
Turning the body around he was expecting to see his little kitten but a teenage boy confusedly looked back at him.

"Kitten?" The boy looked at him confused, did he hear that right?

"Kitten. Have you seen a small kitten around here? 3 ft, black, brown eyes?"

"Sorry sir I haven't."

Turning around, Xi Long sped back to his parked car frustrated at his misunderstanding. He actually called a teenage boy kitten! If he had not quickly lied to avoid the situation then he would've sounded like a creep. Boarding the car once again, he signaled his secretary to speed to the office. Closing the window, he took out his laptop to send an email to his directors.

"Shufen, call a meeting I want all the directors in my office in 10 minutes. I want all the reports on my desk ready to go, if not tell them they're fired."

The office was in chaos when receiving the orders. The directors could do nothing but cry, their boss was in a bad mood and everyone was in danger. Employees were scrambling around, putting finishing touches on files and powerpoints.

"Move I need to print this!"

"No I was here first."

"Move before I push you!"

"Wait, wait, I haven't finished that yet. Wasn't it due next week???"

"Not my problem, finish it or get fired you're choice."

"What do you mean powerpoint???"

The employees' hearts burned at the situation

Who offended our boss?!

People were running, fights broke out, it was total chaos and then it was silent. Crisp leather shoes clacked against the floor. Wearing a maroon suit, a body emerged from the front of the front door.

Xi Long strut passed his employees and went straight into his office. Four directors stood outside the office in fear as if they were awaiting judgement from Yama itself. Waving his hands he let them all into present their reports.

As each director spoke, his expression became darker and darker. The temperature in the room was already - 40 degrees.

Gazing over the men he spoke one word. "Where."

The directors were puzzled - Where what? Where this report was completed, where the venue for this project was set?

One director nervously answered "CEO Long, if you m-mean f-or th-is project, the-n the ven-ue is..."

The temperature dropped lower.

Seeing his boss losing patience, Li Shufen decrypted the question "Where is the final director, Zhuang Wei?"

'Aiyoo boss how are we supposed to understand that from one word??'

The directors stomachs burned at the situation. They had no idea where Director Wei was, he had not reached the office this morning and refused to pick up their calls & emails.

"CEO...he is not here. We were unable to contact him today."

Sweat pooled on the floor, the four directors were scared of their boss's reaction in front of this person, these usually confident leaders seemed like the three stooges (1).

When they felt as if there was no escape, the office door was blown open, in skipped in was a tall man with brown hair and charming eyes. He was dressed in ripped blue jeans and a simple white dress shirt

"Honey. I'm home."

Xi Long: "..."

Li Shufen: "???"

The Directors: "!!!"

Walking directly up to his desk, the man sat on the edge with reports in his hand.

"Honey, sorry I'm late! I was working verryyy hard on these files just for you." With that he placed his work on desk and flashed a joyful smile at the stone faced man.

Xi Long glanced at the man at his desk, ignored him, picked up the files and starting looking through them.

The employees outside his office who saw this were astounded, even though this man obviously just flirted with their boss-the boss did not even blink!! For many of the older employees they were used to this scene and thought nothing of it but the new employees were stunned.

Zhuang Wei was Xi Long's long time childhood friend and was openly gay. Not that anyone cared, Director Wei was a little flirtatious with everyone but also was the director that brought in the most revenue to the company. When it came to work, he was efficient and no one could deny that. City E was progressive but there were some people that held onto stereotypes and anyone that dared to insult Zhuang Wei disappeared overnight. It wasn't hard to deduce who had done it, but no one dared to question Xi Long in fear of suffering the wrath of the Han family. With a long history of military and being one of the founding families of the city their history ran long. Moreover under the reign of Han Xi Tang, Xi Long's father, they now had underground connections establishing their own mafia power.

"So honey, how did I do? Enough to give me what I want, "his voice progressively dropping to a seductive tone.


Directors: "!!!!!!!"

Shufen stood on the side laughing at the conversation. While he and Xi Long knew what it is they were discussing the directors had eyes popping out as they heard the conversation a different way. Unable to hold it in, he stepped in to once again translate his boss.

"Director Wel, I have already made the order. The chef of General Mao's has agreed to personally make your food, it will arrive shortly."

"Omo yes! Thank you honey!!! You always know the way to my heart."

"It's also the way to the doctor, you should cut down on the oil and carbs", spoke Xi Long.

"Are you telling me I'm FAT! screamed Wei. "What part of me is fat, look at my abs, hmm, look, look."

"....everyone is dismissed. I want everyone to correct the reports and have it on my desk by the end of today. I expect everything to be in order."

The four directors quickly escaped from the office, glad that they were let go but cried at the overtime they were going to have to pull today to finish the work.

With the door shut behind them Xi Long flipped a switch to turn the once transparent office walls to a deep black effectively blacking out anyone who wanted to look inside his office.

"What's wrong, you don't look so good. Who made you so mad this morning?"

"No one."

"Then why did you call this emergency meeting- don't lie to me."

"..I lost a kitten."

"A kitten??"

"...it was very cute."

"Haha, I never thought I'd see the day when you got mad over a mere kitten!" Wei broke out in laughter, the idea of his stone cold friend getting this upset over a small animal is hilarious. It wasn't even cause someone gave it to him but because it was cute!

"Aiyyaa, need me to find you a girl? Maybe being single too long has damaged your brain."

"Shufen, cancel the order."

"No no, please take it back take it back! You are fine single, so smart, so handsome, don't need a girl."

Shufen knew that his boss would never cancel his order but did not expect his boss to mention the girl from last night to him.

"Aiyyaa boss don't you feel guilty lying to Zhuang Wei - it obviously isn't a real kitten but a woman you call kitten!'