Go To Grand Line!!!

"With these bounty posters, we need extra cautions for unexpected situations." I told my worries to the others. Luffy is very happy with his bounty, Zoro is very calm then Usopp tells Sanji and points the captured picture of the back of his head on Luffy's bounty picture. "Hey, I see an island up ahead." Zoro told me.

"That island, is proof that we're close to Grand Line! On that island, there's a famous town called 'Logue Town'. It's also known as the town of the beginning and the end. it's the birthplace of the pirate king Roger... As well as his execution spot. Shall we go?" I explained and suggested Luffy and the others.

After arrived at this town, Luffy wants to see the execution spot, Sanji wants to get some good ingredients and food, Usopp wants to look for some equipment to buy then Zoro wants to buy new swords. I do distribute the money to them equally around 5 Millions Beri for their needs, "They're my comrade in arms, so they have to buy good quality items."

Zoro meets Tashigi after she beats the thugs and little surprised by the face of her, Sanji is browsing the market and get into the cooking contest by the female cook Carmen. Usopp is looking at the gadgets in some shops and Luffy is at the unique bar 'Gold Roger'. Luffy hears the stories of the past from the bar owner, then he is given the direction to execution spot by the bar owner.

I am also looking for the clothes shop to buy daily clothes, the quality of clothes in this town aren't bad. I buy lots of them because some old clothes are already not suitable to be worn from the passive effects of the devil fruit.

The special swordswoman outfit is can only be used as the battle uniform from now on. As a woman, I want to have lots of normal clothes for the resting or normal time. Luffy also meets Smoker near the harbor and talks with him for awhile.

Zoro comes to the weapon store, he meets Tashigi again, this time she gots her sword 'Shigeru' repaired. Zoro hears her dream about train hard to retrieve all masterwork blades from the hands of criminals. The action to proving his luck or Kitetsu's curse by throwing the sword to the air and let it swing down to the unguarded arm. The result is very satisfied for Zoro, with Tashigi's help, incredible luck and fate Zoro gets 2 famous swords, Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri.

Usopp sees the sniper googles that he liked but a little girl Carol has bought it. Her father is a bounty hunter 'The father' Daddy, he asks Usopp to do duel. The duel is the bounty hunter wins, he remembers Usopp's father Yasopp of Red hair Pirates. After recalling his past with Yasopp, the bounty hunter tests Usopp once again to shoot the weather vane. This time Usopp wins and the bounty hunter gives the googles.

Sanji recalled his childhood memory about All Blue that has been said by the senior cook after seeing elephant tuna from South Blue and some fish from West Blue. I meet Usopp in the middle of road after buying the normal and daily clothes then we see Sanji participated the cooking contest. He is doing flawlessly and enter the final with Carmen. The final winner is Sanji, Carmen also tells Sanji that she secretly admired him for the unchanged dream about All Blue.

Sanji and Usopp are lifting the elephant tuna, Usopp is dissatisfied to Sanji why he get the heavy end while I am looking up at the sky for awhile, "What's up, Nami?" Usopp asked, "The air is different. It's going to rain. Let's get going!" I urged them to walk fast. "If I remember correctly this time Luffy has met with Buggy and Alvida." I thought all events that will happen here.

We meet Zoro in the end of town square, after seeing Luffy is caught on the execution spot by Buggy, we immediately arrange the plans. I and Usopp go back to the ship then Zoro and Sanji will save Luffy. "A storm is headed for this island. What would we do if our ship happened to wash away when we need to run away!?" I told Usopp why we need to go back to the ship.

The storm has already arrived at the island, there are many dark clouds on the sky right now. When Zoro and Sanji are trying to save Luffy, he is smiling at the people on town square. The moment Buggy's sword almost reaches his neck, the lightning strikes down to the execution spot. Luffy is still all right after he is hit by that lightning caused by his rubber ability but Buggy is very unlucky, he becomes unconscious.

"Hey, I'm alive! I'm okay!" Luffy grabbed his Straw-Hat and laughs what happened just now. The rain and wind begin to pour down to this island. Luffy, Zoro and Sanji immediately run to the harbor, meanwhile I kick Mohji and Richie aside so that we can get on the ship. Tashigi is trying to block but Zoro comes to test her power.

She is defeated easily by one slash because Zoro is several more powerful than in the original after learned Haki power and fought with Mihawk but the drama between them is still the same as in original. The argument about the same face and the same thinking of Kuina made Zoro is very irritated and little angry to Tashigi.

After little fight with Tashigi, Luffy and the others continue to run to the harbor, this time Smoker comes to block them. Luffy defeats Smoker with Haki-Coated fist, "You have learned Haki!" He is very surprised by this discovery. Before he wants to take action again, someone in green robe stops Smoker. "It's you! The entire government is after your head, you know. Why did you help him escape!? Dragon!" Smoker asked Dragon angrily.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji are suddenly blown away by the storm winds, they arrive at the harbor. "Hurry up and get on board! We're setting sail immediately!" I ordered them. On the sea we arrive at the important point of East Blue, "You see the light over there? That lighthouse's known as the 'Light Of Guidance'. The entrance to Grand Line, is just up ahead of that light. So what shall we do?" I explained our situations.

Sanji comes to grab the barrel, "So, we've reached Grand Line, have we? Let's have a little launching celebration to mark the importance of our voyage!" Sanji told us. "To find all blue! To become the pirate king! To be the greatest swordsman! To draw world map! To become a brave warrior of the sea! Off to Grand Line we go!" We shouted our dream and destroyed the barrel.

Luffy worries about the lighthouse's light went out, I assure him that it's okay. "The entrance to Grand Line is a mountain. The light of guidance was directly pointing at the Reverse Mountain located right here on Red Line. We can't just go south to Grand Line easily. Because Grand Line is surrounded by 2 windless ocean belts or 'Calm belts'. And those places are a den for large sea kings." I explained and warned them.

"I will control the ship with my devil fruit power to guide us to the waterway of Reverse Mountain for our safety. Prepare yourselves for the unexpected situations!" I told them and transformed into awakened mode to control the sea water and wind flow. After Luffy and the others are seeing the sea water went up a mountain, we also go up easily caused by my devil fruit power. "We did it! Now all we have to do is go down! We can see grand Line up ahead!" I told Luffy and the others.

At the end of twin capes, there's a giant whale that blocked the waterway of Reverse Mountain. Just like in the original, Luffy shoots the cannon-ball to the whale. I immediately use awakened mode again to control the gravity around the ship. although Going Merry's figurehead isn't broken by the crash, the ship is still swallowed by the whale.

We arrive at the stomach of the whale, in here there is an island with an old man lives. His name is Crocus, the lighthouse keeper of twin capes then this old man's attitudes make Zoro, Sanji and Usopp irritated. "This whale has started bashing his head against the Red Line again!" Crocus told us about the tremors. We go to the exit gate that Crocus has told, he also go to the gate too then we meet 2 weird guys, a man and a woman. Their name are Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday.

They tried to kill the whale by firing cannon-guns but Crocus blocks them with his own body. Luffy knocks both them unconscious, after that Crocus tells us about the name of the whale, Laboon. He also tells these 2 rogues from nearby town come to hunt laboon's meat that can fed their town for 2-3 years.

Laboon's reason to keeps on bashing his head against the Red Line and bellows because Laboon is waiting for his pod members or his pirates comrades. Crocus leads us to exit from the inside of the whale, we also throw 2 weird rogues to the sea. After wake up they threaten Crocus that the whale will be taken soon, he doesn't care about their threats.

He tells us the full story behind Laboon's stubbornness that kept bashing and bellowing, Luffy suddenly climbs up Laboon with the ship's mast. There is a wound at the forehead of whale, he plugs the ship's mast into the wound. "Hey, is that a mast? Yeah, I think it's our ship's... Yup, it's our main mast." Zoro, Sanji and Usopp talked their suspicious feelings then surprised especially for usopp, he is very angry to Luffy.

They all feel very surprised by Luffy's action, he punches and kicks Laboon for diverting the whale's anxious feeling, "Our fight has yet to be settled, so we must fight each other again! Your old friends may be dead, but I'm your new rival! And once my crew sails around Grand Line, we'll sure to come back here to see you again. And then we'll duke it out again!"

Luffy draws our pirate signs on the forehead of laboon, "Don't bash your head against the wall and make it disappear, by the time we come back, you hear?!"

The Strongest Female Pirate System

Name : Nami

Age : 18 Years

Power Level : Vice-Admiral

Haki Level : Busoshoku Haki (Middle Stage), Kenbunshoku Haki (Middle Stage), Haoshoku Haki (Middle Stage).

Devil Fruit Power : Mother Goddess (Awakened).

Skill : Rokushiki, The Instinct Of The Fighterwoman, The Instinct Of The Swordswoman, Can use 5 Basic Elements, Can use the other nature elements (Awakened).

Backpack : Clima-Tact Sword (Equipped), Storage Ring (Equipped), Special Swordswoman Outfit (Equipped).

Sanji is cooking the elephant tuna, I am making the chart of our next navigation route, I am not panicked just like the other me in the original because I have prepared the Log Pose and Usopp is patching the damage to Going Merry's main mast. When we ready to depart from the twin capes, the 2 weird rogues come to us and their requests are to take them back to their town, Whiskey Peak.