with her new identity. Mengxia on the other hand was just eyeing her sister, she have a plan to pair this two people infront of her.

"Okay let's have our breakfast now, I bet you all are hungry." Mr. Li said as he made his way to the dining area first.

"Where is Grandpa and Grandma?" Chenguang asked Mengxia while they are walking towards the dining area.

"Well, the two old people are out of town. They wanted to have some relaxation." Mengxia replied. "Hey Chenchen you seat beside Mingyu, both of you could talked about law. He is also a lawyer." Mengxia added. She is now starting her own plan.

"Yes right. And you know Guang-guang he will also be studying at M.L University tomorrow. You should accompany him everyday." Madam Li suggested, Chenguang just looked at her mother and sister, they are starting to pair both of them which is okay with her because she still have feeling for him as Zhao Mei but Mingyu know her as Li Chenguang not Zhao Mei.

They all started eating, Mingyu and Mr. Li are talking about business while Mrs. Li and Mengxia are talking about Mengxia's work. Chenguang was eating quitely as she sometimes steal glances at Mingyu who is seriously listening to her father's words, and Mengxia always caught the way her sister look at Mingyu.

"I can't wait for you to have a lovelife chenchen" she thought to herself while still glancing at her sister and listening to her mother.