Editor: Darklord331


Urahara Shop.

After asking Mr. Urahara for the magical glasses that he promised to give me the ability to see through things and I sure want to see through a lot of things, if you know what I am talking about.

Just imagining the usage of the glasses makes me excited.

"Meaw~" while I was fascinated about the glasses I heard the call from a cat and turning to the side I saw a black cat looking at me and I felt weird and it's a good feeling if you ask me.

"It's a black cat?" whispered Tatsuki with confusion as I asked her in surprise "Are you informing or asking?"

"That's not important, can't you see the cat is black all over and there is no other color spot on its body?" is she afraid of the lovely cat?

"So?" not understanding the cause of her fear I asked her in confusion.

"Don't you find it strange?" Tatsuki is a weird one, isn't she.

"I have never thought you will be scared of such a cute creature I am disappointed in you Tatsuki." I announced with a sigh as I shook my head in disappointment to think the girl who is my rival from a young age can be scared of a cat.

"I am not scared." Tatsuki said with a serious face however I clearly can see the fear in her eyes.

"I am sure you aren't." I shook my head not arguing with her as I looked at the cat before taking out a small piece of bread from my lunch box and pointing it at the cat asked with a smile "Here kitty came over to have a bite."

"Meaw~" with a nod and call the cat soon come close to me as I feed her the bread in my hand while cherishing her head with a smile.


When Kisuke returns with the glasses he found Yoruichi who is in her cat form eating bread and getting cherished by Takashi which made him remember 'This scene looks so much alike to the events from back then when she would go to visit Captain Nohara and play with him in her cat form. '

After feeding the cat with a smile he found the cat jumping on his lap before falling asleep on there and Kisuke finally entered the room "I see you getting along with Yoruichi very well."

"So that is what she called." Takashi said with a smile as he looked at the cat as Kisuke gave another sigh in disappointment inside 'So he didn't even react even after hearing her name, how long are you going to hold your hope Yoruichi?'

"Yes that is what we call her and this is the first time she has gotten so close to someone." Kisuke said with a smile as he took out a box and handed it to Takashi as he added "Here is your glasses Takashi–san."

"Great, I was anticipating this thing from the morning after you told me about it." Takashi said with a perverted smile as he quickly snatched the glasses box from Kisuke's hand and not giving it any thought he looks at Tatsuki immediately after wearing it but the moment his eyes fall on her breasts his eyes widen in shock as he asks in surprise "Why are you covering such gorgeous things with bandages Tatsuki?"

"What do you mean?" not understanding the meaning behind his words Tatsuki asks in confusion before long she follows his gaze which is on her breasts as rage covers her head and with an angry face she punches Takashi on his head asking "Where are you looking, you pervert?!"

"Ouch, ouch~ that hurts Tatsuki you damn Tomboy." Takashi said in pain as he covered the spot that got hit by Tatsuki.

"Did you just say anything about bandages and what are those glasses for?" Tatsuki asks in suspicion as she looks at Takashi, more specifically the glasses on his face with which he can see her completely naked.

"I… my sights had some problem so I had asked Mr. Urahara to build a glasses for my usage." Takashi quickly explained before covering and hiding the glasses into his bag.

"Is that so?" Tatsuki asks in a suspicious tone.

"Why don't you ask Mr. Urahara if you don't believe me?" Takashi who is afraid inside asks as he pretends to be angry.

"It's alright I believe in you." knowing their relationship might get awkward if she asks the shop owner Tatsuki said, shaking her head.

"Any way that will be 2000 your glasses and the hat combined cost." Kisuke announced as he saw them calm down a bit.

"No problem you can keep the change." Takashi said with a smile as he gives 2 notes of a thousand Yen.  

"If you are done can we leave now I am getting late for my karate class?" Tatsuki said with a serious tone as she looks at her wristwatch.

"Fine." with a sigh Takashi got up from his seat as he put his bag on his back and starts walking out while still holding the black cat in a hug as he says "Maybe next time Mr. Urahara."

"aham~" looking at the teenager leaving with Yoruichi in his hand as if he isn't doing something wrong Kisuke didn't know whether he should laugh or cry but when the teenagers arrived he couldn't hold himself before coughing twice, "I said aham~"

"Why are you coughing Mr. Kisuke?" asked Takashi with confusion.

"You say why am I coughing or trying to remind you when you are leaving with the cat?" Kisuke said with a speechless tone as he looked at Takashi's face which is saying I am innocent.

"Oh~ you are talking about this cat?" Takashi said with a smile as he pointed at Yoruichi in his hand.

"Yes if I am not talking about that cat, which cat do you think I am speaking about?" Kisuke couldn't help when he saw Takashi asking in confusion even as he had said something wrong.

"Oh~ I see." pretending to understand the problem Takashi gives a nod before inquiring again "So you are saying I shouldn't leave with Yoruichi, yeah?"

"Yeah, that is what I was saying." Kisuke said with a serious face as the smile on his face finally vanishes.

"But I feel attached to Yoru–chan for some reason." Takashi said with a reluctant face as he hugs the cat with more affection.

"Takashi give her back." Tatsuki demanded with a serious face while tapping her left feet on the floor.

"Fine you can have her but remember I will come back to play with her from time to time." Takashi said with a serious face as he gives the can to Kisuke before leaving with Takashi.

"Ouch~ what did you do that for?" the moment the two teenagers left Yoruichi scratches Kisuke on the face making him cry out in pain.

"Did I not tell you to never hold me in my cat form without my permission." Yoruichi said with a serious face as she looks at Kisuke in anger.