Little Garden

Luffy brings Usopp and Sanji back by grabbing either the leg or the nose, he unconsciously smacks them to the houses and the roads. I and Vivi run to the harbor, she worries about her duck Carue. When Zoro has finished lifting the anchor up, Luffy finally arrives at the harbor while Usopp and Sanji are already unconscious. I tells Carue's position to Vivi after we are at the harbor, "He is at our ship right now.", "You mean him? He got on the boat even before me." Zoro pointed Carue.

Vivi feels relief after she sees Carue, "Turn the boat around to head down this river and we should be able to reach the ocean! We have to leave as quickly as possible!" Vivi told us. Luffy asks Vivi how many guys come after us, "I can't say for sure. There's reportedly 2000 people working for Baroque Works, and towns like Whiskey Peak aren't uncommon either." Vivi replied Luffy.

At this time Robin will sneak to the ship, I observe with Kenbunshoku Haki, finally find her sitting on the turtle not too far from Going Merry and intimidate then scare her with Haoshoku Haki. After we depart from Whiskey Peak, "Are you really alright with me riding on your ship? I may be just putting all of you into danger." VIvi asked me. "Oh, please. They have already found about us and how we look like! But we are very strong to defeat them. Don't worry so much." I replied her.

Sanji and Usopp have been told by me what happened after they slept at Whiskey Peak. Their reaction are very normal but Usopp still feels surprised, Luffy wonders if there's a snow again. "Well, it's not like it never snows or anything. But that part of Grand Line up to the very first island is special. The 7 magnetic fields that stretch from Reverse Mountain clash together to make things even more unpredictable. So it's absolutely imperative that you never underestimate this sea!" Vivi told and warned us about the common informations.

The others' reactions are very casual because Carue, Luffy Zoro and Usopp are lying down on the deck while got the special drinks from Sanji. "Are you sure things'll be fine like this!?" Vivi is very angry with their casual activities and asked me. "It'll be fine. They'll worked hard when we come across rough seas. Here. Being on this ship, sure makes you lose the will to even worry, doesn't it?" I answered her and give the special drink.

"Here, this's our Haki training memo. You can distribute this to your royal family circles." I gave Vivi Haki cultivation art. She feels confused and looks at the content of the memo then is very surprised by it, "Nami!! I can't accept this! I'm still an outsider of your pirate group." Vivi wanted to reject it. "Don't worry, Vivi. Our captain, Luffy is a very open-minded person and my instinct tells me that this'll be very useful to you at the future crucial moments." I told her.

Both Vivi and Carue learn Busoshoku Haki Initial Stage and Kenbunshoku Haki Initial Stage, they haven't learned Haoshoku Haki yet. We finally arrive at the second island, "We should be careful about this island..." Vivi told us. Our ship travel along inland river, in the forest there are many unique or dangerous animals. Just like in the original Luffy, Vivi and Carue go into the forest while Sanji prepares them lunch boxes then Zoro and Sanji bet each other for who can hunt the most.

"We can only wait them for awhile... With their current power, there aren't any dangers to them on this island. Even this island is prehistoric island." I helplessly saw Zoro and Sanji go into the forest. "Yeah, they will be okay. Nami, thanks for teaching us Haki." Usopp said his grateful feelings to me. "Ah!? Why do you thank me, Usopp? We are now best friends just like our captain Luffy has said. As a best friend, I will be making my friends stronger than before." I replied his words.

Elbaf giant warrior Brogi comes to our ship, Usopp is very surprised and nervous. He asks us if we have any rum and I tell him that we have some rum. Meanwhile Vivi tells Luffy about history of this island and they meet the other Elbaf giant warrior Dorry. Both giant warriors ask us to their home and make dishes from the dinosaurs' meats. Dorry tells Luffy and Vivi about one year needed for Log Pose locating the next island.

They told their situations about resolving their problems on the other island based on the law of their giant tribe, after the volcano on the middle of this island they begin to fight again. We are watching their battle silently, "This is it! This is what I meant by a brave warriors of the seas! I want to become a proud warrior just like them! If there's an entire village full of warriors like them, I'd sure like to visit it one day!" Usopp muttered himself.

Although I am a woman right now but caused by the past life memory as a man, I have still loved to see the fight between men. The fight ends draw for both side, Brogi gives rum to Dorry then I sense Mr 5 and Ms Valentine in the forest, he uses his ability to set the bomb in Dorry's rum by flicking his booger. I immediately use Shave and return the booger to him, the explosion makes their hideout exposed.

I use Geppo to chase Ms Valentine on the air and knock her unconscious, Usopp uses his Haki-Coated explosion bullet to snipe Mr 5 then the effect of this action that Usopp used also makes Mr 5 unconscious easily. Luffy also sense Mr 3 and Ms Goldenweek in the forest then I also appear and knock her unconscious. "Sorry for my hard handling to you, girl. Your devil fruit power is very dangerous to us in this situation. Luffy, you have to beat Mr 3 because his tactic almost interrupted the giant battle." I put down her to the safe location and told Luffy.

Sanji finds Mr 3's candle house on the forest while looking for the eatable meat again after he has waited at our ship for awhile. He interacts with Mr 0 or Crocodile by using Mr 3's Den-Den Mushi about killing Vivi, Crocodile also gives Eternal Pose of Alabasta after he heard 'Mr 3' has completed the mission and the Unluckies will deliver it to him. After ends the communication Crocodile tells Ms All sunday to call Mr 2, the order is to come to Little Garden and assassinate Mr 3. He feels suspicious gestures and wrong habits from 'Mr 3'.

Luffy beats and defeats Mr 3 easily without using Haki, we wait Zoro and Sanji to come here after Vivi orders Carue to pick them up. "This isn't the time for that. It's time to set sail, captain! We can't just loiter around here forever!" I told Luffy that eagerly to make senbei party after knowing that we can leave from this island. The reason is Sanji brings Eternal Pose of Alabasta from the Unluckies and his interaction with Crocodile.

"Alright then Mr Giant, Mr Round! We'll be taking off now!" Luffy said good bye to them, we have arrived at our ship then depart by following this inland river. Brogi and Dorry help us to kill the giant goldfish, so we are only needing to head straight. Luffy and Usopp are very happy and they vow in the future will go to their home.

"Vivi... Can you keep an eye on the Log Pose? With this, we can finally go to Alabasta." I told Vivi, "Yes, after all... I finally found a way to save Alabasta... I have to survive and return to Alabasta." Vivi replied my words. Sanji makes the snacks for us the ladies, he also tells Luffy and Usopp shares in the kitchen then Zoro is still training at this time.

"It's seems that I have to tell Vivi and the others about going to Drum kingdom. Because there is Chopper there and we still need the doctor." I thought the plans. "Luffy, I know where we can get the doctor as our new member. Sorry Vivi, can we delay for going to Alabasta? We need to go to Drum Kingdom for awhile." I asked Vivi, Luffy and the others are waiting her answers. "You can, guys. You all are very powerful so I don't mind for the delayed" She answered us with bright smile. We immediately thank her generous heart for our emergency cause.

The Strongest Female Pirate System

Name : Nami

Age : 18 Years

Power Level : Vice-Admiral

Haki Level : Busoshoku Haki (Middle Stage), Kenbunshoku Haki (Middle Stage), Haoshoku Haki (Middle Stage).

Devil Fruit Power : Mother Goddess (Awakened).

Skill : Rokushiki, The Instinct Of The Fighterwoman, The Instinct Of The Swordswoman, Can use 5 Basic Elements, Can use the other nature elements (Awakened).

Backpack : Clima-Tact Sword (Equipped), Storage Ring (Equipped), Special Swordswoman Outfit (Equipped).