Editor: Darklord331.

After saying goodbye to Tatsuki I found Ichigo fighting against some guys and I also joined him to beat them just like him.

"Why are you beating us man?" one guy asked with water and snort coming out of his eyes and nose and I who didn't know why Ichigo was fighting them answered him shaking my head "I don't know. " 

"If you don't, can you stop hitting me one monster was enough, now there are the two of you, do you want to kill us?" he asks me with water falling from his eyes like a fountain.

"Let me ask my friend alright." understanding the confusion I held him by the collar before turning towards Ichigo who was stomping one guy to ask "Ichigo why are we beating them again?"

"These bastards have smashed the flower I had placed for the dead girl under that lamppost." Ichigo said with an angry face I turned to the guy I was holding before saying "You heard him now apologize."

After a few rounds of smashing, they apologized to the dead girl under the lamppost before running away in fear.

"I know your intention is good and all but why are you putting the flower when the girl is already dead instead of giving it to a girl and make her your own." I asked Ichigo while looking at the back of the escaping group.

"You won't understand." Ichigo said, shaking his head and I can feel he is hiding something from me.

'and the hell I won't understand man just admit it you have a thing for the dead even though they aren't real just forget it Takashi everyone has their own choice. Sigh~ why do I have some many weird friends?' shaking my head I turned to him saying "I understand everything man just don't go too deep. "

With that, I left Ichigo and I hope will return from his fantasy soon or he will not be able to get any girl.

Damn Tatsuki's are bigger than Inoue's. It's ridiculous. 


Yamamoto household.

Returning home I opened the door of our house and as I had expected mom and dad are yet to return home guess I will have to cook again.


Next day…

I have become late again.

Oh, Ichigo is also late now teacher Misato won't be yelling only at me but why is this fool spacing out for.

Oh, the signboard is burned. There must be an accident here again.

"hey Ichigo, why are you looking at the signboard? Don't you want to visit the school?" I asked coming beside Ichigo who came out of his thoughts before we went to the school and on our way, I told Ichigo to say we are late because of the accident.


Next day…


"Hey, Ichigo I heard a truck crashed into your house, yeah?" Keigo said with laughter from the seat in front of me.

"Pretty much yeah." Ichigo agrees with Keigo that means his house is truly broken now mom will ask me to help them with the cleaning damn my life sucks.

"So did you clean it up yet?" asked Mizuiro with a smile. Yeah, help Ichigo with the cleaning you guys are best that way. I won't have to clean his house.

"Are you kidding it will take forever." if you know why aren't you calling the cleaning crew yet.

"Need any help?" That's right, how can I forget that Sado can help in cleaning very well and I won't have to put a hand on the heavy stuff with him around.

"That's ok." why are you not asking for his help? He can be very helpful with that huge build of his you fool.

"Yeah, Chad you can bring the whole house down you know." stop saying stuff like that Keigo, what if you make him not want to help in the cleaning then I will have to work more you fool.

"What do we got next?" yeah Ichigo coming late almost when half the classes for today are over you are thinking what class do we have next. Why don't you just stop your damn mouth and let me sleep?

"Language class." Mizuiro said with a smile.

Why are you guys talking right beside me?

Can't a guy get his peaceful sleep nowadays?

I am getting annoyed and I think I am going to beat these fools if they continue anymore.

"Hello." why is the new transfer student behind me?

When I wanted to ask that she added with a smile "You are Ichigo, aren't you?"

Also, how does she know Ichigo?

"I will be sitting next to you from now on, My name is Rukia." said the new transfer student with a laugh from my back, and wait a minute what does she mean besides him.

"What did you say, flat-chested girl? " now don't judge me she has even smaller breasts than Tatsuki's when she is covering them with bandages while hers are small for real and I haven't said anything about her height when she wants to snatch my seat not even after transferring for a day.

"What did you say?" asked Rukia with an angry face as she pointed at my face.

"Did you ask me to say something nice to you when you want to snatch my perfect position of hiding from the teacher when I want to sleep?" yeah how can she do that I have never seen someone as evil as her in my life.

"What do you mean?" she asks in surprise as I explained that my seat is right beside Ichigo which she wants to take over to which she smiled at me before asking "Won't you give me that seat?"

"Hell no." I answered without hesitation.

"Then I will seat behind you Ichigo." without further argument with me Rukia said, turning towards Ichigo.

"If that's the case you can continue." I told them with a nod before returning to sleep as I hear their conversation.

"whaaaa~ it's you?!" Ichigo getting surprised at Rukia's presence said pointing at her but didn't they know each other from the past if so why is he acting as if he is afraid of her or he knows something that we don't about her which is making him afraid of her.

"What's the matter with you Ichigo? " Keigo 

"Did you two met before?" Sado.

"Of course not we didn't meet before right Ichigo "Rukia

After that, they left the classroom and it returns silence to the classroom finally some peace, now I can sleep.