The Orc's Chosen's Conquest Plan

Using the ruins of the Brightstar Castle's gate as a stage, I climbed over it and started my speech to the orc army in front of me.

"The first step for the Great Orc Empire had been successful!"

"The Long Eared's Fortress had been conquered and a thousand heads had been offered to our Noble God Tusk!"

"But this is just the beginning!"

"More Blood! More Battle! More Victory!"

"Our thirst for conquest won't stop until all the mountain range is united in a single Orc Empire!"

"Now is our time! No one can stop us! No one can defeat us!"

"Tomorrow starts the second step of our conquest!"

"The Great Shaman shall lead a thousand troops West and capture the Human mines and secure more weapons!"

"The Three Elders shall lead two thousand troops North and conquer the Walking Reptiles, securing us food!"

"And I shall lead all four thousand troops to conquer the last Long Eared's Fortress to the East, securing us glory and sacrifices!"

"And after we are done...."

"All together, we shall conquer the Human Lands to the South!!!"


The orcs shouted together in a sign of approval.

"Now sing, dance and party! Tonight we commemorate our victory! Tomorrow we march again to War!!!"


And they shouted yet again, commemorating the start of the party.

Getting down the gate ruins, I watched the big bonfire lighting up, the drums start beating and the orcs start singing and soon the cries from the captured elves were suppressed by the orcs partying in full rage.

I looked down at the elven Queen who had been captured alive and was currently laying naked with her arms and legs spread by the chains binding her to the wall.

"Magnificent view, right? Despair while you watch your city burn and your people suffer for the glory of the Noble God Tusk!"

"Monster! Just wait! You shall burn and die an even worse death than what you are giving us!"

Although her arms and legs were broken and her face was mutilated, this long ears still dared to face against me, making me appreciate slowly breaking her will.

"Hahaha! Great joke, long ears! With the Great God on our side, we are invincible!"

I laughed at her empty words. Curse all you want, you are powerless before our God!

"Laugh while you can, you damn orc! But I promise you won't be laughing for long! You can defeat one of us alone, but when we strike you back together, no God will be saving you!"

Together is it? Then you must be talking about your daughters who you let escape. Unfortunately to you, our torture methods are great and your plans were easily discovered, so now all your daughters are also under our hands.

"Oh! So that's where your hopes rest! Hahahaha! It's futile!"

I turned to the side and let out a long and loud whistle. A few seconds later a group of orcs appeared, carrying two cages on handcarts, inside each cage was a half dead elf who the Queen recognized immediately, and a dozen or so elven heads that were cut off to make sure no one escaped.

"Look, long ears! All your daughters have been captured as well! No one shall know we are coming, and when they will be too late! Wahahahahaha!!"

For the first time true despair appeared in the face of the Queen.

"Karen! Julia! Why are you here!?"

Now is the time! Let's make her experience hell!

"Did you like the surprise? Such a touching family reunion! Now watch as I skin each one of them! And when I am finished, you will be next!!"

"You!!! You Monster!!! Don't you dare!!!! DON'T YOU DARE!!!!!!"

The long ears screams sounded like music to my ears, making me more and more excited.

Taking out my blade, I licked my own lips as I approached step by step the cage while deciding on how to deal the best cuts in a way to allow me to make a jacket of elven skin when a rude one interrupted me.

"My Lord! Bad news! The second target escaped and all pursue parties are missing!"


"As I said, the second target escaped and all pursue parties are missing, my lord!"

"I heard that you idiot! Do you think I am deaf!?"

Hearing the news, my mood was destroyed so I, in a rush of range, threw my blade on the messenger, dividing his head in two.

"Damn incompetents! Ruining my fun! Raul!!!!"

A huge orc appeared from the shadows and knelt in front of me.

"The second target escaped! Grab 8 squads and go after it!"

"Yes my lord!"

As the huge orc, Raul, answered, he vanished again in the shadows.

"It seems you are lucky, long ears! I shall let you live to reunite to your lost daughter before sending you all off to our Great God Tusk!"

After saying my piece I left the crying Queen and went for the wine cellar, the night has just began and I still haven't drank my fill.