Into The Darkness


They reached the caves the next day, almost by nightfall. As soon as the river narrow inside the dark world, they disembark into a small path of natural stones. Shen Wei summon a few fire birds to hover over them, while Da Qing concentrate in the stone to have a full picture of the coming challenge.

"Can you do it, Qing?" Lin asked a bit impatient after a few minutes of watching the Earth Prince with his eyes closed, seen nothing happening.

"Be quiet, let him concentrate." Yunlan warned the impatient Wind Prince.

"It's huge. This caves system is huge, they extended from several miles away and there are too many bats nests no matter which way you go. There is no way of avoid them and using fire will attract them like moths to the flame. Them been blind, matter not, the heat will give us away in every step."

"So we are screw, is that what you are saying?" Chu asked.

"We were screw from the first step we put in these lands. Let him finish." Zhu said.

"The bats are actually nothing like we had seen before. They had wings, but they resemble big beast more than the normal bats we are use to. So expect attacks not only from above, but also from every corner. Judging for their current shape, they may also run and jump on you when you less expect it." Da Qing finally said.

"Guo, summon your shield now, once we enter they will come at us in waves. Da Qing, did you find a path to the other side?" Zhao asked, while Gou assented in agreement, fully knowing things will get rough as soon as they enter in full inside the caves.

"I will need to create a few turns along the way, but yes, I know where to go to find the exit of this hell. The thing is, it will take us at least a few days to go out and without a safe place to rest, we are bond to get tired and make mistakes, not to mention our energy will spend faster after long hours of constant use." They all look at each other after that.

Obviously, Da Qing had a valid point they had not considerate until now. The first walk was before entering the dark lands was safe, then they manage to reach the river before nightfall, in which the goddess grant them a mean to rest and travel faster, but the boat was of no use there in which the river became subterranean and no longer of any further use, or so they thought.

As soon as the worry was voiced out, the boat, like a few days ago, begin to shake and shrink to the original form of a stone, which this time glide over Yunlan and into his open palm. In the moment it make contact with the Water Prince skin, Yunlan close his eyes, feeling, more than seen, the intention of the goddess for that part of their quest. Then he smiled.

"Worry not about a safe resting place. We got one, right here... let's try to make the best time we can for as long as we are able. The less time we spend in this hell, the better for all of us." Most of them assented.

"Okay... Da Qing will lead the way, the rest of us, protect him while he create a pass for us. Shen Wei and Guo, you both are our defense and offense from afar, Lin and myself will also aid you with that. All healers are to use needles or your short swords if the bats gets too close. Chu, you most tied us all together with your strings at all times, because if we get separate, we will only meet our doom. Can you do it?" Zhao asked seriously and Chu chuckle.

"That's the easiest thing I had ever done. No one will escape my personal web, not even you, Zhao Yunlan." Zhao nodded.

"Good then. Tied us together, then we move in a single line. If we need a bit of pace to attack a group of bats, we fight forming a circle and if we are force to brake it, none of us will go beyond Chu's hold on us, no matter what. Have your magic and weapons ready to be use at any time. This challenge is not going to by easier, be ready to run and follow Da Qing's lead." And so, the group follow Da Qing's every step.

As the irregular tunnel widen, after the first half hour, Shen summon smaller birds, to have a better view of their surrounding and they were stunned. The caves were not only made by stone, but also by crystalized minerals, that shined under Shen's fire.

"Wow... even in the dark lands, there is beauty." Wang whisper as she looked at the huge crystal of various colors as they walked.

"Amazing, right?" Zhu agree.

"Yeah, but don't be fooled by a passing beauty. Up ahead our hell will begin. Get ready." Da Qing warn them and so, a few minutes later, the first bats came. The ceiling of the wider cave was full of them, as well as a good number waiting in the floor.

Pandemonium break lose, as Shen Wei blasted a good number of coming bats with exploding birds and Guo's sword shield moves on their own to slash everything that came close, as they begin running forward, after Da Qing.

The Earth Prince, shoot sharpened stones to those bats ahead of them, but most of the bats evade them, moving away as they hear them coming. Then several needles were thrown with precision, but the moving targets were quick despite their sizes and only a few were hit.

Then Zhao summon water from the underground river and that burst up in some points, wetting most bats on the ground, then he turn the water into ice, frizzing a few dozens of bats in the spot. Lin manipulate the wind from different angles to confuse their hearing and thrown them away, but more came their way.

At some point, Da needed to halt and use his sword for close combat. The bigger bats were like bears and have quite the strength. Lin was thrown to a cave wall by one, but Chu had a hold on him by his strings and pull him up and at a side, just in time to save his life, as sharp teeth's were about to pierce his neck.

"Thank you." Lin whisper as he ignored the pain in his back and joined the others in their fight. Shen Wei summon a circle of a two layers fire that surrounded their group. The inner one was made of healing fire, harmlessly dancing under their feet and the external one shining blue, which kind of repeal them with a hooter flame.

"They will not cross this fire, it has a barrier! Take them down!" Shen yelled as he expanded the ring of fire, which had an invisible dome, no bat could cross. Sensing that Shen was going to exhaust himself, Zaho cursed and use ice spikes, several of them, shooting them all around, then Da Qing join in, so did Guo and Chu. Then Zhu Hong throw a few poison bottles that with Lin's help, spread all over the chamber and beyond, killing most bats.

"Shen Wei? Are you okay? You didn't use too much magic, right?" Zhao asked, as Lin clear the air for them to keep moving.

"Don't worry Yunlan, I am conserving my magic for more trouble times." Zhao sighed, tapping his lover in one shoulder.

"Good, Zhu and Lin, keep the lethal combination for as long as you can, when encountering more bats in big groups, then we run faster, we need to get out of here as soon as we can." And so they keep up, repeating the same process, with Shen's fire barrier, Zhu's poison and Lin's wind spreading it as far as he could.

When the poison was over, they fight their way, half with magic and half with close combat. Da Qing stopped occasionally to make a path, connecting caves, in order to head to the nearest exist to the land of Furies. The advance was arduous and tiring, yet they keep up the pace for long hours, stopping only for a bigger fight, healing and Da Qing's reforming of the caves, which confused the bats to a certain point.

When exhaustion took over, they had travel inside the caves for almost twelve hours. As soon as they went inside another crystal caves, Zhao summon star magic and infuse the goddess stone with it, then he let I fall and the cave disappeared from their view, completely replaced by stunning view of the cosmos, mostly like the Star Chamber.

"Wow, Yunlan!" Shen yelled, as he saw him lose balance and hurry to catch him before he could hit the floor.

"Yunlan..." Shen whisper, as the others sat over the unseen floor cover with a dark void and shining stars.

"Ah, my Wei... don't worry, I'm just tired." Zhao whisper, completely lying his back over Shen's chest. He closed his eyes, allowing the sudden dizziness to pass in his lover's arms.

"You were already tired, why using star magic on top of that? What is this place?" At that, the rest of the group pay close attention, because they too were curios.

"There is a star dimension inside the stone of the goddess and we are inside it right now. The bats can't access the stone because they can't see it nor sense it. This way we have a safe place to rest, away from danger... so I suggest all of you to have a good meal, then have a nap."

"Thanks havens! I'm so exhausted..." Lin said, laying on his back.

"Hey, have some food first." Zhu told him, but Lin ignore her.

"Here, Zhu, you have some." Da Qing offer, as he gave her a piece of dry meat and a bit of cheese. Zhu blushed, but accepted the offer gladly. Gou find it a kind gesture, so he took a piece of rice bread and offer it to Chu, with a blushing face.

Chu arched an eyebrow and was going to decline it, but the young man looked so innocent and happy that he took the offered bread with a sigh. Maybe Zhao Yunlan was right and things will change between the Clans. It was true that he had a fixation with the Sage heir and maybe he wasn't the only one.

During their ordeal, he notice that Guo's sword tended to hover around him more than the others, as if the young man wanted to protect him more and to be honest with himself, so did his treads. He was very watchful of the group's movements and he help them when in need, but he was more aware of Guo than anyone else.

Zhao looked their way and smiled. Then close his eyes and summon three huge water bubbles that came from the ground.

"Yunlan! Stop using magic... you are drained." But Zhao only smiled, moving his head up to kiss the Fire Prince shin.

"We need healing water to restore the lost magic... and to get rid of this smell too..." Shen blushed, they were all drenched in sweat.

"Why three? One was more than enough." Shen insisted.

"Taking turns will take too long, so I summon one bath for the women and one for the men." Zhao said.

"Then what is the third for?" Sang asked.

"That one is for male lovers, meaning for Shen Wei and myself." Shen flushed hot red in a second, while he coughed.

"Yunlan!" But the others burst into laughter, seen the Prince, fire red with embarrassment.

"Who knew the great heir of the Water Clan was this perverted...?" Da Qing said while laughing.

"I pity Shen Wei..." Zhu added, making Shen even more embarrass.

"Hey, I don't have enough stamina to be a pervert. Don't get me wrong, I need to stabilize my star magic again and only Xiao Wei can help me with that." Zhao said seriously, making Shen sigh.

"Yunlan, they will not believe that..." The Fire Prince said in resignation.

"Don't mind them, my Wei... seriously, help me stand. The sooner you help me with my energy, the faster I can rest." Zhao said, sitting between the other Prince legs. So Shen, got up and offer Yunlan his hand and help him steady, passing one of his arms over his shoulders.

"Wait, my Lord, have this..." Wang stop them as they begin to walk to the closer water bubble and gave them their bags, so they could change clothes.

"Thank you." Shen reply and they enter the water bubble to find a small greenish glowing pound in the middle. Shen looked at the water and blushed. Should he undress Yunlan? Undress himself? He inwardly asked nervously. That will be... he blushed even further, making Zhao smile.

"I will not take advantage of you, Xiao Wei... I'm really tired. Come in with me, you can warm the water for us..." Zhao said as he jumped in, after taking off his boots and so the Fire Prince follow his example. He heated up the water a bit and came close to Yunlan.

"Shall we start?" Wei asked and Zhao pull him close.

"In a minute..." He murmur before kissing him, although not with the usual passion.

"You truly are tired." Shen said after the kiss.

"Star magic always drain me like this." Zhao said, resting his forehead over Wei's.

"Then, let me help you..." Shen whisper, stealing a kiss from Yunlan before turning him, so he will face his back. Half of Zhao's long hair floated over the water in between their bodies and Shen couldn't help but pass his fingers over the dark waterfall made of silky threads. Yunlan shudder under his gentle fingers, but didn't move an inch.

For some reason, Shen find himself transfixed with the other man back, realizing he had been watching it for years, sometimes with a repressed yearning. Running his fingers over Yunlan's wet hair, make him feel something he had not the time to realize before. It was something that didn't come over night, as he first thought, but something that had been gradually stick to his heart, one step at the time. When they were kids, when they grew up to be teens and finally when they became men with the heaviest responsibilities of their Clans. It was burry deep inside, patiently waiting for a day it will be released, then Shen hug him tenderly.

"Yunlan..." Shen whisper in Zhao's ear.

"Humm? What is it?" Zhao closed his eyes as he felt Shen's body raise in temperature along with the water.

"I think I love you..." Zhao open his eyes in surprise, then turned in his lover embrace to look at him.

"From a long time ago..." Shen manage to said, before Yunlan forgot about his tiredness and unstable magic and kiss him senseless with more passion that he thought possible. A confession was something no one should take lightly and especially coming from a shy Prince he loved more than anything else and he will indulge him, this time or in any other, because he was the reason he wanted to save their lands and change the Clans to a more open way of life, a life they could share together for as long as they live.

AN: With love, take care.