Blooming Love Bellow The Stars


The only thing Shen could think about, was in the man he was so eagerly trying to melt with. He knew Zhao Yunlan was beyond exhausted, but he guessed that his sudden confession had gave Yunlan an extra burts of energy and so they were currently engaged in heated kissed, Shen found hard to control.

Soon, Yunlan was fighting with Wei's black robes, trying to undo the knot to finally touch bare skin and as his finger worked underwater to lose the damn thing. Shen, however focus in tasting Yunlan's skin an inch at a time slowly putting his lover in a state of extscy. Zhao moaned, feeling Shen Wei's hot tongue over his neck, leaving a delicious path of warm skin behind to move to the next and when he reached the border of Yunlan's clothes, unlike Zhao, Shen used a knife at his belt, to cut the one holding the Water Prince from his curios hands.

"Ah, Shen Wei... Shen Wei..." Zhao whisper, allowing the hot Prince to explore his now naked chest with both his hands and mouth. The water heated up a bit more, because Shen Wei's body heat was also raising, so to keep him in balance, Zhao fought against pleasure and desire to cool down the water a few degrees and as he let the Prince go lower.

Zhao moaned more when Shen reached the border of the water, then submerged on it, to try pull down his pants, but the colder water make Shen realize what he was actually trying to do and he got up, blushing like never before in embarrassment, as he removed his long hair from his face. Zhao could feel his lover heat, out of that embarassment, as Shen reverted back to shy.

"Yunlan, I..." But the Water Prince was not going to let Shen Wei to cool down as easily as the water surrounding them, so he kiss him back, with ten times more desire than he showed before.

"Oh, Yunlan... Yunlan... what are we doing?" Shen whisper as Zhao removed his top robe, going to have a taste of his nipples, which make Shen arch his back, trying to muffle a load moan, so the others will not hear it. However, as he try his best not to yell, Yunlan keep playing with his skin, caressing, kissing, biting and sucking. He was no used to control passion, which raised his inner fire tenfold, so he was not really surprise to find at least a dozen of blue flames floating around the greenish healing waters.

"Yunlan... Yunlan, stop... Yunlan..." But Zhao was too immersed in exploring, so when Shen felt Zhao's hand move over his arousal, he panic, fearing such waves of pleasure may end up hurting Yunlan. He hug Zhao to stop him from keeping up the desired advance toward more dangerous waters, in a protective way, breathing in and out in short intervals.

"My Wei..." Zhao protested, wanting to have another taste, a salty one.

"I will lose control of my inner fire... please stop..." Then Zhao looked around and saw the flames and smiled.

"You were the one who start it..." Zhao kiss him softly.

"I know... but to be honest... I... well I have never..." Zhao smiled again, seen the Fire Prince, quite hot in the face. He looked so innocent, Zhao was tempted to start it from when he left off. His Prince was obviously inexperience, in a different way than him, because Shen's magic was volatile if not kept in check, making it hard to control his desire and his inner fire at the same time.

"Believe it or not, neither had I, my Prince. I always knew what I wanted, nothing else will do for me. Trust me, father had tried his best to put a woman on my bed quite a few times and of course, he failed in each attempt." Shen blushed even more, but he smiled.

"So... that's where the rumor of you, liking men born?"

"Yes, it just happen that the one and only, I will have in my bed is a man. So I will wait..." Zhao whisper, just before he kiss him, more gently this time.

"Yunlan..." Zhao whisper, putting his arms around his neck.

"Mmmm... My Wei... what about helping me with my mess up magic...?" Zhao said, still kissing him and holding him for dear life.

"Ah, yes... so... stop kissing..."

"Shen Wei... you have not hear it yet..."

"Mmm? What?" Shen whisper against Zhao's hungry lips.

"My confession... I love you more than you can imagine." Shen smiled, resisting the desire to begin anew.

"Ah Lan..." They kissed a bit more, then Zhao give up, allowing Shen to help him stabilizing his star magic, then changing clothes (in which Shen blushed from head to toes) and finally going out to have a meal, then a deserved rest holding each other.

Hours later, in the middle of his meditation, Guo look at the pair of lovers and sighed. He hoped that once their task was done, they could remain together and so he looked at Chu, who was sleeping nearby and wonder if his future included another man in his life. Then he looked up, to see his star and try to find another bright one next to his, but he didn't saw any, near his white one.

"Mine is not bright, but dark..." Chu whisper, looking at Guo who looked lost while stargazing and pointed at a dark spot, which was quite close the overwhelming white one. Giving the fact that Guo's star was too bright, it was easy to miss a barely bright one.

"Why is dark?" Guo asked in a whisper.

"One, yours is too bright, it kind of steal the shine of any other close to yours and second, why is has to be bright?" Chu asked back and Guo apologize.

"Don't apologize, idiot, you did nothing wrong. Why aren't you sleeping? You will not get another chance to rest in long hours." Chu asked.

"While I meditate, I rest both my mind and body. This is normal rest for me." Guo said shyly.

"Then it must be hard to be a Sage. I can't meditate, even if my life depend on it." Guo smiled.

"You will be surprise, it really not that hard. Maybe someday I can..." Wait, was his going to suggest to teach the Puppets Clan heir meditation? What was wrong with him?

"I will not mind Guo... I will not mind." Chu said, taking him by surprise at the same time, the usually grumpy man turned to lie one his side with a soft smile.

A bit further, Zhu looked at her star as well and wonder if the one bellow hers was her fated one and who was the owner of its destiny. She closed her eyes, failing to notice that the brownish star bellow hers belonged to the man that was peacefully sleeping a yard or so away from her feet. Actually, none of them were aware that they had selected places, reflecting the spots of their stars, which showed the way destiny had connect them in that lifetime.

However, as tiredness got to all of them eventually, a group of fire Furies headed to the caves. Shen Wei stir in his sleep sensing a different kind of fire coming closer from the north. It was something he had not felt before, a vicious fire that wanted to consume, to destroy, to burn and tear apart.

That coming fire was totally out of control, clouded by the power of a stone that ricked at dark power and could command it at will. Shen groaned, sensing the essence of that twisted fire wanting to suffocate him. There were more than one and they were strong.

"Yunlan..." Wei whisper, unconsciously holding his lover even closer. His temperature begin to raise, as if preparing to face the unknown threat with his own fire.

"Danger..." Shen Wei murmur over Zhao's neck, which in return wake up Yunlan.

"Xiao Wei?" Zhao murmur, but his Prince only mumble a few unrecognizable words. Still, sensing his lover quite hot, Yunlan try to wake him up, but failed.

"Coming..." Shen Wei whisper and Zhao rested his head over his.

"What's coming my Prince?" Yunlan asked, trying to access his mind.

"Fire... strong fire..." At that, Zhao frowned. They were still inside the caves and at least another day away from the next territory, but as a master of fire, Shen Wei could sense it coming. However, does that mean the Furies were coming, even when the caves were not their territory? If that was true, then they were in troubles. He didn't expect to face bats and Furies at the same time and especially not inside the caves, which has less room to fight against a fire creature that could double a human high.

"Yunlan... coming..." Shen murmur as he hold his robe with more strength. So Zhao simply kiss his lover forehead and breathed cold air on his parted lips, to cool back his body.

"I know... wake up, my Prince, we need to move." Zhao whisper.

"Furies!" Shen yelled as he wake up, which in turn alerted the other as well.

"What was that?" Sang asked, a bit sleepy.

"It's time to go, Furies are coming our way... we need to hurry out." With that, all members of the team hurry to gather their things and to the outside, having in mind that soon they could be fighting two fronts at the same time.

AN: Thanks for reading.