Hu Bao Pt. 1

18 + (Skip the next two chapters if you're uncomfortable with violent scenes)

Rubbing his eyes, Xi Long placed down his last file.

It was always like this, no matter how quickly he tried to finish his work there was always something else to do. As the CEO he had to put in extra hours to make sure nothing was done incorrectly - hence the rule that everything must be run through him before it left the office.

Grabbing his jacket and locking up his files, he quickly left his office. It was silent when he left the building, a cool breeze hitting him as he waited for his driver to bring the car around. Seeing the car pull up, he boarded the sleek black vehicle and signaled the driver to head towards his dungeon.

His time had been filled with company affairs and finding his kitten but this did not mean he forgot about the chubby little man currently in his dungeon. Oh how could he forget? That man was one more hit on his way to completing his mission.

He smirked, 'Guess I can let a little steam off today!

Shufen who sat pressed against the other side of the car, shivered. He knew that whatever happened tonight would be nothing less than gruesome. His boss was already in a foul mood from his incompetence from not finding the woman and the pig locked up was the perfect outlet for his boss frustration.

As the car pulled up to a slow stop, Xi Long alighted from the car and headed towards the house before him. It was a simple two-story building with a white paint coat, warm lights, and sounds of laughter coming from outside. The picture of a safe and warm house was all an illusion created by him. The house was inhabited with his assassins, anyone who stopped by would see a loving family but they were all cold blooded killers. They were the gatekeepers to the dungeon stopping anyone who wanted to enter and anyone who tried to leave.

Entering the house, he nodded at the four people in the living room and made his way down to the basement. In the corner for the room there was a small rope, once pulling the rope a staircase would be revealed. His foot harshly went against the wooden boards as he descended down. Screams and sounds of torture echoed in his ears, the smell of decaying flesh and blood mixing in the air.

Pulling out black latex gloves from his pocket, he slipped them on and grabbed a small suitcase laying at the foot of the steps. With the small suitcase in his grasp he headed towards the end of the room. This portion of the dungeon was the upper floor, which was used for recent captures and to hold weaker individuals. The bottom floor filled with the highest level torture possible. Hu Bao, being the stumpy man he was, was thrown in a cell near the end of the room. It was easy access and would set a precedent for any other person on what would happen if they dare disobey Xi Long.

His shoulders tensed as he walked further into the room in a small cage, a chubby man lay in the corner. Within the span of 48 hours he was unrecognizable. His body was torn, lash marks were welting, and dark bruises covered his body from being constantly beaten. Entering the cage Xi Long placed the suitcase on the floor and opened it up to reveal an array of weapons.

An evil glint entered his eyes, these weapons were his personal favourite collection. It was not filled with guns or anything that could immediately kill you, but would make you regret every second you stay alive. There were sharp surgical knives designed to pierce past flesh, shackles laced with a flesh eating bacteria, a clamp to hold the victim down, and much more that would be too gruesome to describe. Although he by title, was the Young Master of the Han family and current CEO to the Xi Corporation, he had a darker side he contained. To run a household and business such as his, you needed to he cold blooded and the monster that raged inside of him was always on the brink of coming out. If that monster got out there was no one could stop his fury.

Times such as this, the monster lazily viewed his prey in front of him. It was weakened and could do nothing to escape, so why kill him immediately when he could play?

Hearing footsteps getting closer to him, Hu Bao in his disoriented state curled up and tried to move his body away from the unknown source. As he dragged his hagard body against the floor, a foot came raining down onto this ankle with harsh force. He screamed out in pain as the foot dug deeper until he felt his ankle snap. He could no longer control his screams as he was in agonizing pain. Ugly sobs escaped him, before he could even mourn for his ankle he felt a cold metal object against his body. Its sharp point was stabbed into his chest barely missing his heart. The object was quickily removed then dragged across his stomach, a white cut appearing as blood leaked out of the wound. At this point, the pain had reached a new high where he was unable to understand what part of his body was injured and what was not. He had tried to block the attacker and turn his body but he leaned his body onto a pile of spikes.

Gazing from above Xi Long watched as the man pathetically tried to protect himself and impaled himself onto the spikes he left on the floor. Seeing his blood leaking out, a small smile appeared on his face. This man's pain made him happy but the level of torture was nowhere near to his liking. True satisfaction would be when he had tortured and destroyed him so much he begged to die. How would it be revenge if it was not at least this much?

Flashes of memories passed by his mind as he remembered the tragic incident from five years ago. This puny man before him was one of the people responsible for the tragedy. He swore he would get revenge and make every single person involved experience the pain of what they did.

Crouching down, he flexed his latex clad fingers and pulled a small thumb sized tool from his suitcase. He grasped onto Hu Bao's chubby fingers and held it tightly in his grasp. Putting the finger through the hole of the tool, he pressed against the lever. Feeling his finger go through a metal tool, his body tensed and he urgently screamed out.

"Please, please spare me. Please let me go. What did I do to you? How much money would it take you to leave me? Please spare me, please beat me, whip me, but please leave my finger. Please..."

"Spare you?" A dark chuckle echoed through the room. Hu Bao's eyes widened and his body tensed. The cold voice rang in his ears as fear took over, he knew exactly who this was. No matter how he begged throughout the past two days his torturers would not tell him who had captured in him. He never imagined that he would end up in this man's hands and it meant he had no way of escaping - his death was set.