The Dungeon Lord's new refugee camp.

After going west from the farming camp we reached the tools storage I had made. I made it expecting to leave the farming tools organized here to make farming easier, but because of everything was happening in such an absurd way instead of steady growth this place had been left alone and now all it did was give access to the children's room.

Well, since it's not working, I might as well transform it in something more useful!

Activating the building mode I cleaned everything leaving an empty plaza that could be used to anything. Noticing the change, the children exited the room and stared at us curiously.

"Hello kids. Time to do some changes, please take your things out of the room and step back into the farm."

The children nodded to me and took their things out of the room, leaving the sleepy Ruyk all alone.

Kicking Ruyk to wake him up, I turned to Geo and presented him.

"Geo, this is Ruyk, my second in command."

"Hmm!? What!? MASTER!!!"

"Ruyk, this is Geo. Due to many reasons you will accompany him and obey him temporarily, understood?"



"Yes, Master!!!"

"Good! Geo, feel free to use him as much as you want, just give him some food and he should remain loyal. Also, I give you permission to beat him up if he does anything wrong. He seems the type that only learns through pain."

Geo bowed to me and answered back.

"Understood. I will make sure to treat him well."

"No, don't. If you spoil him too much it will be a problem, just treat him normally."


"Good, now let's make a room for your people. As you can see, I can manipulate the soil and rocks in the dungeon as I please so if you want to ask anything, now is the time."

"All right, thanks Mr. Plate."

Finishing our small talk, I started to expand the children's room more and more, making enough space for all those refugees to set camp.

"Mr. Plate, I have been thinking this since I saw your farm... Don't you have to worry about the ceiling collapsing if you make no pillars to support it?"

"Oh! Now that you said it, I never considered that problem... Honestly, I dunno. I can make some pillars if you want, but I have no experiences of any ceiling collapsing, no matter how I built the dungeon. Maybe the dungeon is preventing this from happening somehow, or else it would need to came with an architect along the dungeon lord."

"Hahaha, true. I never heard of a dungeon with an architect, nor any dungeon collapsing."

Stone joined the talk.

"Actually I find it surprising how easy it is for you, the Dungeon Lord, to build the dungeon. If my memory doesn't fails me, I never heard of an adventurer breaking a dungeon wall, no matter which tier of magic they used inside it."

"Oh! Now that you said it, that's true! There are many cases walls receiving damage during fights, but somehow they never collapse and seem to regenerate almost instantly."

"All right, so, should I add some pillar or not?"

"Hmm....since they are only aesthetics, there is no need..."

"Plate, please do add some. it would be great if they could have ten centimeters diameter and some hooks so we can set some hammocks on them!"

"No problem. Like this?"

As we talked, I built some the pillars 3 meters distance from each other, leaving a static hook on each side.

"Perfect! If you can add some more, it would be even better."

"How many do you need?"

"Hmm... Considering there could be some more people arriving soon, I think fifty would be a good number."

"All right."

Dividing my mana into multiple circular plates, I started building 5 pillars at once, and after repeating the process a few more times, we were done.

"Great! Everybody will be happy to not have to sleep in the ground again!"

"Great idea Stone! I was right to entrust this responsibility to you! And thank you, Mr. Plate! This is really kind of you."

"No problem. It's free anyway, and it also helps me train my Mana control."

"Oh, Mana control!? So that's how it works! I was wondering how you were doing it all along!"

Eh?? Can't he use mana sight and see it??

"All right. Anything else?"

"A kitchen would be nice, also some place to store water..."

"If you need water, you can ask the Sprites. If it's still not enough, make sure to inform me and I will summon a few more."

"Sprites!? You got Sprites!?"

"Well, yes. They are really useful."

"Mr. Plate, please summon a dozen Sprites for us! I will repay you in any possible way!"

"No problem, as state in the contract, as long as you pay, I will summon any creature you need. But you got me curious, why such a big reaction for common Sprites?"

"Oh, it's because of the Red Moon incident a few days ago. Miasma spread in the forest and killed all our Sprites. Sprites are pure creatures, Miasma is deadly to them. And because they are so useful, their availability in the market is fairly low, so we were really worried on how long it would take to replace them."

"Really? Maybe that's a regional problem... I remember them to be fairly easy to breed."

"It could be. Sorry but we don't have much information on the market outside this region..."

"No problem. We can take care of this problem anytime, all you need to do is remind me."

"Thanks, Mr. Plate!"

"Plate, I just remembered, there is an urgent facility you will need to make now that we can't get out!"

"Really? Which one?"

"Bathrooms. To be more exact, toilets."

Oh! Because I have been living on Mana for so long, I even forgot people had such needs.

But... how am I supposed to make toilets??

"Any idea on how to make them?"

"Hmm.... Just make small rooms with a really deep hole. Because it's an emergency, we can't ask for much..."

"All right..."

I went to the west walls and made a small room, making a deep hole in the middle of it and a small window fairly high to not allow the kids to peep on it. As soon as I finished it, Stone looked at it and nodded his head twice.

"Great! That's exactly what I needed! Now, if you excuse me, I need to test it."


Hehe... so that's why he remembered it.

Ignoring the sounds coming from the new toilet, I decided to make a few more as a single one would be impossible to take care of all these people.




Time flew by fast and soon hours had already gone by, midway the elven girls joined in and started making requests as well, making me work even more. As the night arrived, we were finally done and the huge empty room had became a comfortable refugee camp.

"I think, with this, we are finally done."

"If you need anything else be sure to call me. Just ask a skeleton and it will inform me."

"All right. Thanks for everything Mr. Plate."

"""Thanks Plate!"""

"No problem."

And as we exited the camp, reaching the farm, I saw the empty field and remembered I had one more task to do.

"Time to plant some new Turpins!"