The Whiskey Peak

We come at the winter climate area after left from twin capes, Luffy and Usopp are playing snowman on the deck of Going Merry. "Jeez, how can those two be so lively?" I muttered myself while also still looking at the log pose, the sky and the wind from the deck. My devil fruit can ignore the cold or hot temperature for me. "Nami! How much longer shall I continue my snow shoveling of love? Sanji asked me. "Until we are out of this winter area, Sanji.", "Yes, ma'am!".

"Go outside and help shovel the snow or something!" I pushed Mr 9 and Miss wednesday out of the kitchen. I have to use the awakened mode to maintain the wind flow to cross the strong wind areas then control the water flows from high waves and the iceberg. Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday are surprised with my devil fruit power, Luffy and the others to accept my orders.

We finally come to the normal sea area after struggling in that abnormal bad sea area. "Ah, that was a nice nap. Hm? Hey, come on now. I know the weather's nice and warm but don't you think you're being a bit too lazy?" Zoro questioned us after woke up from his sleep. We all are very angry in our heart after hear Zoro's words because we are very tired except Luffy from preventing the ship wrecked.

"There's something sinister about your faces... What did you say your names were again? Something about those names have been bugging ever since I heard'em... I feel like I've heard it before... or not..." Zoro intimidated Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday. "Did you have a nice nap!? You wouldn't wake up no matter how hard we tried!" I punched his head.

"Don't let your guards down, everyone! You can never expect what might happen out here! But we finally have arrived at our destination. And as a proof of that, look! The first island of Grand Line." I told them while pointing the direction of island. "It's an island! I see giant cacti! So, this is Whiskey Peak! Thank god we've arrived alive!" Luffy said. Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday suddenly jump into the sea after say a farewell to us.

"There's a river right up ahead. Look like we can dock inland. If there're any monsters on this island, we still need to stay for a certain amount of time. For Log Pose to record this island's magnetic field, before we can move to the next island! There're some islands that take only a few hours to record while some take even a few days." I informed them what we will do.

When we almost arrive at the river, the people on this island suddenly greet us the pirates warmly. Mr 8 as the mayor of Whiskey Peak town greets us with the other town people. They will prepare the banquet for us because the hospitality is their town of music and liquor's motto. "Hope you may entreat us with tales of your adventures." Luffy, Usopp and Sanji are very happy to hearing their treatment but only I and Zoro aren't very interested.

In the middle of night when the banquet still takes place, Usopp is telling his made-up tales to these town people, I and Zoro are in drinking contests. We easily defeat these town people, Luffy has eaten the meal for 20 people and Sanji feels very happy right now because he has been surrounded by many women.

Meanwhile Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday wrote the report to their boss via the unluckies' box, "Although we were unsuccessful in our task to secure the food for the town. To make up for our blunder, we have succeeded in luring those pirates to cactus island. Thus end our report."

We all have fallen asleep after storytelling, drinking and eating too much, Mr 8 meets Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday outside the house. The Sister or Miss Monday asks them why they need to stage this whole welcome party. Mr 9 and Mis Wednesday tell the others to not underestimate us then Mr 8 also agrees with both them. He shows our 3 bounty posters to his comrades, They are surprised especially Mr 9 and Miss Wednesday.

Mr 8 is calming them and gives the orders to confiscate any money or the treasures on our ship then tie us all up. "Sorry, but... Would you mind letting those guys sleep for a bit longer? They're all tired from the journey over here. And why are we not passed out after that drinking contest?" Zoro and I questioned them, "A true swordsman/swordswoman, never allows alcohol to take control of themselves." We told them while we are sitting on the roof of house.

"So, that's how it was... This place is a den of bounty hunters. And you take advantage of the overconfident newbie pirates who've just entered Grand Line! looks like there's about a 100 of you. You'll be a fine opponent for me, Baroque Works. A certain organization tried to scout me when I was in the same line of business as you but I refused." Zoro told them,

"An organization whose members don't know a thing about each other's real identities and must refer each other by their code-names. And of course, the boss' location and identity are a mystery as well. A criminal organization that asks for complete obedience from its members : Baroque Works. Heh... Was that supposed to be a secret?" He added his info. Mr 8 threatens us by saying that 2 tombstones must be added to cactus rock tonight.

When Mr 8 orders his men to shoot Zoro and me, Zoro disappears from here while I am still sitting on the roof. Some of them are still shooting, I deflect all bullets back to them with my sword easily. When they are surprised by my action, Zoro is already behind Igaram. "Are you sure, that you want to add only 2 tombstones tonight?". Mr 8 uses his shotgun trumpet to shoot Zoro but his action is failed, only some his men got shot by himself.

Zoro easily defeats them without using Haki one by one, unlike in the original he doesn't need to test his new swords. He had already tested them with me when we departed from Logue Town. After he is assessing their strengths, Zoro stops to play with all of them. He uses his Haoshoku Haki Initial Stage to immobilize Mr 8, Miss Monday and the others then they all're very surprised by Zoro's trick.

Mr 5 and Miss Valentine finally come to this town, Just like in the original the true identities of Mr 8 and Miss Wednesday are found out. They are Igaram, the head of Alabasta Kingdom Royal Guards and Nefertari Vivi, The Alabasta Kingdom's Princess. "Under the direct orders of our Baroque Works' boss, we shall hereby eliminate you two!" Mr 5 and Miss Valentine told them.

Different from the original before Mr 5 and Miss Valentine take an action to Igaram and Vivi, I come to help them. I immediately knock both them unconscious for a long time. I tell Vivi that we Straw-Hat Pirates will help her and we come back to the place where Zoro and Igaram are located. But what we see right now are the fight between Zoro and Luffy that caused by Luffy's unique perspective about friend or enemy. When they are in deadlock, I have to punch both them, "Just what the heck do you think you're doing!?"

"Jeez, you should've said so earlier! I thought you went and cut all those people up because they didn't cook your favorite food or something! Well, whatever. What's done is done!" Luffy told us after hearing what have just happened during his sleep.

Vivi accepts our help after seeing our overwhelmed power, she tells us her kingdom state in chaos that caused by the alabasta radical revolutionaries, the appearance of mysterious organization 'Baroque Works', 'Baroque Works' as the revolutionary instigator, and to take over Kingdom Of Alabasta as the true object of 'Baroque Works'.

When Luffy asks who the boss of 'Baroque Works' is, Vivi is panicked and refuses to tell us but I have to simulate this event differently. "Just leave him to us. Although he is an incredibly dangerous man that could take over an entire country, we can easily defeat him.", "No, you're wrong! No matter how strong you all are. You'd be no match for Crocodile, a member of the Shichibukai!"

Vivi is crying, says sorry and apologizes to us for leaking the boss name of 'Baroque Works'. The unluckies have seen and drawn all of us then they immediately fly away to report Crocodile. We don't feel afraid to fight Crocodile, still like in original Igaram pretends to become Vivi. His purpose is to misleading the pursuers but his ship is suddenly exploded by the enemies. "That explosion is very big!!" I thought after comparing with the past life's information.

"Nami! How's the Log!?" Zoro asked me, "The Log Pose has finished recording!" I am little surprised and told them. "Then let's hurry up and get going!" Luffy ordered us. "Vivi! We have to hurry up! If they find us now, Igaram's sacrifice would have been in vain!" I saw Vivi that she has held her sadness by biting her lips. Luffy will wake Usopp and Sanji up then they have to go back to the ship, Zoro goes ahead to the ship first.

The Strongest Female Pirate System

Name : Nami

Age : 18 Years

Power Level : Vice-Admiral

Haki Level : Busoshoku Haki (Middle Stage), Kenbunshoku Haki (Middle Stage), Haoshoku Haki (Middle Stage).

Devil Fruit Power : Mother Goddess (Awakened).

Skill : Rokushiki, The Instinct Of The Fighterwoman, The Instinct Of The Swordswoman, Can use 5 Basic Elements, Can use the other nature elements (Awakened).

Backpack : Clima-Tact Sword (Equipped), Storage Ring (Equipped), Special Swordswoman Outfit (Equipped).

"It's alright! We promise we'll safely get you back to Alabasta! We Straw-Hat pirates managed save all of East Blue! Such a Shichibukai won't stand against us!" I hugged and comforted her.